
My 40th high school reunion was fantastic! I had no expectations except having fun, but yesterday, after I got home from a whirlwind 25-hour trip, the experience settled in.

I suddenly got very emotional when I began telling Marty about the reunion since I hadn’t processed everything yet.

I started to cry when sharing the beautiful memories classmates had of me and what they thought of me now.

When my group of girl besties got together, it was as if no time had passed. Those true lifelong friends picked up where we left off 40 years ago.

The same thing happened when I saw my close guy friends, my friends from my grammar school at St. Cecelia’s, and the people who were in all my home rooms, which were always alphabetical.

Barry, who was the host and organizer, has the most school spirit of everyone. I was the cheerleading captain for most of my childhood and high school years, but when I walked out of those doors, I never looked back.

Our class of 1984 was very tight and still is today. When Barry surprised us with class t-shirts, we all yelled and laughed our asses off.

The memories classmates shared about me blew my mind. You never know other people’s perceptions or how you affect them.

My grammar school classmates from St. Cecelia’s School.

I didn’t remember any of those memories until they began each memory. I could not believe the stuff they remembered. This made me so incredibly happy!

I was really surprised to learn that some of them read my blog daily and told me how much they liked it. This made me very proud.

Other classmates have watched our spätzle business grow since the very beginning. Again, another proud moment.

When I was leaving, one of my buddies told me I was such an important person in our class, and he was so happy I finally came to a reunion.

My absence was felt at all the other reunions. Wow! That made me feel good, too.

I was the most talkative girl in our class, but I never felt like I was an important person in my class, pretty or popular, as few said.

I was a loudmouth, sure, but pretty? I never felt pretty. To me, my friends were the pretty ones.

Anyway, this reunion meant the world to me. I felt great, was in tip-top shape, and was “back to normal me” from ages ago.

I knew I was still in there, and I could feel myself becoming extremely frustrated that I had been unable to claw my way out for so many years.

I found out that some of my classmates, whom I am in contact with on Facebook, didn’t want to come to the reunion because those weren’t good years for them.

Many people held grudges or how a few cruel words they heard affected them their entire lives.

Some didn’t two shits about school or a fuck about their classmates.

This saddens me. I wish I could have gone back in time and stuck up for them or tried to smooth things out, but I never knew.

It made me and some of my classmates realize that not everyone had as great a time as we did. They had horrible times.

This and the list of our classmates who have passed away is the hardest thing to process.

I guess your school years are what you make of them. Not everyone has confidence, an outgoing personality, intelligence, athleticism, musical, or singing talent.

People had shitty home lives. No one knew I did or that I was even adopted. I hid my ulcerative colitis very well, no one except a few close friends knew how sick I was in high school.

School was my place to be “me” and forget about my troubles. I had a great time and had a lot of fun.

I wasn’t smart or dumb; I was right in the middle of our class. I tried hard at everything I did, and besides homework, which I hated, I gave it my all.

These friendships, which I made in the third grade when we moved to Iselin, have withstood the test of time, and I cherish all of them.

Everyone called me Julz, and it felt right as though my name was Julz, as I had heard them all say it all along.

I told them the truth when people asked me why I went by Julz. The response was good for you, Julz! Yay!

St. Patrick’s Day…

100% accurate! ☘️ 🇮🇪

After discovering I am 78% Irish, St Patrick’s Day means more to me each year. Since I am Irish, I have really started digging my heels in and learning more about Ireland and the areas where my ancestors came from.

I found out that many Irish people have special gifts like I do. I am another person in my family with the “Irish gift.”

Of course, not all Irish people have spiritual or psychic gifts; every nationality also has gifted people.

They can be labeled as Shamans, healers, psychics, different types of witches, or helpers to the other side, which is my specialty.

I’ve been focusing on honing my craft and doing spiritual work on myself—specifically, on my soul.

Many blockages have opened since removing that vortex in our home that came from two mirrors facing each other

I have finally been able to forgive my mother for everything. If you are a new reader, I wrote a lot about our relationship and its effect on me.

How do I feel? I feel free, lighter, and happier. Incredible.

I was happy af at dance class on Wednesday. I wore my jade shamrock and a green gemstone beaded necklace my friend Everely made for me.

