Supper with friends…

We had our friends over for supper on Saturday night. Supper? What she say?

We always have company over for dinner but this time we wanted to do something informal, not fussy, without a lot of mess and cleanup.

When I was growing up we had supper every night. That’s what it was called. We also had Sunday dinners.

I’ve never given it much thought until now. We had dinner when the boys were growing up. We still call it dinner.

The age-old question, “What do want for dinner?” Dinner, not supper. The answer is always, “I dunno.”

After we invited our friends on Friday night, Marty and I started brainstorming what I could make.

We both wanted something informal and easy. A meal that I could just pull out of my ass like a magic trick.

We decided on Thai red curry with chicken and veggies. I make variations of this dish all the time; sometimes even for lunch.

I have to say I make pretty good Thai food. Once I taught myself how, I mix up the curry paste, proteins, and vegetables.

The curry was served family-style with a big bowl of steamed jasmine rice.

My friend David leaned over to me when he tasted it and told me it was good.

His husband Arthur made the sound, “mmmmmm” when he likes something. Yay!

I knew it was good when Martin, a chef, ate two bowls of food. I was pretty happy about that since he doesn’t eat much.

I call it a supper because everyone came to eat a meal. The evening started at 6:30 and ended at 8:30 pm. An early night for everyone. Like supper.

It was great just sharing a meal with friends and having a chance to catch up. Like people did back in the day when people said supper.

Instead of worrying about shit all the time, I use my brain to think of this kind of stuff. 😂

Below is a link of my recipe for Thai red curry that I wrote for my cooking class.

Remember, you can use any protein and veggies. The recipe isn’t limited to what I wrote.

*** sorry the link didn’t open. I am not a techie. I’ll try to put up the recipe another way.

Daily spa treatment…

Frenchies are special little dogs that were bred for the elite to be lap dogs.

They fall deeply in love with their owners and cannot be left alone for more than 3-4 hours tops.

Frenchie owners have to be aware of this before their little scrunchy face comes home.

For us, we work in the production kitchen behind our home; 38 steps away.

We check in on Nelly on longer production days. She knows now when we say, “We’ll be right back” that we will be.

She used to have terrible separation anxiety and took it out on anything she could get her hands on.

She didn’t destroy furniture as Otto did, he ate our leather couch.

She would knock things over, chew up any paper, and two TV remotes which was our fault for leaving them where she could reach them

Another thing Frenchie owners have to do every day is grooming, or in Nelly’s case, her spa treatment.

I started this routine the morning after she was delivered to us so she would get used to it right away.

We couldn’t ever clean, brush, or clip Klaus or Otto’s nails. They would growl a scary growl that made us back off.

Frenchies can’t clean themselves so there is a lot of butt wiping. We say, “Let me check your hiney” and she stops on a dime for a wipe.

Female Frenchies need their female parts cleaned as part of their daily grooming routine. It’s no big deal.

Next, cleaning in between those adorable wrinkles on their faces and their ears are done everyday.

Longer spa days once a week including clipping her nails and smoothing them out with a grinder is no problem.

Nelly sleeps through the process and finds it relaxing. I find that relaxing too.

Finally, she gets a small amount of doggie coconut oil sprayed on her brush and I remove any loose fur.

She loves the brushing so much and likes to sniff the brush before we start.

After her spa treatment. Lol.

Nelly joins Sam and me always smelling things we use. Laundry, lotions, shampoos, spices, food, new items, etc.

I always let her smell any new fruit or veggie she gets. She loves the smell of watermelon and the fruit itself. She recognizes it now.

I haven’t shared our special spa time together everyday with anyone, so today was the day.

She is the little love of our lives. We are very lucky we found her or she found her way to us almost a year ago this month.

It’s my birthday…

58 trips around the sun. This is going to be my best year yet; I can feel it.

I’ve been working on releasing things that no longer serve me and removing blockages.

My niece Tabatha, pointed out that we had a vortex in our home. Vortexes are bad, it’s when two mirrors are facing each other.

Why kind of psychic medium am I?

As soon as my brother and Tabby left on Sunday afternoon, I removed the living room mirror. I left the one in our dining room.

