Just right…

I’ve wait for a couple of months for this baby to be just right before I picked it tonight.

This is what I love so much about gardening! I watched a tiny pepper pop out of a flower.

I watched the little green pepper grow and grow. Towards the end of July, that green pepper started to turn red.

This made me squeal with delight. I can’t believe how exciting it is to have a garden!

I would update Nelly on how the garden was doing since she was at my feet whenever I was outside.

The month of August has been quite rainy, so rainy in fact that today is the first day I’ve watered my garden since July.

I had my eye on that pepper all week and kept telling myself not yet. I bought some lean ground beef to make stuffed peppers with many peppers I’ve grown.

There are still a couple of half-green and half-red peppers. The great news is that I get to do it all over again—waiting until they are just right!

Behold, the photo above of my pepper that I’m so fucking proud of. She’s a beauty isn’t she?

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