I’ve been on the fence about writing this piece or not. I asked Marty what he thought and he said, “Go for it.” So I am going for it…
Just when you think you are getting to know me, I share another part of myself with you. I mentioned in a blog post back in the springtime that I am gifted with psychic abilities. I work only in light; therefore called a lightworker and a healer. I don’t practice witchcraft.
Lightworkers are individuals who are healers in many different modalities. Lightworkers are people who feel an enormous pull to help others. Healers are people who use stories, humor, smudging, ceremonies, reiki, and balancing chakras & auras as methods of healing.
The other side of the veil opened up to me just before my father’s passing back in 2000. I didn’t know at the time that my Nana’s visit in my dream was what cracked open my psychic abilities.
I use my gifts to connect with and move on lost souls. Recently passed individuals have been able to send me a message to their loved ones just hours after their death. I cannot connect with individuals who had an easy journey crossing over to the other side, the other side of the veil.
Once I realized I had psychic gifts, I started doing my homework and began honing my craft. When I say I work in light I am working with Angels, Saints, and the Holy Family, also known as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The most important being I always call in for help is God himself.
I know some of you are like, “She’s nuts.” Some may unsubscribe from my blog others may think it’s just a bunch of bullshit. That’s what I thought initially, so whenever I am working on a “project”, I tell another human what I see before so someone else will believe me when it’s over. Marty is usually my someone, and my reiki master Everley was another one.
When I say I connect and move on with lost souls, these are beings that haven’t crossed over and are stuck in the middle world. Most don’t even know they are dead or afraid of what may happen to them if they cross over.
I have “cleared” many lost souls out of old homes here in Vermont. I have my own method that works; I don’t know how else to explain it. As soon as a project is brought to my attention, I can connect with whoever needs my help. Some jobs are straightforward; some are difficult. I’ve been successful on every clearing I’ve done. I never accept money for house clearing as I am doing this for the lost souls benefit, not the current resident or homeowner.
I can write about lost souls for hours, so I am going to move on. I am also a reiki master and can clear & balance people’s chakras & auras. I have been successful with five past life regressions. I studied reiki with my reiki master, the other acts of healing came naturally and easily to me, primarily teaching myself.
I believe that every person or soul has a guardian angel. It’s more like a guardian angel, a spirit guide, and power animals. I have three spirit guides that I work with and watch over me, along with power animals.
What exactly is a power animal? Here is Dr. Steve Farmer’s definition:
“Power animals are spirit guides in animal form, valuable allies who can help you navigate through life’s challenges and transitions. You can turn to these perceptive and trustworthy oracles for advice and counsel on any questions or concerns, for they’re exceptional teachers who will help you learn about both the spirit and the natural world. Working with them on a regular basis will enhance your personal life and expand your spiritual capacities immensely.“
“Power animals can appear in meditations, visions, dreams, shamanic journeys, or on the earth in their physical form. They can be mammals, birds, or reptiles; and even so-called mythical creatures such as unicorns or dragons can be power animals, although they have no physical representations in the material world. However, since spirit animals’ power is drawn from their instinctual and wild nature, it’s uncommon for purely domesticated animals such as pets to be part of this group“
I connect with my power animals through meditation. Sometimes I can tune into them and sometimes not. I am pretty sure it’s not for me to choose when and whom I meet with.

Turtle is my number one power animal that never leaves me; he is always there. He is my power animal to teach me patience. I have a lot more patience now than I did before I started working with Turtle.
I’ve had Hawk as another power animal, sent to me to show me a hawk’s eye view of a situation. Hawk has no patience with me and gets angry when I don’t get what he is trying to show me. He calls me squaw.
I closed the veil to the other side when we started our business; it was too distracting. After a recent get-together with our friends, Arthur and David’s, I decided to reopen the veil. October is the best time for this to happen. It did.

The Friday before my mother passed, I told Marty that I connected with an owl. I had no idea what owl spirit wanted to teach or tell me. I looked it up and found out that owl symbolizes death. Not necessarily an actual death, but a symbol that occurs right before a big change. I joked and said I hoped it wasn’t literal; my mother passed on Wednesday night. Holy shit!
Yesterday I wasn’t expecting to meet up with any power animals. My meditation led me to a place I hadn’t been to before, a dry and barren place. I noticed something coming towards me; it was a snake. I am petrified of snakes, but I wasn’t afraid of this snake power animal. It slithered up my leg, around my torso, and sat on my shoulder. Snake told or showed me nothing; then was gone in a flash. It was up to me to find out the meaning.

I looked up the meaning of a snake power animal which means shedding skin and a significant change and transformation. It also represents healing, something I need desperately after my long and complicated relationship with my mother. I didn’t know this until snake appeared.
I shared this with Marty this morning over coffee, and he just nodded in agreement. You can do a few things with this blog post; believe it, don’t believe, or want to learn about more working with power animals and/or spirit guides.
There is so much information on the internet and in books. I learned by reading books, practicing, and working with gifted individuals.
I am hopeful for the healing to begin, shed my old skin, and transform into who I am supposed to be at this point in my life. Is it crazy? One can only judge that for themselves.
Truly enlightening and fascinating.
I believe 100%, you are blessed.
Amen! I believe whole-heartedly that we can learn from the other side and some are more gifted and some are more receptive than others.
I get it and understand. My most frequent visitor is a crow. I’ve let the practice of Reiki and dedicated meditation slip to the wayside for years now as my Reiki master passed away and then life seemed to get in the way. Death of parents, business pressure and family dramas all taking my energy. I admire and wish I was as intuitive as you. I do know when things are about to happen, good or bad, but have never explored lifting the veil further. Perhaps it’s time. You ain’t crazy girl. You have a gift.
I have often gone for readings hoping my husband will come through—he did not have an easy time leaving this world.❤️
Amazing! Thanks so much for deciding to share. I wish I were able to do some kind of connecting myself but I don’t think I have those abilities.