Last night was a special full moon, it was a full blue supermoon and we won’t see another one until 2037.
Did I feel the energy? Hell, yes! I ran around last night and gathered my gemstones, crystal ball, and the most worn bracelets.
I set them up in our back room, where I recently made not an altar but a calming area in my creative spot.
I keep reading about manifesting what you truly want. The sky’s the limit, and so have been. Dreams beyond your wildest dreams. Yes, please.

I have some specific wishes, along with ones that cover protection, wealth of a multitude of things like health and financial freedom.
You aren’t supposed to ask how or question anything. All you need is faith and big dreams.
Yes, some folks will be like dream on kid it, ain’t gonna happen. But what if it did? That’s how faith and hope work.
All you have to do is believe. It’s easier said than done, I know. The key is to already see yourself living that life.
Yes, mainstream people think I am a nut job, but my friends who really know me are sometimes amazed at the magic I can create and what a powerful healer I am.
You have 2 more days to reap the harvest of this full blue supermoon! Dream away!
Loving this time on the Northern coast of California. Opened all the windows to allow that moon energy to shine into our home. That and the sound and energy of the sea are wonderful!
Ok, made my big wish and intention. Uncharted waters