It wasn’t my imagination, I felt a shift occur. I believe the vortex was blocking good luck, prosperity, and opportunities to come through our home.

The vortex was located two feet from the front door. I educated myself about the two mirror thing and was shocked I didn’t feel it.

Again, what kind of medium am I?

I guess it’s like reiki, it works on anything I touch or send remotely but I can’t feel it on myself.

This morning we made a trip to Saratoga to make spätzle deliveries and we found these two mugs at TJ Maxx which are perfect for tea.

They were waiting for me on my birthday for $5 each. A bargain! 🥳

This afternoon and evening I will be belly dancing with my friends and students. My leg is feeling great. Knock on wood.

I pulled a container of meatballs and sauce out of the freezer. We will make a little pasta when I get home.

Presto, one of my favorite birthday dinners as a child. Mmmmmmm! 🍝

Have a great day, guys! Thanks for letting me be me.


You never know what you will stumble upon when you go to the store for a tube of BenGay.

I found this adorable princess crown at our local DG for $1.

I hobbled over to the self-checkout, which I despise, and paid for my little treasure and topical hot cold shit for my right leg.

I pulled my right glute muscle in the first dance class of 2019. It hurt for months.

When the weather gets cold, it literally kicks my ass. The pain has been pretty steady for most of February.

After leaving DG I went to dance class. I moved my right leg a little too far out and Boom! It felt like an arrow in my leg. 🎯

Needless to say, I couldn’t put any weight down on that leg but managed with a lot of pain to do upper body strength training moves and teach classes.

I was pissy on my way home and was in agony. When I got home I quickly tried on Nelly’s little crown, my heart melted and it cheered me up.

This little princess has become our magical princess that turns frowns upside down, and makes us so happy and lovey-dovey.

She is such a cuddle bug but likes to play hard. She knows how to play Marty like a fiddle which is the cutest thing ever for me to watch.

She was in her glory this weekend and I was too since my brother Dan and my 16-year-old niece Tabatha came to visit.

We had a wonderful time getting to each other better with lots of one one-on-one time.

We only met for the first time at the end of 2019 just before Covid. We still have a lot to catch up on and this was our chance.

Noah and Aja came for dinner on Friday night. Dan and Noah had a lot of stuff to chat about. It made my heart so happy!

Just as they were packing up to leave today, Sam showed up after spending time in Lake George for the weekend.

It was great they could at least talk for a few minutes before they headed back to Jersey.

It was a weekend retreat for them and me. We had lots of laughs, lots of stories to tell, and a few tears and we talked about the good and bad things we got from our father.

Father. Sperm donor. He was never a dad to his 3 children and split when Dan was 6 months old.

He never knew about me which was absolutely the best thing for me and my biological mom.

I am headed to bed with little Miss Nelly now. I know I’ll fall asleep with a smile on my face and more love in my heart. ♥️

***Post done on my iPhone so excuse the errors.

Butter swim biscuits…

Last Wednesday, when I was at my dance partner Kathleen’s house between belly dance classes, she showed me what she baked earlier that day. 

You guessed it, butter swim biscuits. She let me smell them, and I looked at them. They made my mouth water.

Within one minute, I found a gluten-free recipe almost identical to the conventional recipe she used. 

Friday morning, Marty’s birthday, I decided to make the biscuits. I failed. Dammit. I did everything correctly and knew I failed before putting them in the oven. 

The dough was described in the recipe as a moist dough. I had a soupy mess. Shit. I added more flour than the recipe called for just until it came together. I proceeded with the recipe.

As they baked, I thought I saved them. I let them cool as instructed. Then I tried serving them. The insides were gooey. I was pissed. We ate one each, but eating it wasn’t pleasant, and we needed salt big time.

The next day, I went on YouTube and watched Southern cooks turn out the most glorious butter swim biscuits, and there was no fussy shit.

I watched their technique and how they measured their flour by scooping a cup into it. I used to measure flour this way, and that’s why I failed.

When I follow gluten-free baking recipes, they are always more complicated than necessary. Every gluten-free blogger tries to up the others since they compete for how many subscriptions they have.

