After my father passed I learned about signs from heaven and always looked for signs from him. I found the usual ones that other people find; pennies & feathers. I used to be able to smell him as well; a combination of his cologne and newspapers. Weird I know. My oldest son Noah could smell it too when he was little.
I haven’t gotten any signs or messages from my dad until yesterday. I was getting into the delivery van and I found two pennies in a puddle in the parking lot of our distributor, Wilcox Ice Cream.
I reached into the puddle and picked up the pennies. I looked at the years on them which were 1973 & 1975. Those years don’t really represent any meanings, but nevertheless, they were both from the 70s making me think it could be a sign and not just random change that fell out of someone’s pockets. The way they were laying next to each other was another.
It took me a few minutes to make the connection…my dad always sent me one penny now he sent me two; representing him and my newly passed mother. It was his way of letting me know that she was with him. It made me feel better that she made a smooth transition to the other side.
I took my fathers death very hard, what helped me cope were the signs and smells he left me, which made me feel better. My new psychic abilities after his passing actually let me feel his energy around me. I knew it was him, no doubt in my mind. One day I saw his reflection in a glass door at the bank someone was opening. I couldn’t believe it. I started balling my eyes out, hoping no one would notice.
From the moment that my dad crossed over he immediately was able to connect with me. I haven’t felt or found any signs from my mother so far and may not for a very long time, if at all.
I am most certain these two pennies from heaven were a gift from my dad: his signs always make me feel better and at ease knowing he is still around me. I still miss him like crazy but glad he has Eileen keeping him company now.
I remember reading in a book that if you think that a certain song, penny or feather is a sign, it is. You should always acknowledge the sign since it is extremely hard work for the other side to make these signs possible.
Death is hard on the living so when a deceased loved one can offer the living a reassuring sign for comfort shows you that love doesn’t need human bodies…we are all beings of energy with a body or not.
Thanks daddy! ❤️
That is fabulous. My niece and I joke that whenever we hear the song “Man Eater” by Hall and Oates that its is my dad, her grandpa letting us know he is near. Every once in awhile I will hear it on random radio station and will smile. I hear it the other day when I was driving in the torrential rain and knew it was him keeping watch.