My favorite subject…

I haven’t made time to draw lately with all the warm weather activities and projects going on but last night I was inspired.

Nelly, as you know, is my favorite subject to draw. I can see the mistakes I made but I am still learning.

This was an exercise in capturing her face not straight on, but looking sideways.

It was tricky and I had to erase and start over a handful of times when it came to the nose and mouth. In the end, I think I nailed it.

Her muscular arm should have had more curve to the forearm, but again I’m learning.

This was a really fun drawing with Nelly pressed up against me while I sketched.

I like to share my art pieces, if you can call it that, so I can look back at my improvement over time.

One thing is for sure, I do have my own style and it shows loud and clear in the piece.

Have a great day!

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