And, we pray…

I spent Friday and Saturday afternoon, and the early morning on Sunday to create and plant my wildflower garden.

I did everything they said to do on various YouTube videos but there was one young woman who really spoke to me.

I realized all the things I’ve done wrong when planting seeds in the past. Now I had the chance to do things right.

I cut out the flower bed, removed the lawn, and edged it. It went smoothly.

It was a bit of work, but I am feeling fantastic these days without any breathing issues and after last Tuesdays colonoscopy, I am in complete remission! 🥳

The thing I was doing wrong when planting seeds was either burying them too deep or covering them too much.

I finally figured out what cover lightly means. The gal on YouTube had a great suggestion when it was time to plant my seeds.

She showed how sprinkled the seeds in the lightly cultivated flower bed. She stepped on the seeds so they wouldn’t fly away or float away.

Next, she used a colander to cover the seeds lightly with potting mix. Ah, that’s what lightly means.

So I did that. She said to water the seeds every morning and evening unless it rains until the seeds germinate keeping it moist. Then water as needed.

Nelly was helping to stamp on the seeds.

I used a bag of northeast native perennial seeds. It looked like a lot but it wasn’t, a common mistake people make.

I also added sunflower and annual seeds to the mix along with Ann’s seeds.

My friend Ann from NJ, who visits our area gave me a bag of different mums and other flower seeds she collects in the fall.

When I was done I prayed. Now, all I can do is wait and see what happens.

I know wildflower gardens take years to become lush and full by reseeding itself but I’d be happy with some flowers. 🙂

Coming forward…

Above is a photo of me with my long thick hair. People who I knew well and not so well would ask me if it was real and could they touch it.

It was women who asked to touch my hair and would tell me how amazing my hair was. Then, it happened.

Last year, after a horrific year of sickness and breathing issues, it wasn’t until the end of July that the lung disease I was diagnosed with was not pulmonary fibrosis which would kill me in less than 3-5 years.

I had a nervous breakdown in March when I was first diagnosed with lung disease.

While I was waiting three months to see a specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock I was frightened and very stressed out.

The stress and thoughts running through my head made me become weak and fragile. The smoke from the Canadian wildfires didn’t help.

I didn’t want my family to watch me suffocate to death. I thought about getting it over with and sparing them a slow death.

Finally after seeing the Dartmouth pulmonologist and finding out this type of lung disease wasn’t deadly, I relaxed.

Then my hair started falling out at the end of August.

In the months following until January of this year, my hair came out at an astonishing rate.

Every day when I brushed my hair I would have brush fulls of hair come out.

After I washed my hair combs full of hair came out then more when I dried it.

I could pull literally handfuls of hair out of my head. It was very scary. I cried a lot as I put handfuls of hair in the bathroom garbage.

I felt like I was Samson losing all my power as I was trying to adjust to my new health issues.

I was afraid of losing all my hair out of vanity I guess. My hair was my thing. My one last good thing.

As we age skin loosens and things sag. Every day is like opening a fortune cookie; today you will get age spots on your face. Oh look, varicose veins.

If you are older than 45 you know what I am talking about. Different pains, more grunts and groans. Losing the figure you once had.

No one really prepares you for old age, not that I consider myself old. I am older. lol.

Nothing prepared me for my hair falling out of my fucking head. Luckily, it fell out all over my head and not in clumps like alopecia.

I began looking at wigs and hair extensions. As soon as I googled wigs, all of my newsfeeds were full of women’s hair loss.

Some women’s hair falls out like patterned baldness on top of their heads. I watched many reels of children, teens, men, and women with alopecia getting their first real hair wigs.

Wigs have come a long way since my Nana and Aunt Claire wore them.They look so real and they don’t come off.

I watched a young wig specialist who has alopecia herself dive into a pool and her wig which was made of human hair stayed put and looked like real wet hair.

This changes the lives of people with alopecia. There are also easy-to-apply eyebrows for children and men to apply. Women can draw them on.

The eyebrows look so real. When young teens see themselves with real hair and eyebrows they wept tears of joy. Boys and girls alike.

My hair loss slowed down by the end of January then over the next couple of months went back to a regular amount of hairs we all lose every day about 100 they say.

I did try a synthetic hair extensions that looked good but was such a pain in the ass to put on and it was very uncomfortable.

It looked like my hair!

I knew I would never be able to wear anything on my head in the warm weather since I sweat like a pig from my head.

March 2024

That’s when I decided to cut my now stringy long hair that was holding on for dear life.

With a little help from Marty I gave myself a blunt cut just past my shoulders. I plan to keep this length while all the hairs are growing back in.

Some hair is already two inches long. I can feel in top of my head how thick it’s growing back. Thank goodness.

It’s thick on top. 😂

Stress is a killer. I knew I was stress out having panic and anxiety attacks constantly last year, but I didn’t know I was stressed that bad.