I can think about my good and funny memories growing up. This is a miracle, honestly and truly. I feel as though I have finally completed one of my lessons in this lifetime. Yay!

I wanted to share the link to my “Everyday Irish Soda Bread” post from 2021. I’ll be making two loaves tomorrow morning. Yum!

Here is the link:

Here is the recipe that changed my life when making my corned beef for St. Patrick’s Day. Trust me, I’ve shared this recipe with hundreds of people, all of whom had the same success as me. Do not boil your corned beef!

Here is the link:

I wish you all a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

My husband Marty is German, so I post this meme every year, which is as true as the day is long. 😂

Reccurring dreams…

All images were found on Pinterest.

For the last few years, I have had three stressful recurring dreams. How I feel in these dreams is being lost, unprepared, stressed, and bewildered. 

I know the places in these three places. I spent significant time in these places and sometimes felt like I didn’t belong. 

One dream is returning to a job and returning to the same shit show I had in reality.

Another dream is being lost in a city I thought I knew and couldn’t understand why things weren’t where I thought they were. 

The last dream is going down the stairs in a train station and always being on the wrong side of the track, unable to get to work or home. 

As soon as I wake up from these dreams, I remember them in detail, reviewing how the scenario differed from the last. 

I have these dreams every other week or so. Having these dreams without a positive or better outcome is stressful and tiring. 

As I dream, I am aware I am having these dreams again. I dread that I am in these situations again. I say to myself in the dream things like, oh no! This shit is happening again, or why? What the fuck?

God knows I have written about my mental health since the beginning of this blog. People who experience reoccurring dreams and nightmares are usually dealing with depression, PTSD, anxiety, and panic disorder. That’s me.

These are common recurring dreams with definite meanings. Researching the implications of these dreams includes feeling lost, not fitting in, and not where I should be at this point in my life, either spiritually or physically.

I never feel lost or do not fit in because I am highly adaptable. I am confident about who I am—not being at the right place at this point in my life? Well, hell, I’m not a millionaire yet. Lol. 

Am I at a point in my life where I am stuck? I had one of these dreams again last night after having one just a few days ago. I felt compelled to write about it today.

I’m not looking for advice; I’m writing about it because I want to share important things about my life. This has turned into a more significant something lately.

From the beginning of this blog, my goal was to be my true, honest, authentic self. A fucked up person at times, yet someone who tries her hardest to be kind, loyal, supportive, and loving with all her heart.

I’ve been told I am a highly evolved soul, which you can read about in the “My Gifts” section of the blog. Older souls agree to help people in their soul cluster learn lessons.

Perhaps I feel this way because the relationships and lessons I agreed to weren’t fulfilled in this life again. Am I the problem? Are they my lessons or the other people’s in agreement? I don’t know.

Some agreements crashed and burned even though I tried my hardest with different people in different scenarios. People who constantly manipulated me and caused me heartache, stress, and pain.

However, I’ve said for years that I must have been one stupid son of a bitch in a past lifetime; to deserve hurt and pain. Was it karma?

Ironically, that was the name, stupid son of a bitch; my mother screamed at me when I was a child. 😞 What kind of person does that?

These complex agreements and scenarios have made me the strong person I am. A person who never wants another person to feel the way I felt.

This makes sense to me now. My message could be to let go of the past and move on, which is much easier said than done, and how?

Many hours later, as I researched more answers to this piece, I stumbled upon an article about whether these are recurring dreams or lost parts of my soul.

Bingo! As I read the title, I realized I had lost pieces of my soul whenever I had to go into survival mode. This usually comes from trauma, sickness, and abuse, whether it’s mental, physical, or emotional.

As I am thinking about where I lost pieces of my soul, I can pinpoint where and when it happened. I went into survival mode when I was a child. I have lived in survival mode for most of my adult life.

Wow! I’ve done soul retrievals on myself in past life regressions, and one occurred when I was a baby in this lifetime. It’s time for me to get back to work.

Whenever I am troubled, writing is therapeutic for me. In my report, such as today, I found an excellent place to start finding ways to get all of me back.

Writing certainly helps with healing, but I still have a long way to go. I didn’t realize until my mother passed away how broken, hurt, disappointed, and angry she left me.

The part that hit me the hardest was that she never apologized for anything she did to me, and now she never will. This goes back to the agreement I mentioned earlier, which crashed and burned.

