
One of the greatest joys of growing peas was watching Sam, as a young boy, pluck pea pods off the vine and eat them right in the garden.

I’ve experienced that same joy last week when I harvested peas from my garden. I planted two types sugar snap and English shelling peas.

I made a stir fry with the snap peas and a simple dish of pasta and peas as a side for garlic shrimp.

Yes, we are noodle makers, but most of the time, we don’t have any Spätzle on hand for us to eat. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.

After I had harvested the peas and separated them, I began shelling the English peas. I sat on the front porch while shelling, Nelly was very interested.

I wonder if other gardeners feel the same way I did while shelling. I marveled at how beautiful the peas were grown in their perfect package.

I wanted to have the peas in the most simple way. There wasn’t enough to have as a side since Sam was here, so I decided to pair them with pasta.

Our meal came out exactly as I imagined it would. Although I’ve reduced my carb intake, I still enjoy a bowl of pasta or simple, luscious, buttered potatoes once a week.

I checked a couple of days ago, more peas are ready to harvest! 💚

2 Replies to “Peas…”

  1. Love peas with pasta. Wondering if Nelly likes them too. She’s such a cutie.

  2. I only like peas just like that perfect picture, fresh picked, raw (ok and I make a mean split pea soup) but here in New Mexico it’s just to damn hot!! Gardening in NY was SO much easier for me. Anyway love the pictures 🙂

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