It’s taken me a while to get up the courage to write about my hair loss. My hair still looks ok just thin.

The photo that I took tonight is very hard for me to post. I am exhausted after today’s production and look horrible.


I can tell from my expression that I am uneasy with a forced smile and my body language is stiff.

I can also tell that when I feel like I look good I tilt my head which isn’t the case in tonight’s photo.

So that is my hair loss story. A hard tale to tell but I did it.

I am finally realizing my power was not in my hair but was in me all along.

Gulp, I’m hitting publish now. 😕

Crisp edges…

Our old house.

I’ve always wanted crisp, clean live edges on my flower beds in front of our house. I tried to do them a few times whenever I mulched each year.

I didn’t know how to do it, but I attempted it anyway. The grass and weeds crept back into the flower beds before the Fourth of July—every year. Ugh!

The flower beds had no definitive edges since the grass crept in.

I’ve always admired properties with beautiful flower beds and precisely edged-lawns. This is so common everywhere, especially in fancy homes and developments.

Finally, this winter, I was hell-bent on having properly edged flower beds with organic shapes. Why does it matter, and what’s the big deal about edges? I like them, that’s why.

I started watching YouTube videos last week and found a guy who wasn’t a professional; he was a kook like me. I started my edging project on Friday; I worked all day on Saturday and Sunday.

The shaping and edging of the bed. I am a perfectionist and drove myself crazy during this phase.

Toward the end of the edging, I started using the proper half-moon edger tool that the guy from YouTube was using. Marty picked it up for me when he was getting mulch. This was a major game-changer!

My super duper half-moon edger.

Take a look at that edge and deep trench, baby!

The job went faster and easier than with the shovel I had previously used. I felt like the kooky guy who was as obsessed as I was.

On Monday, I did the actual mulching, which was done before noon, and so was the little bit of sunshine we had that morning.

Most of the days I worked, it was cool, cloudy, or lightly raining, which was the best time for me to work on this kind of project.

As a side note…When I start a project, I become consumed with it until it’s done. Marty is the same way. This is how we get shit done so fast.

I wore the same sweatpants, t-shirt, and hoodie throughout the project. It’s sort of gross, but whatever.

I figured that since my clothes were already filthy from sitting and kneeling in the dirt, why dirty more clothes? Work smarter, not harder.

Ta-da! It may not be a big deal to most people, but the kooky people know it is!

I am super proud of how crisp and clean my edges are. It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it.

From now on, I can keep the edge crisp after the lawn is mowed with a weed whacker. I watched the guy do that in his video, too!

Next spring, I will have to clean up the edges, which will take no longer than one afternoon using my half-moon tool.

I also added some perennials to fill the beds with lots of color. They will also cover under the porch railing, which is unsightly to me.

The perennials were a small investment that will spread and return fuller each spring. Why the hell didn’t I do this before? I wasn’t inspired, I guess.

Was my project worth the time spent? You bet your ass it was, and not only that, but it looks fabulous too!

For my next project, I am creating a wildflower garden from scratch with a live edge in our backyard near the pool.

This is another project that I decided was worth the effort this past winter. The wildflower garden will get better every year when it starts reseeding itself. I am giddy just thinking about it.

I’m starting that project tomorrow afternoon, and I am confident that it won’t be that hard now that I know what I’m doing.

Mother’s Day…

Planting flowers, herbs, and veggie gardens have been a tradition since my first Mother’s Day.

I’ve learned the hard way after 28 years to not go full steam ahead. My veggie plants, herbs, and root vegetable seeds will wait until after our last frost date 5/24.

I did start some English peas, sugar snap peas, arugula, spinach, and lettuce a couple of weeks ago.

I’m not sure if I need to thin out the greens please comment if you know I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Yesterday morning, Noah and Aja stopped by bright and early. They bought me the most beautiful and perfect hanging basket.

The flowers are different shades of purple with deep purple almost black vines.

Aja picked out the most beautiful piece of butterfly art for my garden. It flaps its wings in the breeze. I love it so much.

I made three hanging baskets with 3 small varieties of flowers. I saw a few I loved over the winter when I was studying gardening.

This year, I planted English cottage flowers that should spill out of the baskets with a soft appearance.

So far, I love how they look. If we do get a frost I can bring them inside easily.

Later in the day, I got a call from Sam wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day.

I am still in awe that my body made such incredible sons. It was the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever accomplished, twice!

Mother’s Day is joyful for some people and an emotional day for others. It’s been both for me for many years.

This was the first Mother’s Day I thought of my mother Eileen fondly and wished her a Happy Mother’s Day in heaven.

It feels amazing to not carry around all that pain and anger anymore.

I haven’t written much this week because I’ve been working on a big outdoor project that is close to completion.

