My garden dreams I imagined all winter are becoming a reality!
The garden exploded and got even bigger after last night’s much needed rain. Nothing waters gardens like Mother Nature.
The Fourth of July tomato plant already has 6 small tomatoes. It’s June 7th! Wow! The other tomato plants all have yellow flowers on them.
It’s amazing watching something that I grew from seeds turn into flowers and veggie plants. They grow every day!!!
Monster crop of greens and peas.Cucumbers.Green beans, carrots, and beets.Marigolds I started indoors in March.Zinnias I started indoors as well.
I am tickled pink every morning when I go say hello to my garden. This brings me so much joy!
We will be eating very well this summer! 😎
*** Update: I know how toxic morning glory seeds are to animals and children. After someone mentioned this to me with concern for our little Nelly, I researched how to let morning glories reseed themselves while keeping things under control.
Deadheading the flowers causes more blooms, which I planned on doing anyway. Now, I know I have to deposit the deadhead somewhere safe. I am sure some seeds will fall, especially in the fall, but rest assured, Nelly is never in that section of our yard unsupervised.
I appreciate the reader who kindly reached out to me via email. Thank you! ❤️
Last Monday, I morphed into Popeye, my dad, and an old Italian man from Elizabeth, NJ.
Why?? Let me explain. Popeye was a cartoon character that I loved watching growing up.
We’ve been eating spinach every day, just like Popeye, ours is fresh and his was canned. Eww.
I could feel my anger slowly simmering Monday morning as I watered my vegetable garden and flowers.
Our property fence line along our driveway is the only part of our property that I hate. Hate is a powerful word.
Finally, I said to myself, “I’ve had all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!” Cue the Popeye music.
I decided I no longer wanted that fence along our drive to be an eyesore, so I put on my thinking cap.
I stood there in my terrace garden and the idea popped into my head. 💡
I figured out what I could do with very little money and a lot of hard work. I came inside and looked on my phone for idea.
I searched for fast-growing flowers and vines to grow on the white fence to create a privacy wall.
I had an idea of what could work, but it turned out that the one I chose was a very expensive idea with slow growth.
After visiting a local farmer, I went to Clear Brook Farms and had a very nice employee help me.
I showed her a photo of what I wanted to cover, and the bigger problem was on the other side of the fence.
Weeds grew with a vengeance under the fence and onto our driveway. This was only part of bigger issues.
The lawn on the other side of our fence was cut or I should say hayed for the first time on Saturday this year. It grew to well over 2 feet.
Not only did the high grass house millions of bugs, but it was unsightly. It’s been this way every summer for many years.
Marty regularly sweeps our driveway so that when we walk barefoot, we won’t step on sharp rocks or stray grass clippings that could stick to our feet and get into the pool.
After the haying on the other side of our fence on Saturday, I saw that our driveway was loaded with hay clippings—I mean grass. This made me see red.
This is when I may have figured out what all the old Italian men were doing when they watered their driveways every summer.
Maybe they were removing grass clippings? It was always after dinner when they did this and were possibly killing two birds with one stone.
I can see them still in their trousers with a white tank under shirt on and a cigar hanging out of their mouth.
Or, they may have been watering the driveway to escape from their wives, or for no reason at all!
I got our hose and cleaned the driveway the Italian way. It was so hot outside on Monday that sweeping was not an option, and it went quickly.
My helper at Clear Brook Farm suggested growing morning glories on the fence. She told me they grow fast and would cover the fence in no time.
I found this image on Pinterest and fell in love with the look.
They were also only $5.25 for four packs, so I got five. I chose dark purple, white, and lavender ones.
Then, the hard work began. I started digging out the weeds on our side, then under the fence, ensuring I got the roots.
I was creating a trough like when I was doing the edging projects.
Let me tell you something about those weeds that have always weed whacked by Marty, I’ve never seen or tried to deal with weeds like these.
They were nasty and had sharp things that stung my fingers. Some orange weeds burned my fingers like acid. That’s when I only used a shovel and a rake.
I had to stop twice on Monday and three times on Tuesday when I felt overheated and jumped into the pool with my clothes on.
Hotter than hell then the refreshing cool off.
This was me acting out one of my favorite memories of my dad.
He worked in a machine shop and came home from work one hot day and threw himself over the side of our pool.
I squealed with laughter and jumped into the pool too. I was about 10 years old.
He had on his blue work clothes and safety shoes which he regretted in retrospect. His wallet was in his pants pocket.
It took me two days to get rid of the stubborn weeds. Bug bites cover my body, and they still itch like crazy.
Finally, I got to the fun part; planting the flowers! I staggered the dark and light morning glories along the fence.
Two bags of mulch were needed to run the length of the driveway, which is crucial for keeping the plants moist.
