In the garden…

The flowers began getting lighter after a few days.

My sister Jen and my niece Sofia came for a quick visit a couple of weeks ago.

Jen bought me a beautiful blue nikko hydrangea scrub/plant.


The color was stunning I never saw any flower that blue before besides in photos of Cape Cod.

The same week my three tulips bloomed, yes I only have three but will be planting many more this fall.

I usually drive by them going in and out of the driveway. I can’t see them from the house or the porch.

This year, I used my brain and thought, “Hey, dumbass, why don’t you cut the tulips and enjoy them inside.”

They were so pretty and colorful. I loved watching them open during the day and close at night.

Shhhhh, I don’t know they did that. Some kind of gardener I am, but I’ve learned a lot over the winter.

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and planted the blue hydrangea in our front yard garden bed.

I followed exactly how they did it on YouTube videos. The flowers were spent so I clipped them off in the right spot.

They say if you do this you will have continuous blooms until the fall. I hope so, how cool would that be?

After I got done giving the hydrangea a hair cut, I fertilized the ground before I put the hydrangea in the hole I dug.

I watered it and said a pray it survives. This is not something I would have bought myself. So fingers crossed. 🙏🏼🤞🏼

I still have a lot of work to do out the front garden beds before I start snapping photos.

I can’t wait to show you what else I’ll be planting. I’m going to a plant sale on Saturday and hoping to pick up a few more perennials.

That’s it from here, have a great night guys!

Our playful girl…

I know I post a shitload of Nelly photos with her looking so peaceful and usually sleeping.

That’s the cuddly side of her. Then there is the funny and playful side. She is hysterical to watch.

Nelly is great at keeping herself busy with her toys if I am busy in the house.

My role is Nelly’s nurturer, her spa attendant, her private chef, and most of all her mommy. I love these rolls.

I didn’t not chose to be her playmate.

When Klaus was alive he was Nelly’s playmate. That was the best year of his life.

After Klausie died Marty filled that role and Nelly is as relentless with him as she was with Klaus.

She pulls all her tricks to get him to play with her like she did with Klaus.

I miss that big goofball so much, but not all that barking.

She barks at him, snaps at his limps like piranha girl, tries to rile him up until he can’t say no.

See why I didn’t chose that role? 😂

After 15 minutes of playing her favorite game of fetch the ball, Klaus taught her well, she is exhausted.

Once exhausted, she will snuggle with Marty for hours with piranha girl no where in sight. Just daddy’s little sweetheart.

Marty is at the farmers market today so Nelly is content to snuggle next to me any chance she gets, listens for the sounds of me cutting up fruits or vegetables, and follows me from room to room.

Before we got Nelly, we spoke to our breeder in depth specifying exactly the kind of dog we needed at this point in our lives.

We wanted a little cuddle bug with a playful side and boy, did he deliver. ☺️


I drew this last Sunday. I look for things that I want to learn to draw. I liked this style and how whimsical it was.

I always show my practice pieces to my friend and dance student Maria Wulf.

She liked my version of the drawing better than the original, “It has more movement and feeling.”

I added a bumblebee, a ladybug, and a couple more flies. They needed to be there.

I knew that as I was recreating the original it felt too angular and straight to me.

You can see Maria’s style of artwork on her website at http://fullmoonfiberart

I wonder what I’ll draw next? Like my blog posts I have no idea.

A week of veggies…

Now that I planted my first garden bed, I’ve been craving delicious, crisp, tender veggies and salads.

I know it’s still a little early to get carried away, but I had a lot of leftovers, so I turned those into three incredible meals.

English peas, sugar snap peas, arugula, spinach, and lettuce are in.

I had a bunch of asparagus that didn’t make last Saturday night’s plates when Jen and Sofia visited.

I cut all the asparagus the same length and used whatever I chopped off the bottoms that were still edible.

I steamed the bottom bits and sautéed them in butter, salt, and pepper. Next, I made soft and creamy French-style scrambled eggs in a separate pan.

I added the asparagus to the eggs and some grated Swiss cheese, and you know what? It was my best bite of food in 2024 so far.

I could beat my husband and son for calling asparagus AS-PAR-A-GUS.

It’s forever in my brain saying it and typing it in my head. I’ve slipped on many occasions to people I don’t know. Try saying it that way.

The second meal was a Thai beef salad. I forgot to take photos, which is too bad because my plating looked better than the recipes I followed.

It was so refreshing and flavorful. It was so Thai. Here’s a link to that recipe.

Finally, I had some scallops that I took home from Martin’s dinner party.

He made 5 pounds of them, and there was no way I would leave all the leftovers behind.

He seared them and finished them with a pan sauce. They were so delicious, even better than the filet mignon, in my opinion.

The next day, I blanched some green beans and made a lemon vinaigrette. I tossed in the cold scallops, and holy shit! It’s another refreshingly fantastic salad.

I love sharing new food ideas with you guys, which may spark an idea or two for you, too.

The never-ending game of what to make for lunch and dinner is a daunting one; every little bit helps.

Happy Friday!

Behind the perfect food shot…

Roast beef club sandwich.

