Mary, Mary….

See how my garden grows. My flowers and vegetable garden in my Vegtrug raised garden beds is off to an amazing start!

I wrote about the greens in one of the beds last week. Since then, the three other beds have skyrocketed.

I bought most of my veggies plants but from seed I planted the greens, English and sugar snap peas. In another bed, I planted beet, carrot, and green bean seeds.

Next year, I plant to attempt veggies. I am already excited about it.

Green beans, beets, and carrots.

The parsnip seeds I planted in another bed haven’t done anything so far. I’m getting a little bummed out.

I am growing 3 varieties of tomatoes; San Marzano, Big Beef, and Fourth of July.

I never saw Fourth of July tomatoes before which are supposed to produce tomatoes by the Fourth.

Yesterday, I noticed I have those precious little yellow flowers on that plant. It’s incredible that they can cultivate when something is supposed to ready by.

I’ll keep you posted on that. I planted herbs, another tomato plant, and some cucumbers in containers.

I went to a nursery that I haven’t been to since the boys were young. They always had different varieties of things you don’t see.

I decided to visit the sweet couple that own The Greenery in Salem, NY again in April. The two kinds of petunias I chose are different from any other ones I’ve seen.

The wildflower garden I put in last week is loaded with tiny seedlings. The perennial garden in front of our house is doing nicely.

The thing I’ve really enjoyed is our hummingbird feeder. I have to be honest, this is the first one we’ve ever had.

As I watch the hummingbirds go back and forth from the feeder right outside of the window in our back room I wondered why this was the first.

I realized why. I never had time before to first of all sit still enough to enjoy one or have the time to change the sugar water every couple of days.

Marty and I are both enjoying watching the hummers. Whenever we sit in the back room there are always one or two that come by.

Marty said I have spent more time outside this year than I have since the boys were young and he’s right. I am loving it too.

Working on my wildflower garden.

Last year’s close call made me reevaluate everything in my life and I’ve changed in miraculous ways. All for the better.

I don’t have silver bells or cockle shells in my garden like Mary did, I have so much! ♥️

One Reply to “Mary, Mary….”

  1. Wonderful start to your gardens. Give your parsnips a little more time. They’re slow starters, but always catch up. You look calm and fantastic Julz.

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