“You must not scoop when measuring your flour; you spoon the flour into the cup.” 

I follow the instructions if I want these gluten-free recipes to come out correctly. The next time I make the recipe, I cut out the bullshit extra steps and dishes.

The butter swim recipe I used had very few instructions for measuring the ingredients, followed by stirring it until a “moist dough” is formed.

There were no demo photos like most food blogs. Photos are extremely helpful, which is why I use them when I am writing a recipe.

I guess I back-seat drove the first time and measured my flour the “professional’ way. That was my mistake, silly Julz.

On Sunday morning, I needed to try making these butter whatamacallits again. Did I have to? Yes! I was still pissy; the first ones didn’t come out. I HATE wasting food and ingredients.

This time, I got to bake the way I used to, plunging the measuring cup right into the container of flour.

I added salt to the recipe, as all the Southern cooks did on YouTube. I was pleased with the outcome of the butter swim biscuits. They looked, tasted, and smelled like the ones I saw on YouTube.

After writing this, I know many people are shaking their heads and saying, “tisk tisk” at how bad these biscuits are for you since they are “swimming” in butter.

Butter swim biscuits use the same amount of butter or shortening as regular biscuits. These biscuits are a treat, not something you can eat daily unless you want to end up in a cath lab. 

Scones also use the same amount of butter, so I rarely make them. I believe food and eating should be thought of as “everything in moderation.

For example, if I want to eat a scone, biscuits and gravy, or high-fat items, I’d rather eat a small amount and be satisfied than make a low-fat version. Moderation.

So would I recommend making butter swim biscuits? Absolutely! They are also the easiest biscuits to make. 

We had the biscuits over three days with sausage gravy, preserves, and ham. They are so filling that you can only eat one, which helps when counting fat and cholesterol levels. 

I must admit I miss the days when I could buy pop & fresh biscuits and crack open that tube, like winding a jack in the box. Pop!

So, if you like dense, crunchy, and buttery af biscuits, these are for you! 

Just google butter swim biscuits, and a slew of recipes will come up, or go on YouTube and check out the southern cooks that helped me. 😊

Stay tuned…

Three words, butter swim biscuits. Yes, they are a thing and they are delicious.

I’ll be writing a post about them in a couple of days. In the meantime, be well and I’ll catch up with you soon. ☀️


Today is Marty’s birthday! I made his card for him this year.

It’s very simple since I am a just starting to learn how to draw, but I think I captured Nelly’s sweetness.

Happy Friday! 💖

Art lessons…

Since I took art classes back in my school days, I’ve always wanted to take more. Life didn’t allow that until now.

I still always think I have to take any kind of classes in person. Why the hell I don’t think about online classes is beyond me.

My friend Arthur who lives next door has many of the same wants on our still to do lists.

One day he shared he was taking art lessons on line. I was like…oohhhh.

I think he is most interested in painting where I wanted to learn to draw and sketch. Perhaps eventually learning to paint as well.

Arthur gave me the name of the online teacher he uses and I checked him out. Then I found another art teacher from Vancouver.

Michael Markowsky created lessons during the initial lockdown during the pandemic.

The lesson are free but you can send him small donations which I plan to do.

I like his way of teaching and noticed many of the same methods to his teaching as mine in teaching belly dancing.

He makes noises and sound effects when he is demonstrating drawing shapes. I think of music and our dance moves as shapes as well.

Bottom line, I get this guy. Today, I attempted my first perspective drawing.

I have already seen where I mistakes and I need to get a small ruler to make the perspective lines straight.

Am I happy with what I have learned in the first three weeks of lessons? Fuck yeah.

I am a right-sided thinker and found drawing shapes and shading difficult.

I have to pause the video and practice a few times that day and the next before proceeding with the lesson.

One day, after an hour and a half of a lesson, my brain hurt the way it used to when during standardized testing as a student.

We were encouraged to draw one or two rooms in our homes before starting the next lesson. Our bedroom is next.

I have not learned how to add small details and circles or ovals yet.

When I walk into rooms now, my eyes search for the perspective point in the room and can draw the room in my head.

