Unexpected lifestyle change…

I came down with strep throat on April 24. I was pretty sick for a few days then the antibiotics kicked it.

I had no appetite when I had a fever of 102 for three days and it didn’t come back after it broke.

I was queasy for the 10 days I was taking the antibiotics and I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol. Ugh, I didn’t want to anyway.

When I was better I still had a small appetite and didn’t want to drink wine or any sort of cocktail. I drank lots and lots of water.

I could tell I lost weight so I weighed myself. I lost 5 pounds. Good I thought I could use too.

I noticed I could breathe better. I had more energy. I could dance fast at belly dance and not get winded doing anything.

I felt amazing. I began to eat healthier lighter food since the weather was warm. I became aware of what I was eating. I still wasn’t drinking alcohol.

The second week of May I had yet another colonoscopy at Dartmouth Hitchcock to see if the infusions were doing its job. They were and I am in complete remission!

The fasting was easy for me as I prepped for the colonoscopy. This was the first time I didn’t complain I was hungry or craving something.

Since then I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine at a dinner party that I didn’t really enjoy and they clobbered the hell out of me.

Could the alcohol be a contributing factor to my weight lose I started to wonder. Previously, I drank two glasses of wine or a cocktail every night.

I read up on it and yes that could be a factor for sure. I was sleeping better and woke up ready to tackle anything.

I got a call from my pulmonologist last Friday after completing a few different tests right before and the day of the colonoscopy, before I should add.

He said that nothing changed and my heart looked normal, no pulmonary hypertension which needed to be ruled out.

I told him how great I felt and how active I am again. I went on to tell him I am not winded when I am dancing fast or going up stairs anymore.

I feel 25 years younger like I did a long time ago. I also shared with him I lost 12 pounds since having strep throat.

He told me losing weight is making all those wonderful things happen and obviously why I feel so good.

If I wanted to stay asymptomatic and keep feeling like I do I need to continue to follow a healthy lifestyle.

In other words, keep doing what I’m doing. I’ve cooked some delicious and flavorful meals that are healthier for the both of us.

I started to lift weights again to tone my body and regain the muscle I lost. I’ve been swimming laps in our pool which is a lovely 87 degrees.

Will I drink again, I am sure I’ll have a drink here and there when we are with friends but maybe not since it has no appeal to me now.

I know I’ll still eat bad at Martin’s but I eat small portions anyway. I’m not on a diet, I’ve changed my lifestyle so I can breathe better and do the things I want to do again.

I feel amazing and young. I’m tan and have already been in our pool more than I did all last year, just floating around on my chaise lounge and relaxing.

My life is really great right now guys. I never in a million years I’d be here again and it feels fabulous!

This Chinese hoisin noodle stir fry was made with hearts of palm linguine, veggies and leftover steak. It was filling and so good.

I will be sharing my healthier meals and recipes as we go on from here. I know I can lighten up my cooking without sacrificing any deliciousness.

So far since having pneumonia last year I’ve lost about 26 lbs. I have 5 more pounds to go to be back into my ideal weight range.

It’s so weird that it took strep throat to completely change my life back for the better, which is where I want to stay.

6 Replies to “Unexpected lifestyle change…”

  1. Love hearing this Julz! Stinky strep, but so glad it all came together! Can’t wait for recipes!

  2. Very good for you. Healthier is better. I lost weight by norovirus.

  3. What a great read today – proud of you and your accomplishments.

  4. Hey Julz, it’s great to hear about your recovery from strep, weight loss, and healthier eating habits.

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