I can’t wait to share it with you! 🤗

In the garden…

The flowers began getting lighter after a few days.

My sister Jen and my niece Sofia came for a quick visit a couple of weeks ago.

Jen bought me a beautiful blue nikko hydrangea scrub/plant.


The color was stunning I never saw any flower that blue before besides in photos of Cape Cod.

The same week my three tulips bloomed, yes I only have three but will be planting many more this fall.

I usually drive by them going in and out of the driveway. I can’t see them from the house or the porch.

This year, I used my brain and thought, “Hey, dumbass, why don’t you cut the tulips and enjoy them inside.”

They were so pretty and colorful. I loved watching them open during the day and close at night.

Shhhhh, I don’t know they did that. Some kind of gardener I am, but I’ve learned a lot over the winter.

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and planted the blue hydrangea in our front yard garden bed.

I followed exactly how they did it on YouTube videos. The flowers were spent so I clipped them off in the right spot.

They say if you do this you will have continuous blooms until the fall. I hope so, how cool would that be?

After I got done giving the hydrangea a hair cut, I fertilized the ground before I put the hydrangea in the hole I dug.

I watered it and said a pray it survives. This is not something I would have bought myself. So fingers crossed. 🙏🏼🤞🏼

I still have a lot of work to do out the front garden beds before I start snapping photos.

I can’t wait to show you what else I’ll be planting. I’m going to a plant sale on Saturday and hoping to pick up a few more perennials.

That’s it from here, have a great night guys!

Our playful girl…

I know I post a shitload of Nelly photos with her looking so peaceful and usually sleeping.

That’s the cuddly side of her. Then there is the funny and playful side. She is hysterical to watch.

Nelly is great at keeping herself busy with her toys if I am busy in the house.

My role is Nelly’s nurturer, her spa attendant, her private chef, and most of all her mommy. I love these rolls.

I didn’t not chose to be her playmate.

When Klaus was alive he was Nelly’s playmate. That was the best year of his life.

After Klausie died Marty filled that role and Nelly is as relentless with him as she was with Klaus.

She pulls all her tricks to get him to play with her like she did with Klaus.

I miss that big goofball so much, but not all that barking.

She barks at him, snaps at his limps like piranha girl, tries to rile him up until he can’t say no.

See why I didn’t chose that role? 😂

After 15 minutes of playing her favorite game of fetch the ball, Klaus taught her well, she is exhausted.

Once exhausted, she will snuggle with Marty for hours with piranha girl no where in sight. Just daddy’s little sweetheart.

Marty is at the farmers market today so Nelly is content to snuggle next to me any chance she gets, listens for the sounds of me cutting up fruits or vegetables, and follows me from room to room.

Before we got Nelly, we spoke to our breeder in depth specifying exactly the kind of dog we needed at this point in our lives.

We wanted a little cuddle bug with a playful side and boy, did he deliver. ☺️


I drew this last Sunday. I look for things that I want to learn to draw. I liked this style and how whimsical it was.

I always show my practice pieces to my friend and dance student Maria Wulf.

She liked my version of the drawing better than the original, “It has more movement and feeling.”

I added a bumblebee, a ladybug, and a couple more flies. They needed to be there.

I knew that as I was recreating the original it felt too angular and straight to me.

You can see Maria’s style of artwork on her website at http://fullmoonfiberart

I wonder what I’ll draw next? Like my blog posts I have no idea.

Lemon vinaigrette…

Cold shrimp scampi salad

Inspiration comes from everywhere. As a young cook, I HAD to use recipes; if I didn’t, I would become paralyzed by fear of messing up. I felt the same way when I was driving and feared getting lost.

Once, I made a dish, probably more than ten times; I didn’t need the recipe anymore but never deviated from the original.

I made the dish this way for years; then, I began to learn what flavors went with what and started cooking “my” food. It is an ever-evolving process.

I watched the documentary Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, which changed my thoughts about food. I finally understood why some food was spectacular, and others were mediocre at best.

I learned how to balance a dish. I discovered what umami was and why it’s called the fifth sense. I finally learned how to season a dish properly. These things take regular home cooking to the next level and beyond.

Flash forward 20 years, and now I use recipes to inspire or see ingredient ratios. I will still follow a new or tricky recipe until I learn it. In baking, recipes are a must for most people since you can’t wing it.

My inspirations for the summer.

Look, anyone can cook and has to start somewhere. Back in the day, I used Betty Crocker and The Joy of Cooking cookbooks. Today, new cooks have YouTube, online cooking classes, food blogs, and other social media platforms.

Food was always an essential part of my life back then, and I wanted to get better. It took a decade or two before I stopped apologizing for my food and getting embarrassed when people complimented me on my cooking.

