Coming clean…

Yesterday morning, I wrote about my gardens which I am very proud of and excited to share since this is all new to me.

I realize now that I posted too many photos that may have seemed like I wanted to show off all my hard work for an atta-boy.

That was not my intention. When I sat down last year and thought about things that would bring me joy I was in a very deep state of depression.

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would succeed at gardening or lose 34 pounds.

It’s as if I’m in a dream, feeling so happy, young, and healthy again without any symptoms of lung disease. It’s like I’m 40 again.

Like our property, I’ve been through a huge transformation both mentally and physically.

Being able to forgive my mother after a lifetime of abuse is the most freeing thing in the world!

This is where the transformation began.

Since then, I have been a happier, healthier, kinder, and more joyful person. I always have a smile on my face.

That being said, I am disappointed with myself for writing about my frustrations next door.

Everyone is different and doesn’t share the same visions, values, or virtues. This is something I have to remind myself about.

I have to dig deep and find peace regarding this situation.

This is not just about a messy yard. After eight turbulent years, it goes much deeper than that.

Anyway, I apologize for the negativity. I let it creep into my joy, showing me how easily I can slide backward into playing a victim.

I’ve thought about this since I published that blog piece and wanted to come clean about it after discussing it with a friend.

This blog means so much to me because it’s a place where I can work through things honestly and authentically.

Thank you to my dear friend for your wisdom and to all of you for sharing this journey with me and all the ups and downs of my life. 💜

One Reply to “Coming clean…”

  1. Understood and no problem Julz. I loved the post and did not see it as bragging. We too have had a problem neighbor for many years. After spending FAR too many years internalizing negative thoughts about them, I finally flipped the switch and started sending cleansing white light and love to them surrounding their home. Every single day. Quess what…they’ve spent the last month cleaning the place up and making repairs. The place looks fabulous. Did my light and love help? Who knows, but it sure as heck helped me to

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