My sister Jen and my niece Sofia came for a quick visit a couple of weeks ago.
Jen bought me a beautiful blue nikko hydrangea scrub/plant.
The color was stunning I never saw any flower that blue before besides in photos of Cape Cod.
The same week my three tulips bloomed, yes I only have three but will be planting many more this fall.
I usually drive by them going in and out of the driveway. I can’t see them from the house or the porch.
This year, I used my brain and thought, “Hey, dumbass, why don’t you cut the tulips and enjoy them inside.”
They were so pretty and colorful. I loved watching them open during the day and close at night.
Shhhhh, I don’t know they did that. Some kind of gardener I am, but I’ve learned a lot over the winter.
Yesterday, I bit the bullet and planted the blue hydrangea in our front yard garden bed.
I followed exactly how they did it on YouTube videos. The flowers were spent so I clipped them off in the right spot.
They say if you do this you will have continuous blooms until the fall. I hope so, how cool would that be?
After I got done giving the hydrangea a hair cut, I fertilized the ground before I put the hydrangea in the hole I dug.
I watered it and said a pray it survives. This is not something I would have bought myself. So fingers crossed. 🙏🏼🤞🏼
I still have a lot of work to do out the front garden beds before I start snapping photos.
I can’t wait to show you what else I’ll be planting. I’m going to a plant sale on Saturday and hoping to pick up a few more perennials.
That’s it from here, have a great night guys!