Could taking pieces of my soul back help me leave those traumas and abuse in the past?

Have any of you had recurring dreams? You don’t have to answer in the comment section, but you can email me at if you would like to share your experiences with me.

Enjoy your day tomorrow; we are in for another snowy day here in Arlington, VT, which is fine with me. ❄️

Update…I lost a few more readers with this post. Some people can’t handle things I write about concerning past lives and spiritual things that aren’t their own.

I can’t take it personally or let it bother me. I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea. 🫖


It was one of my first posts of the year when I talked about subscribing to my go-to food blogs, hoping to have dinner ideas galore waiting for me in my email inbox.

Yeah, in theory, it was a good idea, but as I suspected, I was inundated with multiple emails from the five blogs I subscribed to.

The worst part was nothing inspired me. Most recipes call for a slow cooker or an instant pot. I have neither by choice.

Today, here in Arlington, VT, it was a gray, foggy, rainy, mixed precipitation kind of day. The miserable kind of day that makes you not want to leave the house.

When I look at the weather on Wednesdays for dance class, Marty tells me when there is snow in the forecast, I will be fine by explaining our truck is all-wheel drive, has good tires, and to just drive slow. Yup.

This morning, he told me things looked iffy for my drive home from dance. I thought about what to do while we were working in the production kitchen.

I came up with my decision and called my dance partner Kathleen.

I told her I was staying home tonight and explained why. She told me to relax and that things would be fine without me. I already knew that.

Kathleen and I have been dancing together for 20 years. We’ve danced and spent untold hours together. We are growing older together and getting wiser.

As we age, she tells me, since we don’t have any estrogen left, we give less fucks about things. True. ✔️

We also do what we want to do and not feel obligated to say yes to things we don’t want to do. ✔️

We listen to our bodies and common sense and don’t feel guilty about our decisions. ✔️

So instead of teaching dance class right now, I unsubscribed to those five food blogs. It feels good to get rid of things that drive me nuts.

Getting rid of things right away is freeing. Such as, stopping a TV show only after 1 episode helps me not waste my time.

Deleting a music playlist or Kindle book that doesn’t do anything for me or getting rid of old recipes that turned out like shit.

Ah, the power of the delete button. I’ve deleted many blog posts after I go back to edit them. I like to let them simmer for a bit and reread them.

This happens when I hear Jon Katz’s voice boom in my head; it was one of the first things he told me about writing. Ask yourself why would anyone give a shit?

I am proud I am not such a lazy ass anymore since I am better about returning things right away that I don’t like or am disappointed in.

Money is tight, so returning shit right away is cash back in my pocket. I used to let them sit in my backseat for weeks.

I missed class tonight and my friends but needed to play hooky and hunker down. I never would have done this ten years ago or known what self-care was.

As far as all those pesky emails from the blogs, they are gone. That is the beauty of the unsubscribe button way down the bottom of emails in a print so small you need a fucking magnifying glass to see it.

While typing this, I received emails from each site telling me I unsubscribed.

I appreciate you guys for not hitting the unsubscribe button and continuing to read my spontaneous blog.

I always say that sometimes I never know what the post will be or turn into until I start typing.

When I started typing about unsubscribing, I had no idea it would turn into talking about getting older and wiser. 😜

***Update the roads were horrible last night! The plow truck drove by our house at least 6 times while I would have been at dance. Cars off the road everywhere. Thanks Marty for the heads up. ♥️

Feast of the Seven Fishes…

I grew up not knowing any of my nationalities. If you have recently joined my blog, I was adopted. People tried to guess my nationality for years.

The number one thing people guessed was Italian, then Jewish and Mediterranean, coming in third place. I honestly thought I was those things myself. These photos are good examples.

My adoptive mother told me year after year that I could wear green on St. Patrick’s Day since “Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day,” almost rubbing it in because she was Irish and a bitch.

Christmas 1986, did I look Italian or what? I was a full-on Jersey girl guidette who gave the Brooklyn girls a run for their money. Lol.

Our family didn’t have a traditional Christmas anything when it came to food. I remember eating an early snack on Christmas Eve with my dad at his Aunt Fran & Uncle Eddie’s place.

