Garden dreams…

My garden dreams I imagined all winter are becoming a reality!

The garden exploded and got even bigger after last night’s much needed rain. Nothing waters gardens like Mother Nature.

The Fourth of July tomato plant already has 6 small tomatoes. It’s June 7th! Wow! The other tomato plants all have yellow flowers on them.

It’s amazing watching something that I grew from seeds turn into flowers and veggie plants. They grow every day!!!

I am tickled pink every morning when I go say hello to my garden. This brings me so much joy!

We will be eating very well this summer! 😎

*** Update: I know how toxic morning glory seeds are to animals and children. After someone mentioned this to me with concern for our little Nelly, I researched how to let morning glories reseed themselves while keeping things under control.

Deadheading the flowers causes more blooms, which I planned on doing anyway. Now, I know I have to deposit the deadhead somewhere safe. I am sure some seeds will fall, especially in the fall, but rest assured, Nelly is never in that section of our yard unsupervised.

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