
When I was a teenager, one of the most popular songs in the 80s from the group Frankie Goes To Hollywood was called, “Relax.”

This song was so popular that everyone walked around wearing white t-shirts with black writing that said, “Frankie say relax.” Modern knock-offs are wrong because they say, “Frankie says relax.” Don’t go fucking up my generation’s sayings, guys. 

That being said, I crave one thing all week—something that I crave more than food or drinks; relaxation. Everyone does, I think. 

Marty and I have a problem relaxing on our only day off of the week; we can’t. On Monday morning, speaking for myself, I am pissed at myself that I didn’t stick to my guns. 

While cooking is relaxing to me, most Sundays, I overdo it by making something elaborate or super time-consuming. I start big projects that leave me exhausted, or I run around like an idiot running errands, including grocery shopping with a store full of other tired working-class folks like me. Everyone gives each other that knowing sympathetic look like this sucks, but someone needs to do it. We all know those someones are us.

Last night, we both went to bed early. I was asleep before 10 pm for an insomniac like me, which is rare. I guess waking up at 4:30 am plus the 90+ degree weather at the farmers market and talking for 5 hours straight to a couple of hundred people kicked my ass. 

At the Troy Market yesterday!

As soon as we got home from the market, we threw on our bathing suits and jumped into the pool. It felt fantastic! All the city grime and clammy skin went away as our body temps dropped immediately, which helped rejuvenate us for a couple more hours.

I slept great last night in our air-conditioned bedroom, waking up on my own at 6:30 am. The first thing I thought of when I opened my eyes was, “ Maybe I should go food shopping this morning.” Difficult time robbing recipes started shooting around in my brain before I realized what I was doing. 

Before I got out of bed, I told myself, “Knock it off, asshole!” I quickly remembered the promise I made to myself about a day of rest. 

Next week, we have a big order to fill for our Pennsylvania distributor, Alpine Meat & Wurst House, and an extensive delivery day on Thursday. I have to rest, dammit, or I will whine all week.😬

I came downstairs and found Marty and Klaus on the front porch. He was sipping coffee and enjoying the quiet Sunday morning and sunshine.

I did the same and mentally put together the rest of my day. We have to eat later, so I decided to make grilled marinated Spanish pork skewers with yellow rice and peas.

I got my frozen pork tenderloins in a brine which is twofold. The brine helps the meat defrost quickly and adds moisture to the meat while it’s grilling. 

I made a simple Spanish marinade for the pork and set up my rice cooker to start the yellow rice 6 hours later. After the pork is defrosted and sits in the brine for 2 hours, I will pat it dry, cut it into large cubes and get it into the marinade. I plan to let the pork marinate for at least 4-5 hours.

While doing this, I saw Marty running back and forth the driveway and asked him what he was doing. He said, “Farting around.” This is Marty’s way of relaxing because he can’t sit still even more than me!

Marty’s Sunday morning arts and crafts project.

The next thing I saw was him installing a small white shelf on the front porch railing he had just made for his side. I know it’s a drink holder shelf after watching him balance his drink glass on the porch railing last night, but I will amuse myself later and ask him what it’s for. 

For the rest of the day, I will be strictly poolside. I’ve been waiting years for this and will force myself to do it. The struggle is real. 😂

Dinner is planned and prepped; the only thing left to do is dig out a bathing suit and start doing what “Frankie say;” relax! 

Have a great day, guys! ☀️🕶😎👙

One Reply to “Relax…”

  1. Oh my gosh, I just heard that Frankie Goes to Hollywood sing this week on Pandora! It popped up on a random station and I took a picture of the screen and sent it to a friend from high school. How funny is that!

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