Fran’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spano, were right off the boat from Sicily and spoke no English. Food and music are universal languages. I loved being around the Spanos.

When I was little, we would go to my great-grandma’s place for Christmas Eve. My cousins were there, and it was fun. I don’t remember anything about food, so it had to be unremarkable, like cold cuts and salads.

After Great Grandma passed away, we moved to Iselin, 15 minutes away from Elizabeth, NJ. My Aunt Fran and the rest of my dad’s side of the family didn’t want us to move away.

My mother didn’t like any of them, including my Mema. She couldn’t wait to get away from them. I was sad and afraid when we moved; I was nine.

After we moved away, we went out to eat on Christmas Eve. I hated it and would look at the other poor children in the restaurant. They probably had a mother that didn’t like to cook too.

When Marty and I got married, I wanted to be sure we began our traditions for the holidays. However, It took six years for that to happen.

Our first Christmas tree was in 1989, and our first barn apartment was decorated for Christmas.

Right from the start, both of our mothers would ruin every holiday by fighting over who got us and putting unfair expectations and obligations on us. It was awful.

It got so bad one year, and we were tired of it. We decided the following year not to celebrate Christmas at all. No gifts, no tree, we ate Chinese food like Jewish people did on Christmas.

After that year, I volunteered to work on Christmas Eve and open the store I worked at bright and early on the 26th. That solved the problem we had. We would visit sometime in mid-December, and the pressure wasn’t as bad.

This tree is the year Noah was born in 1985. We decorated it long before he was born.

The year Noah was born, on December 18, I told everyone that my children would always wake up in their own beds on Christmas morning. 

Since he was born a week before Christmas, both sets of parents and Marty’s brother Andy were at our place for the holiday.

The whole thing was a complete blur to us, and quite frankly, I didn’t give a fuck what anyone did, ate, or if they were fighting or killing each other. 

The following year, we finally celebrated the holidays the way we wanted, which was wonderful! We always had a real tree, something I never had, and collected ornaments for the boys as they grew

We could have more grown-up meals when the kids were a little older. I decided we would do the Italian Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve.

I usually make clams, shellfish, calamari, and maybe flounder this year. I always make fresh pasta, gluten-free, of course.

Marty chose his family tradition of pea soup for Christmas Eve lunch and his traditional breakfast on Christmas morning, German pancakes with lots of fillings and toppings.

Homemade split pea soup with a balsamic reduction and German pancakes hot and fresh.

We decided on prime rib, popovers, and a potato and vegetable dish for Christmas dinner. Look at that gorgeous Christmas dinner! I’m drooling just looking at it. That year, I made a spinach souffle that turned out perfectly for my first time making one.

I learned about the Feast of the Seven Fishes from my Aunt Fran and some Italian friends I worked with. I went to their homes and saw the preparation in full mode. Oh, how I wanted to stay and eat with them and not in some restaurant.

You don’t have to be Italian to celebrate the feast. I was looking for something that felt traditional to me and made me feel like I belonged somewhere.

The Feast of the Seven Fishes originated in Southern Italy and Sicily by the Roman Catholics. The practice is known throughout Italy and Italian homes here in America. 

The Christmas Eve meal is very serious business regarding religion, but more importantly, it’s all about the food. 

This is an understatement. Family members start prepping the food days before. Everyone has certain dishes they are in charge of, and of course, there is a lot of loud talking in the kitchens.

I don’t think I know any Italians who don’t talk loud; it felt natural since I am a big mouth.

While the feast name has seven fishes, some families have three dishes, others as many as 9 or 11. The number always has to be an odd number for some reason.

Why seven fishes, you may ask. Most people believe seven represents the seven sacraments in the Catholic faith. It makes sense since I had to know those sacraments in and out when I attended Catholic school.

Roman Catholic people always fasted on Fridays and before the big holidays like Easter and Christmas, eating only fish as a vigil. That’s how it started in Italy.

Not growing up in an Italian family, I wasn’t introduced to a variety of fish like salted cod, other varieties of fish, eel, baby octopus, squid, and more.

I can’t even fathom eating an eel or watching it being nailed down to a cutting board and the skin peeled off. 🤢

Calamari and shellfish I knew, along with a regular Friday night supper of fish sticks or Gordon’s Fishermen’s breaded cod fish filets. I loved them, and fish sticks with lots of tartar sauce.