I use the food blog Love and Lemons whenever I am looking for new fantastic vegetable mains, sides, or salads. The food and recipes on this blog feel a bit like sunshine to me.

One of my readers asked for the lemon vinaigrette dressing recipe I used on the green beans & scallops salad I made this week. Here is the link to Love and Lemons recipe for Lemon Vinaigrette. I replaced the thyme used in the recipe with tarragon.

I have no affiliation with Love and Lemons, but when I like something, I share it. I’m sure anyone could find at least 3-5 recipes they would like to try; I have mine earmarked.

I hope this post inspires someone and a new food blog to check out. Something I always have on hand? Lemons. 🍋

A week of veggies…

Now that I planted my first garden bed, I’ve been craving delicious, crisp, tender veggies and salads.

I know it’s still a little early to get carried away, but I had a lot of leftovers, so I turned those into three incredible meals.

English peas, sugar snap peas, arugula, spinach, and lettuce are in.

I had a bunch of asparagus that didn’t make last Saturday night’s plates when Jen and Sofia visited.

I cut all the asparagus the same length and used whatever I chopped off the bottoms that were still edible.

I steamed the bottom bits and sautéed them in butter, salt, and pepper. Next, I made soft and creamy French-style scrambled eggs in a separate pan.

I added the asparagus to the eggs and some grated Swiss cheese, and you know what? It was my best bite of food in 2024 so far.

I could beat my husband and son for calling asparagus AS-PAR-A-GUS.

It’s forever in my brain saying it and typing it in my head. I’ve slipped on many occasions to people I don’t know. Try saying it that way.

The second meal was a Thai beef salad. I forgot to take photos, which is too bad because my plating looked better than the recipes I followed.

It was so refreshing and flavorful. It was so Thai. Here’s a link to that recipe.

Finally, I had some scallops that I took home from Martin’s dinner party.

He made 5 pounds of them, and there was no way I would leave all the leftovers behind.

He seared them and finished them with a pan sauce. They were so delicious, even better than the filet mignon, in my opinion.

The next day, I blanched some green beans and made a lemon vinaigrette. I tossed in the cold scallops, and holy shit! It’s another refreshingly fantastic salad.

I love sharing new food ideas with you guys, which may spark an idea or two for you, too.

The never-ending game of what to make for lunch and dinner is a daunting one; every little bit helps.

Happy Friday!

Behind the perfect food shot…

Roast beef club sandwich.

As we all know, I cook and bake a lot and when I say a lot I’m not kidding.

We live in a food desert here in Arlington, VT so it’s necessary if we want to eat things we love and miss.

I love plating my food not just for photos, but for most meals. I can’t help it. How food looks is just as important to me as the taste.

I have a facebook friend who asked another friend if I was really cooking “all that food” or was I getting it somewhere and plating it up. 😂

My friend told her I was indeed cooking it all myself and there is nothing around us where I could even buy food like I make. I’ll take it as a nice compliment.

This week I was craving a roast beef club sandwich, diner or deli style with fries and a pickle.

Friedman’s deli in NYC is probably the only place I could find a proper club sandwich on gluten-free toast.

Everything in all the Friedman’s locations can be made gluten-free except for the matzoh ball soup and one other thing I can’t remember for the life of me.

I did a lot of prep work and baking this morning. My sister Jen and her daughter Sofia are coming for a quick visit this weekend.

After I finished my kitchen to-do list, I made some fries and our club sandwiches.

Early this morning, I watched a couple of YouTube videos on the proper layering of club sandwiches so I could get it just right.

Long story short, I was thrilled with how good they came out. I took a couple of photos before we ate like I always do.

I called Marty for lunch and asked him to eat somewhere else since the kitchen was a fucking wreck. He happily ate in front of the TV.

I made a spot for myself at the kitchen workbench. I took a couple more photos and why Marty couldn’t eat with me.

The food blog shot.
The mess behind the good shot.

I laughed and took another photo of the picks in our sandwiches holding them together especially when cutting them in half.

I didn’t have the frilly ones that I love getting in diners and delis. I had to use bamboo skewers that worked exactly the same way but didn’t look as cute.

This gave me the idea to show how my food photos look during a food shot I would post.

Ingredient for Caesar dressing from scratch for tomorrow’s lunch grilled chicken Caesar salads.
I didn’t “clean as I go” this morning since I was working fast to get my to-do list done. I had to shove everything over to take the photos with the black background.

I edit my photos by taking out the ugly stuff and making some of them cookbook-worthy.

I don’t have the time to turn my food pics into a full-on photo shoot like professional food bloggers do.

That’s why this isn’t a food blog website, I don’t have the time or money to make that happen.

I’m glad it’s not a food-only blog since I never know what I am going to write until I sit down and start typing. Lol.

I like that each blog post comes from right field and no one knows what to expect, that includes me.

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy your weekend. Cheers.💜