After three days, the plants have taken and are growing! The vines have found the fence themselves already.
Morning glories can become aggressive and will reseed themselves if you let them, and I will allow them to do both.
Creating a wall of flowers will be lovely, and I can enjoy that view soon.
Our breakfast this morning was light & flavorful and loaded with protein. Was it a smoothie? Hell no, but it went as fast as one.
I sautéed spinach from my garden with a little garlic and olive oil. Next, I reheated some leftover grilled chicken sausage filled with spinach and feta cheese.
I fried two over-easy eggs with minimal butter, seasoned with finishing salt, black pepper, and viola! A delicious quick breakfast to eat on the front porch.
I pick up the chicken sausage with other varieties at Aldi and they also have similar ones at Trader Joe’s.
I always have some on hand in the fridge or freezer for a quick protein with a salad or pasta.
Enjoy this beautiful Sunday. I hope the weather is good wherever you are. ☀️
After I “finished” my latest drawing of Nelly I had all kinds of things I wish I did differently. I thought, “Aw shit, next one.”
Wait! What? What a complete dumbass I was to think a piece I am working on has to be “done.” Duh, Julz!
After working all morning, I got out my pencils again and are you ready for this? I erased the leg that I drew too straight and made it how I wanted it. What a concept!
The first drawing I postedThe one I touched up today.
I also added some black to Nelly’s muzzle and eyes as they have darkened up a bit over the last few months.
I am 100% happier with my piece now. I texted my friend Maria and told her this unimaginable thing I could do.
She’s is an artist so I am sure she will get a kick out of it when she reads my text.
Happy Friday, Friends! I wish you all a good weekend!
I came down with strep throat on April 24. I was pretty sick for a few days then the antibiotics kicked it.
I had no appetite when I had a fever of 102 for three days and it didn’t come back after it broke.
I was queasy for the 10 days I was taking the antibiotics and I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol. Ugh, I didn’t want to anyway.
When I was better I still had a small appetite and didn’t want to drink wine or any sort of cocktail. I drank lots and lots of water.
I could tell I lost weight so I weighed myself. I lost 5 pounds. Good I thought I could use too.
I noticed I could breathe better. I had more energy. I could dance fast at belly dance and not get winded doing anything.
I felt amazing. I began to eat healthier lighter food since the weather was warm. I became aware of what I was eating. I still wasn’t drinking alcohol.
The second week of May I had yet another colonoscopy at Dartmouth Hitchcock to see if the infusions were doing its job. They were and I am in complete remission!
The fasting was easy for me as I prepped for the colonoscopy. This was the first time I didn’t complain I was hungry or craving something.
Since then I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine at a dinner party that I didn’t really enjoy and they clobbered the hell out of me.
Could the alcohol be a contributing factor to my weight lose I started to wonder. Previously, I drank two glasses of wine or a cocktail every night.
I read up on it and yes that could be a factor for sure. I was sleeping better and woke up ready to tackle anything.
I got a call from my pulmonologist last Friday after completing a few different tests right before and the day of the colonoscopy, before I should add.
He said that nothing changed and my heart looked normal, no pulmonary hypertension which needed to be ruled out.
I told him how great I felt and how active I am again. I went on to tell him I am not winded when I am dancing fast or going up stairs anymore.
I feel 25 years younger like I did a long time ago. I also shared with him I lost 12 pounds since having strep throat.
He told me losing weight is making all those wonderful things happen and obviously why I feel so good.
If I wanted to stay asymptomatic and keep feeling like I do I need to continue to follow a healthy lifestyle.
In other words, keep doing what I’m doing. I’ve cooked some delicious and flavorful meals that are healthier for the both of us.
I started to lift weights again to tone my body and regain the muscle I lost. I’ve been swimming laps in our pool which is a lovely 87 degrees.
Will I drink again, I am sure I’ll have a drink here and there when we are with friends but maybe not since it has no appeal to me now.
I know I’ll still eat bad at Martin’s but I eat small portions anyway. I’m not on a diet, I’ve changed my lifestyle so I can breathe better and do the things I want to do again.
I feel amazing and young. I’m tan and have already been in our pool more than I did all last year, just floating around on my chaise lounge and relaxing.
My life is really great right now guys. I never in a million years I’d be here again and it feels fabulous!
This Chinese hoisin noodle stir fry was made with hearts of palm linguine, veggies and leftover steak. It was filling and so good.
I will be sharing my healthier meals and recipes as we go on from here. I know I can lighten up my cooking without sacrificing any deliciousness.
So far since having pneumonia last year I’ve lost about 26 lbs. I have 5 more pounds to go to be back into my ideal weight range.
