I haven’t had a panic attack for months but when Marty said he needed to make a delivery over Bromley Mountain to a restaurant called Johnny Seesaws over with early. I could feel my anxiety building.
Arlington got very lucky with the last devastating rainfall that destroyed towns 25 minutes away leaving them underwater.
During the storm a few days ago, everyone held their breaths hoping this was not going to be another “Irene,” a storm from a few years ago devastating our area.
I looked at the forecast for the next 24 hours and it’s looks very scary again since water in rivers and streams are already very high.
I just got over the panic attack and while writing this short post.
Please say a little prayer for Vermont today who has been in national news earlier this week regarding the devastation that occurred.
Was thinking of you this week—
Vermont needs big prayers, I am high and dry, living on a hill that I have often cursed, knowing it was only a matter of time I would be grateful. Flooding pictures in the national press from Ludlow and Montpelier, the state capital, are unbelievable.
Prayers for the safety of your family and those impacted by the floods.