I usually make at least three fish on Christmas Eve. Like others in the past, this year’s menu does not have authentic dishes, but that doesn’t matter. Here’s my menu:

When planning a holiday meal, I like to visualize what the colors of food will look like and what vessel I will serve them in. This is super fun for me.

I’d love to hear what some of your traditions are. You can email me directly at Food and traditions are an excellent way of connecting with people.

I am 78% Irish for new readers, which was a shocker to me, but I am happy to be part of two beautiful biology Irish families now.

Decking the halls…

I loved autumn this year. I have embraced the dark and have the holiday spirit. This hasn’t happened since our boys were younger. 

The change that occurred in me after being diagnosed with lung disease has been life-changing in the best kind of way.

I began getting excited for Christmas at the beginning of October. With Nelly still a curious and playful puppy, I knew I needed to simplify things. 

I made “nature ornaments for the two small trees in the two front windows of our living room, which I took out of the neighbor’s trash.

The tree ornaments are white and brown: snowballs, icicles, pine cones, and tiny acorns. The trees are pretty much identical, like twins.

The trees came out exactly how I imagined. If I stick with the woodland tree theme next year, I will have to forage for regular-size acorns instead of the teeny ones I used this year.

I would not be using my collection of vintage glass Christmas balls from the 1940s that belonged to my Mema. They are too precious to me if one gets broken from the chaos.

I’ve always wanted a Christmas tree in my bedroom, and this was the perfect year to dig out that 3 ft tree we had in the basement. 

I purchased inexpensive plastic Christmas balls and wired ribbons to decorate my small French tree. 

This tree is very romantic and fits in perfectly with our Parisian bedroom. I love this tree and how beautiful it came out.

Next, I got out another tree from the basement, a tiny tree I used in the dining room with those vintage ornaments. I decided to put the little tree in the kitchen.

I’ve always loved when kitchens are decorated, but I’ve only seen them done in magazines and home/decor shows. I finally got to do mine on a very small scale.

I also found a use for a chalkboard I missed when we took it down when we renovated the kitchen two years ago. An idea sprung into my head, and voila, it’s now a menu board for the upcoming week.

I think it’s finally time to talk about the title of this piece, Decking the halls, which is named after the song Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly.

The lyrics to this famous song were written in 1862 by a Scottish musician, Thomas Oliphant.

The word deck comes from the Dutch word dekken, which means to adorn with something ornamental. The word deck is also used when describing a well-dressed man; “He’s all decked out in his Sunday best.”

As a child, I knew the words to Deck the Halls; we all did, but I never thought about them. Until this year, I still never gave the lyrics a thought.

Decking the halls means to decorate one’s home, not just the halls at Christmas time., everywhere. Decking the halls was initially done for entertaining purposes. 

This year, I “decked the halls” very minimalistic and understated. It suits this period of time in our empty nest home and decor.

I changed things up outside as well. The front porch is different than I have for years. It looks much better with the greenery and lights than the usual icicle lights that found their way to the back deck this year.

I decked the halls over three weeks and didn’t kill myself to finish it in one day. Now that I think of it, that was ridiculous. Why the hell did it have to be one day?

This is a different year and a different holiday season to go with the different me. It took me until this year to realize I didn’t have to run around and stress myself out over Christmas.

I also realized I didn’t always have to spend hours trying to find those perfect gifts for people.

This year, I bought gifts with my heart and am looking forward to wrapping them; this has never happened before. I hated to wrap Christmas gifts and left them until the last minute.

Sam is a perfectionist in gift wrapping and puts us all to shame. 😂

I wish you all a great week and wanted to remind you to slow down, enjoy the holidays for what they are, and be grateful for the people you spend them with. Cheers!

Flying high part 2…

I was prepping our dinner tonight when I got a text from Aja, Noah’s girlfriend. She sent a photo, and I was immediately excited about what they were doing.

They were in Noah’s friend Steven’s plane. Steven was the pilot. They were headed to Block Island, then around Manhattan. How exciting!

The two of them went to Connecticut for the weekend so Aja could meet his friends and take her places in his old stomping grounds. Noah lived there and worked for Audi but returned home because he missed Vermont.