It’s so weird that it took strep throat to completely change my life back for the better, which is where I want to stay.
See how my garden grows. My flowers and vegetable garden in my Vegtrug raised garden beds is off to an amazing start!
I wrote about the greens in one of the beds last week. Since then, the three other beds have skyrocketed.
I bought most of my veggies plants but from seed I planted the greens, English and sugar snap peas. In another bed, I planted beet, carrot, and green bean seeds.
Next year, I plant to attempt veggies. I am already excited about it.
Green beans, beets, and carrots.
The parsnip seeds I planted in another bed haven’t done anything so far. I’m getting a little bummed out.
Peppers & tomatoesEggplant & tomatoes
I am growing 3 varieties of tomatoes; San Marzano, Big Beef, and Fourth of July.
I never saw Fourth of July tomatoes before which are supposed to produce tomatoes by the Fourth.
Yesterday, I noticed I have those precious little yellow flowers on that plant. It’s incredible that they can cultivate when something is supposed to ready by.
I’ll keep you posted on that. I planted herbs, another tomato plant, and some cucumbers in containers.
I went to a nursery that I haven’t been to since the boys were young. They always had different varieties of things you don’t see.
I decided to visit the sweet couple that own The Greenery in Salem, NY again in April. The two kinds of petunias I chose are different from any other ones I’ve seen.
The wildflower garden I put in last week is loaded with tiny seedlings. The perennial garden in front of our house is doing nicely.
The thing I’ve really enjoyed is our hummingbird feeder. I have to be honest, this is the first one we’ve ever had.
As I watch the hummingbirds go back and forth from the feeder right outside of the window in our back room I wondered why this was the first.
I realized why. I never had time before to first of all sit still enough to enjoy one or have the time to change the sugar water every couple of days.
Marty and I are both enjoying watching the hummers. Whenever we sit in the back room there are always one or two that come by.
Marty said I have spent more time outside this year than I have since the boys were young and he’s right. I am loving it too.
Working on my wildflower garden.
Last year’s close call made me reevaluate everything in my life and I’ve changed in miraculous ways. All for the better.
I don’t have silver bells or cockle shells in my garden like Mary did, I have so much! ♥️
I am so excited; I have made two meals with spinach and arugula from my garden!
Over the winter, I studied and watched videos about vegetable gardens. There was so much I didn’t know.
This year, I planted the seeds correctly. I learned about companion gardening and understood why I failed horribly last year.
So what did I make? This post will be more about the delicious food than bore you with gardening facts.
Tuesday night, I made two different flatbread pizzas that weren’t traditional.
The first flatbread was a white pie with lots of garlic, sautéed spinach, olive oil, mozzarella, and ricotta cheese. It was so flavorful!
The second pie was a fig, bacon because I didn’t have any prosciutto, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, bleu cheese crumbles topped with arugula.
The sweet, salty, and tanginess from the bleu cheese were in perfect balance. The arugula was the bitterness to cut through the richness and fat of the pizza. Yum!
I have had these two flatbreads in my head since I planted those seeds less than a month ago.
They were as good as I expected them to be, but next time, I will use prosciutto since they were a little bacon-forward.
Yesterday, before dance classes, I made us a light meal with protein, spinach, garlic, lemon, and toasted breadcrumbs. I say light because we don’t eat until after 8:30 pm.
I made a fantastic scampi over white rice. By the way, those aren’t scallops but tofu, which I cut with a small round cutter. I also cut the leftover pieces up and threw them in. The texture and taste were pretty damn close.
This was a lighter protein and a really good substitute. The tofu block cost me only .75 cents, as opposed to the price of day boat scallops.
I’ve gone back out to cut more spinach, arugula, and lettuce. It’s growing as fast as I can use it. I’m jumping for joy over this!
I love the process of cutting the leaves, washing them, spinning them dry, and eventually putting them in ziplock bags.
I crouch down like they do in Eastern countries and work right on the terrace rocks. It feels primal in a way. Nelly was very interested in what I was doing. She does everything with me.
I put in the rest of my vegetable garden, which I will post about soon. 👩🏻🌾
I spent Friday and Saturday afternoon, and the early morning on Sunday to create and plant my wildflower garden.
I did everything they said to do on various YouTube videos but there was one young woman who really spoke to me.
I realized all the things I’ve done wrong when planting seeds in the past. Now I had the chance to do things right.
I cut out the flower bed, removed the lawn, and edged it. It went smoothly.
It was a bit of work, but I am feeling fantastic these days without any breathing issues and after last Tuesdays colonoscopy, I am in complete remission! 🥳
The thing I was doing wrong when planting seeds was either burying them too deep or covering them too much.
I finally figured out what cover lightly means. The gal on YouTube had a great suggestion when it was time to plant my seeds.
