All is well…

Just an update, after a few brilliant thunderstorms last night, nothing flooded and it has stopped raining. Yay!

During the storms, we sat on the front porch since we both love thunderstorms. Neither of the dogs are afraid of them like poor Otto was.

I was sipping a cocktail when our friend Martin walked over to join us. It was beautiful out with a sunset that was a gorgeous shade of orange pink.

From a distance we could hear thunder and see lightening in the dark sky. The air was cool and refreshing after a swelteringly hot day.

Right now, we are enjoying coffee and tea on the front porch in the sunshine for a bit before we start production, banking and deliveries. Klaus and Nelly are loving it as much as we are.

Thanks for your positive thought and prayers. I rarely ask for such a thing but felt I needed to yesterday.

I am writing this on my phone so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Happy Friday and seize the day! ☀️