It’s good that he did, or he would have never met Aja. They just celebrated their first anniversary. They have done a lot in a year, including a trip to Mexico in September.

I have never seen my son act and look so happy. They moved in together and have a cute little apartment. He’s the cook, and she makes salads. I wonder who cleans the toilet? Lol.

Not only does my son look happy, but he has matured dramatically this past year. He reminds me so much of how Marty was when we were dating, including leaving a bouquet on Aja’s car, like father-like son.

Aja and I are getting to know each other better. I love spending time with her. I am completely myself with her, which is wonderful. She and I share the same birthday, automatically making us birthday twins. 😊

I asked her if it was okay if I wrote about her, and she said yes, so here we are.

I told Noah how proud of him. I continued by telling him that I am proud that Sam is focusing on his career and accomplishing all the goals he sets for himself; Noah is successful in everything in his life. How lucky am I to have these guys as sons?

Watching my son have a fantastic relationship with an amazing person is lovely. I love seeing him, so excited to share everything with her. Like this weekend trip to visit his friends.

To see how happy he is, smiling his head off in all the photos. This is a smile we never saw before, not even when he was little.

I think we all can agree that as parents, all we want is for our children to be happy, knowing he is; is a homerun.

I look forward to watching their relationship grow and spending more time with them. There isn’t one person who doesn’t tell me they have never seen Noah so happy before.

Awww. ♥️

Flying high…

Yesterday, our front door opened and Sam walked into the house. I asked him what he was doing here.

“I was in Albany.” I immediately knew he tested to become a certified fight nurse. This test only has a 50% pass rate the first time you take the test.

Since Sam finished his coursework online and in-person classes, he has been studying.

When I say studying, I mean serious studying in all of his free time. Marty and I have no idea where that came from, not us.

When Sam came here in October for the EMS conference he and Marty went to, he brought his flash cards.

It was thick stack of flash cards that he made and laminated. This is how he studies. Marty quizzed him in their spare time.

I am so glad to report he passed his test! Sam will take the certified flight paramedic test in the next week or so.

He wants to take it while everything is fresh in his mind however, he still will be studying until then.

I don’t write about my kids much but when something like this happens, I need to share the news.

A psychic friend told me when the kids were young that Sam will accomplish anything he puts his mind to. My friend was right.

Sam isn’t the type to blow his own horn, like everything in his life he is a very private person.

There are only 5,000 certified flight nurses in the country. Now there are 5001. I think that is a huge accomplishment for a 23-year-old.

To be hired as a certified flight nurse is easier said than done and is no small feat. It is also extremely competitive.

There are many steps to even be considered.

Applications are studied and scrutinized. If you are chosen there is more testing for the agency you are applying to.

Next, you must go before a panel of experienced emergency medicine experts and answer a a battery of questions.

They give the applicant several medical scenarios for them to explain everything that must be done.

Emergency flight work is a serious, adrenaline-pumping, complicated job that takes a certain kind of person.

If you are hired, there is more learning and training that can take months before you are part of a flight crew.

When the fight crew goes on a mission they must get the patient stabilized before take off.

Once the plane or helicopter takes off, that is the flight crew’s main focus: safety.

As a mom, it makes me a nervous wreck but this is something Sam has been striving for: for years.

For now, he will remain a nurse in the very busy emergency department at UVM where traumas come through the door constantly.

There are many learning opportunities at UVM. Sam wants to get as much experience and knowledge while he continues his education.

Down the road, when the time is right he will then go through the grueling process of being hired by an agency.

Sam left this morning to go back to Burlington. We may not see him until Christmas so I made sure I got a lot of hugs in. ☺️

First encounter…

You can see more orbs in the distance.
I took screenshots from the video and enlarged the image so you see the orbs better.

In 2006, my gastroenterologist found a large tumor on my right or ascending colon and my appendix. It was scary. When I went to the surgeon, I freaked out; this was a big deal.

Within five days, I found myself in the hospital having surgery to remove the benign tumor. I spent three days in the hospital, making sure the colon reattachment worked.

I can never sleep in the hospital like most people. The night of my surgery, I lay there on my back, listening to the activity at the nurse’s station in our dimly lit room.

My roommate was an elderly woman who barely spoke. The curtain between us was pulled so we couldn’t see each other.

