
Marty and I used to be depressed on the first day of summer because it meant the days were slowly headed back to shorter days.

What a bunch of negative bullshit!!!! I can’t even fathom that logic now. What a difference a year makes!

I’ve been in the pool almost every day. I have a nice tan. My veggie garden is like a jungle bursting with small tomatoes and tons of those glorious yellow flowers.

We have sugar snap peas and shelling peas on the vines, and the pepper plants all have flowers on them.

The root veggies are growing bigger above ground in the same bed as green beans.

The arugula and spinach are nearing the end of their lives but will be planted again in the early fall.

Next year, we plan to build a shallower bed dedicated to only greens so we can plant more.

The perennials out front are blooming, the flowers on the terrace with the veggies are beautiful.

Finally, the wildflowers are growing every day, and the morning glories I planted to hide all the crap next door are climbing.

I love bunnies, but not when they nibble on a few of my morning glories. To keep them away, I ordered a non-toxic spray that is safe for children, pets, and animals.

I give them whatever I cut back from the greens but the little fuckers don’t touch them.

We are getting up at 5 ish in the morning and out in the production kitchen by 6 at the latest to beat the summer heat.

Today, I am celebrating the first day of summer without a bit of negativity for the first time in my adulthood.

Happy summer solstice! ☀️

2 Replies to “Summertime…”

  1. Summer is almost here, almost 4:51 pm. I have always joked that now the days are getting shorter. My beds are overgrown and for the very first time I located ripe strawberries by smell. Your veggie garden is way ahead of mine. I am a summer birthday so this is my season.

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