She showed how sprinkled the seeds in the lightly cultivated flower bed. She stepped on the seeds so they wouldn’t fly away or float away.
Next, she used a colander to cover the seeds lightly with potting mix. Ah, that’s what lightly means.
So I did that. She said to water the seeds every morning and evening unless it rains until the seeds germinate keeping it moist. Then water as needed.
Nelly was helping to stamp on the seeds.
I used a bag of northeast native perennial seeds. It looked like a lot but it wasn’t, a common mistake people make.
I also added sunflower and annual seeds to the mix along with Ann’s seeds.
My friend Ann from NJ, who visits our area gave me a bag of different mums and other flower seeds she collects in the fall.
When I was done I prayed. Now, all I can do is wait and see what happens.
I know wildflower gardens take years to become lush and full by reseeding itself but I’d be happy with some flowers. 🙂
Above is a photo of me with my long thick hair. People who I knew well and not so well would ask me if it was real and could they touch it.
It was women who asked to touch my hair and would tell me how amazing my hair was. Then, it happened.
July 2024October 2024
Last year, after a horrific year of sickness and breathing issues, it wasn’t until the end of July that the lung disease I was diagnosed with was not pulmonary fibrosis which would kill me in less than 3-5 years.
I had a nervous breakdown in March when I was first diagnosed with lung disease.
While I was waiting three months to see a specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock I was frightened and very stressed out.
The stress and thoughts running through my head made me become weak and fragile. The smoke from the Canadian wildfires didn’t help.
I didn’t want my family to watch me suffocate to death. I thought about getting it over with and sparing them a slow death.
Finally after seeing the Dartmouth pulmonologist and finding out this type of lung disease wasn’t deadly, I relaxed.
Then my hair started falling out at the end of August.
In the months following until January of this year, my hair came out at an astonishing rate.
Every day when I brushed my hair I would have brush fulls of hair come out.
After I washed my hair combs full of hair came out then more when I dried it.
I could pull literally handfuls of hair out of my head. It was very scary. I cried a lot as I put handfuls of hair in the bathroom garbage.
I felt like I was Samson losing all my power as I was trying to adjust to my new health issues.
I was afraid of losing all my hair out of vanity I guess. My hair was my thing. My one last good thing.
As we age skin loosens and things sag. Every day is like opening a fortune cookie; today you will get age spots on your face. Oh look, varicose veins.
If you are older than 45 you know what I am talking about. Different pains, more grunts and groans. Losing the figure you once had.
No one really prepares you for old age, not that I consider myself old. I am older. lol.
Nothing prepared me for my hair falling out of my fucking head. Luckily, it fell out all over my head and not in clumps like alopecia.
I began looking at wigs and hair extensions. As soon as I googled wigs, all of my newsfeeds were full of women’s hair loss.
Some women’s hair falls out like patterned baldness on top of their heads. I watched many reels of children, teens, men, and women with alopecia getting their first real hair wigs.
Wigs have come a long way since my Nana and Aunt Claire wore them.They look so real and they don’t come off.
I watched a young wig specialist who has alopecia herself dive into a pool and her wig which was made of human hair stayed put and looked like real wet hair.
This changes the lives of people with alopecia. There are also easy-to-apply eyebrows for children and men to apply. Women can draw them on.
The eyebrows look so real. When young teens see themselves with real hair and eyebrows they wept tears of joy. Boys and girls alike.
My hair loss slowed down by the end of January then over the next couple of months went back to a regular amount of hairs we all lose every day about 100 they say.
I did try a synthetic hair extensions that looked good but was such a pain in the ass to put on and it was very uncomfortable.
It looked like my hair!
I knew I would never be able to wear anything on my head in the warm weather since I sweat like a pig from my head.
March 2024
That’s when I decided to cut my now stringy long hair that was holding on for dear life.
With a little help from Marty I gave myself a blunt cut just past my shoulders. I plan to keep this length while all the hairs are growing back in.
Some hair is already two inches long. I can feel in top of my head how thick it’s growing back. Thank goodness.
It’s thick on top. 😂
Stress is a killer. I knew I was stress out having panic and anxiety attacks constantly last year, but I didn’t know I was stressed that bad.
It’s taken me a while to get up the courage to write about my hair loss. My hair still looks ok just thin.
The photo that I took tonight is very hard for me to post. I am exhausted after today’s production and look horrible.
I can tell from my expression that I am uneasy with a forced smile and my body language is stiff.
I can also tell that when I feel like I look good I tilt my head which isn’t the case in tonight’s photo.
So that is my hair loss story. A hard tale to tell but I did it.
I am finally realizing my power was not in my hair but was in me all along.