As I lay there, I began seeing a hundred little white circles fluttering fast on our ceiling. It was bizarre; I thought I was seeing things from the meds I was given.

More and more little lights kept showing up on the ceiling. I watched them in awe, thinking, what the fuck is going on?

With that, all the doors to the patient’s rooms automatically slammed shut. I didn’t know there was a code on our floor that made all the doors close. 

As I watched the little lights on the ceiling, the woman in the bed next to me said, “They are coming for him.” I asked her if she could see the lights, too, and she said yes, she saw them multiple times in the hospital. I thought I was not seeing things.

Suddenly, all the little lights were exiting our room and going down the hallway. I could see them on the hallway ceiling, too. My delayed response was, “They are?” She didn’t answer me; she probably fell asleep after all the excitement.

Half an hour later, the staff members opened everyone’s door. I asked if someone just died when the nurse walked into our room. She hesitated, then replied and said yes. Holy shit! The woman in the next bed was correct. 

I lay there for the rest of the night, thinking about what happened. I worried that I saw the little lights like the old woman. I kept wondering why.

It was strange but beautiful knowing all those orbs that filled the hospital rooms came to help or greet the newly deceased person cross over to the other side.

Ever since then, I see orbs in videos that I take or sometimes with my own eyes fluttering around. I find them comforting. They aren’t in a hurry like they were that night in the hospital.

Orbs are the spirits of ancestors, friends, and family members that peacefully crossed over to the other side, but their energy is still all around us. It is a beautiful thing to see and feel.

Believe what I am saying or not. I plan to take more nighttime videos to see if any are still out there.

Happy Friday, folks! 

You are my sunshine…

Photo image Bethany Webster

My mother, Eileen, passed away two years ago today. All I felt was relief and freedom, and I vowed not to go through this again with her through all bands of time.

The photo I chose came from an article written by Bethany Webster. I wasn’t sure what image I would use for this post, but then I saw this one.

For the last two years, I’ve worked through a lot of emotional shit my mother put me through. I am still working hard at it. 

I haven’t been able to forgive the 50 years of constant emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical abuse. This shit has fucked me up big time.

There were too many mean attacks to remember or write about. I learned to always be on guard early because I never knew one would come out of nowhere. 

Now that she is gone, I still cannot fathom, as a mother, how she could have behaved toward me the way she did. 

When I see nine-year-olds, it’s unbelievable how anyone could turn on a child or treat them like Cinderella. How? Where did her anger and punishments come from?

I know my mother was whacked as fuck and conveniently forgot how she really treated me, or so she made it seem. Meryl Streep had nothing on my mother, who could act up a storm.

The photo with the mother holding the umbrella for the little girl struck a nerve. My mother appeared to take care of me, watch out for me, and love me.

However, in the shadows, only close family members knew differently but never came to my rescue or said anything. This I learned from my Godmother before she died; the greatest gift I ever received was finding out it was her and not me.

The photo reminded me of what my mother told me; she always sang “You Are My Sunshine” when I was little anytime we heard it. I don’t remember that ever happening; I remember things from 3 to 4 years old. 

She called me “love” as an adult, which turned my stomach; she called me “you stupid son of a bitch” on an almost daily basis growing up. I cringe, still thinking about it.

The photo’s shadows remind me how I never told anyone about my life. My friends knew I couldn’t stand my mother, and I was often sick with ulcerative colitis. That’s all I let on. No one could stand their mother at times; this was different.

I think about why I never spoke with anyone about her. First, I didn’t trust anyone to tell for fear it would worsen things. I had no one to talk to. I still get angry with my father since he never once helped me. Why? I thought I was “daddy’s little girl.”

While cleaning the production kitchen this morning, I spoke to my mother directly. In a nutshell, I told her I wasn’t over the monster she was. I may never be.

I didn’t thank her for the abuse that made me a better, stronger person. A person who never gave her the satisfaction she was always looking for. She would stare at my face to see my reaction. She didn’t deserve it. Call me Poker Face.

I tried as hard as possible to summon a good memory, which there was, but I couldn’t. I can’t smile when I think about her or miss her.  That’s how she left me, raw.

I know it’s all me that still tortures myself by her actions, so I try to push anything to do with her out of my head. I’m getting better at it.

I did think of her today because it’s the day she died. That’s it.