This is clean summer eating…

Last night, we grilled a lean beef cut called Tres Major. There are only two per cow.

It used to be what the butcher saved for themself, but if you’re lucky, you may find some.

Tres major steak is as lean and tender as a filet mignon but has the flavor of a ribeye. It has a nice beefy taste and cuts with a butter knife.

The only difference between this meal and last summer is that I didn’t serve a baked potato.

We had a starchy vegetable, tender local corn, and a watermelon salad with basil and feta.

Neither of us missed or wanted a baked potato. I used butter and salt on my corn, which was a must.

Marty aims to eat as much corn as possible while it’s in season. The same is true for me about watermelon and tomatoes.

Learning to eat seasonal fruits and veggies every day has been a welcome addition to our diets.

We were not eating enough servings of fruits and vegetables by a mile, but now we are.

My goal is for me to have a healthy gut, which I now realize is something I’ve never had.

The bizarre thing about having a healthy gut is I can tolerate lactose. I’ve been lactose intolerant since I was 9 or 10.

When I considered it, I had never had a healthy gut before. There are many advantages that I didn’t know about.

My gut is still adjusting to clean eating. I am not using any supplements to improve my gut health I am relying on the right kinds of foods.

Since I started eating clean I have either a bowl of vanilla yogurt and fresh fruit or a bowl of cottage with a dab of preserves.

It turns out that cottage cheese and yogurt play a big role in gut health, and I didn’t know it!

I’ve been following my gut (yes, a pun) about clean eating and have just started researching it.

I have to admit while it’s easy to eat clean and light in the summer, I have no idea yet what I’ll make for fall and winter meals.

There is so much information out there that I have plenty of time to find recipes and do more research.

I’ll be sure to share what I find with you. I’m sure there are plenty of ways to convert my traditional comfort food fallback recipes to autumn and winter clean eating.

Have a great Wednesday!