That’s progress my friends I am super stoked about. Yay!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday guys.

Galentine’s Day tea party…

When my friend Maria planned a bonfire cookie party to celebrate her 60th birthday, she texted me that she knew I wouldn’t be able to come.

I couldn’t go because of my lung disease and the smoke. I was so touched that she remembered and thought of it.

She went on to text why don’t we do a tea party to celebrate both of our birthdays. 

Of course, I began planning what type of tea sandwiches, tea cakes, and sweets to make. 

I also invited our friend Kat to join us. Kat and I have been belly dancing for 20 years. 

Kat and Maria were friends. She brought Maria to one of our belly dance shows. I think she came to class the following week.

Yesterday morning, I found an article about Galentine’s Day. Here’s the article I read to find out about it.

What Is Galentine’s Day? Meaning and Origin of the Modern Holiday | YourDictionary

“Gal”entines Day can be celebrated between February 1 and 13. The tea party was set for Saturday, February 10, so it qualified 

I baked Earl gray tea cakes on Friday and glazed them with a made-from-scratch lavender glaze. Next, I baked lemon bars made with Meyer lemons. They came out amazing. 

Finding Meyer lemons at Trader Joe’s that were $2.99 a bag, the same price as conventional and less than $3.99 for organic, is fantastic. 

Just before the party, I made two kinds of tea sandwiches. The first was a cucumber and Boursin cheese sandwich. I used the Boursin cheese I made for “Sydney’s omelet.” It made the sandwiches so flavorful. 

I forgot to take a photo of the sandwich platter. 😑

I whipped up a small batch of curried egg salad for the other sandwiches. The table setting came together quickly since I had a lot of different serving pieces and dishes.

Maria brought a tea party floral arrangement in a teacup. It couldn’t have been more perfect!

Nelly was a little doll and so happy to have friends over. She loves Maria, and she took her to Kat immediately. She settled into her little bed in the dining room. She would go over to Kat for a little loving. 

She also spent her time inside Maria’s sweater that was hung on the stair post. Nelly smelled Maria & Jon’s three dogs, two donkeys, two chickens, one cat, and a flock of sheep. 

Note…the sweater didn’t smell like any of the animals to a human’s nose. LOL.

I have always loved having tea parties since I was a little girl, plus I got to use my Mema’s rosebud teacups. I have beautiful memories of Mema and me drinking tea and having Stella Dora Anisette Toast. 💖

My friends and I enjoyed the food and tea. We had fun conversations and lots of laughs, exactly like the new holiday we had learned about, Galentine’s Day!

I took the leftover cookies with me to Martin’s dinner party last and got to share them with my other friends. Life is really good.

Crystal dance…

Our bathroom window.

Since Marty finally got his CPAP machine last week we both have been sleeping! Yay! 🤩

Feeling well rested and the sun shining brightly for days has me in high-gear cleaning mode.

I needed to give our upstairs a good cleaning and every day I accomplished a couple of projects.

The projects are things that I knew needed to be done such as high and low dusting.

Our two chandeliers also needed a dusting big time and I set up a CPAP area next to Marty’s side of the bed.

When it was in the low 50s this afternoon I tackled the four upstairs windows.

I was still in a funk and didn’t feel like fall cleaning them plus I didn’t do them in the springtime because I was still unwell.

Honestly, the windows were horrible . I am a clean freak so I was so disgusted when I noticed how much of the glorious sunshine wasn’t getting through the grime.

Now, the windows look fantastic and the rooms are brighter.

After I cleaned the mini chandelier in the bathroom I noticed how the reflections of the crystals danced around the room.

In true Julz fashion, I called Marty to come see. Him and my boys always come to look at things I show them.

I didn’t realize it’s living in the moment which I have been doing for as long as I can remember, not just something new when I pulled my head out of my ass this fall.

Big full moons or perfect crescents. The sky on a clear night. Star gazing, rainbows, big snowflakes, sun rises and sun sets, the smell of a summer rain. You get the picture.

I have a few more projects then I’ll be baking sweets for a tea party I am hosting on Saturday.

Many of you will recognize one of my guests, I’ll be sure to take photos.