And, we pray…

I spent Friday and Saturday afternoon, and the early morning on Sunday to create and plant my wildflower garden.

I did everything they said to do on various YouTube videos but there was one young woman who really spoke to me.

I realized all the things I’ve done wrong when planting seeds in the past. Now I had the chance to do things right.

I cut out the flower bed, removed the lawn, and edged it. It went smoothly.

It was a bit of work, but I am feeling fantastic these days without any breathing issues and after last Tuesdays colonoscopy, I am in complete remission! 🥳

The thing I was doing wrong when planting seeds was either burying them too deep or covering them too much.

I finally figured out what cover lightly means. The gal on YouTube had a great suggestion when it was time to plant my seeds.

She showed how sprinkled the seeds in the lightly cultivated flower bed. She stepped on the seeds so they wouldn’t fly away or float away.

Next, she used a colander to cover the seeds lightly with potting mix. Ah, that’s what lightly means.

So I did that. She said to water the seeds every morning and evening unless it rains until the seeds germinate keeping it moist. Then water as needed.

Nelly was helping to stamp on the seeds.

I used a bag of northeast native perennial seeds. It looked like a lot but it wasn’t, a common mistake people make.

I also added sunflower and annual seeds to the mix along with Ann’s seeds.

My friend Ann from NJ, who visits our area gave me a bag of different mums and other flower seeds she collects in the fall.

When I was done I prayed. Now, all I can do is wait and see what happens.

I know wildflower gardens take years to become lush and full by reseeding itself but I’d be happy with some flowers. 🙂

2 Replies to “And, we pray…”

  1. Wow, great job getting that lawn out, that’s hard work. It’s going to be beautiful!!

  2. Good job!! Now keep and eye out for birds that may want to eat the seeds!!

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