As we all know, I cook and bake a lot and when I say a lot I’m not kidding.

We live in a food desert here in Arlington, VT so it’s necessary if we want to eat things we love and miss.

I love plating my food not just for photos, but for most meals. I can’t help it. How food looks is just as important to me as the taste.

I have a facebook friend who asked another friend if I was really cooking “all that food” or was I getting it somewhere and plating it up. 😂

My friend told her I was indeed cooking it all myself and there is nothing around us where I could even buy food like I make. I’ll take it as a nice compliment.

This week I was craving a roast beef club sandwich, diner or deli style with fries and a pickle.

Friedman’s deli in NYC is probably the only place I could find a proper club sandwich on gluten-free toast.

Everything in all the Friedman’s locations can be made gluten-free except for the matzoh ball soup and one other thing I can’t remember for the life of me.

I did a lot of prep work and baking this morning. My sister Jen and her daughter Sofia are coming for a quick visit this weekend.

After I finished my kitchen to-do list, I made some fries and our club sandwiches.

Early this morning, I watched a couple of YouTube videos on the proper layering of club sandwiches so I could get it just right.

Long story short, I was thrilled with how good they came out. I took a couple of photos before we ate like I always do.

I called Marty for lunch and asked him to eat somewhere else since the kitchen was a fucking wreck. He happily ate in front of the TV.

I made a spot for myself at the kitchen workbench. I took a couple more photos and why Marty couldn’t eat with me.

The food blog shot.
The mess behind the good shot.

I laughed and took another photo of the picks in our sandwiches holding them together especially when cutting them in half.

I didn’t have the frilly ones that I love getting in diners and delis. I had to use bamboo skewers that worked exactly the same way but didn’t look as cute.

This gave me the idea to show how my food photos look during a food shot I would post.

Ingredient for Caesar dressing from scratch for tomorrow’s lunch grilled chicken Caesar salads.
I didn’t “clean as I go” this morning since I was working fast to get my to-do list done. I had to shove everything over to take the photos with the black background.

I edit my photos by taking out the ugly stuff and making some of them cookbook-worthy.

I don’t have the time to turn my food pics into a full-on photo shoot like professional food bloggers do.

That’s why this isn’t a food blog website, I don’t have the time or money to make that happen.

I’m glad it’s not a food-only blog since I never know what I am going to write until I sit down and start typing. Lol.

I like that each blog post comes from right field and no one knows what to expect, that includes me.

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy your weekend. Cheers.💜

Faux pho…

I was craving a hot steaming bowl of pho for lunch today. Pho is pronounced FA.

I triple checked myself on this one. Now you can see why I chose the title as it rhymes like faux pas, faux pho.

I say faux because I didn’t have the time or ingredients on hand. I looked up what pho soup base had in it and improvised.

Wonky as always which is new for me since I am a perfectionist. I learned when I tried to draw things exactly or perfect I get pissed off and quit.

I didn’t have veggies or proteins to make a proper pho but my taste buds didn’t care.

Was it as good as the one I had at a Vietnamese place? No, but it worked as a great sub on yet another cold and rainy day here in Vermont.

I decided to draw my lunch for fun and it’s good practice for me. All while Nelly was snuggled up tightly against me.

Infusion day…

I’ve been meaning to write about my Entyvio infusion days at the hospital.

Entyvio is the new medication I started in November to treat my ulcerative colitis.

I was nervous in the beginning but have found I actually look forward to infusion day every other month.

The drug is working brilliantly keeping my UC in check. I haven’t experienced any side effects which is awesome.

I arrive at the infusion center and am always welcomed by the super friendly and nice infusion nurses.

After they take down my height and weight I am led into an infusion room.

I have one of the last appointments of the day at 2 pm meaning I have the room all to myself. This is wonderful.

It takes about 30 minutes for the nurse to call for my medication, draw bloodwork for my gastrointestinal, and start an IV.

While we are waiting for the medicine and I am getting settled I have my jacket and handbag hung up with my phone in my bag.

When the Entyvio arrives the nurse hooks it up to the IV and presses start. The timer will go off in 30 minutes when it’s done.

This is the part I love. I am “stuck” in a recliner chair with a cold water bottle, a pillow under my arm, and wrapped in a warm blanket. A warm blanket is the best!

I close my eyes and listen to the noise the IV machine makes. I focus on the sound and block out everything else. I doze a little and am totally relaxed.

While this is a necessary part of the maintenance of my UC it is also therapeutic for my well being.

During the infusion, it’s the only time I “have” to sit still. I take full advantage of this time not wasting a second of it.

I don’t scroll through my newsfeeds on social media and I have my phone on Do Not Disturb.

It’s wonderful being completely unplugged. This is self-care 101 which is as necessary as the drug being pumped through my vein.

The nurses in the infusion department told me many of their infusion patients look forward to their infusion days like me.

After the nurse removes the IV I take my time getting myself together and walk slowly back to my truck in a great state of mind. ☺️

My three loves…

Klausie, Otto and Nelly.

I just finished this drawing a few minutes ago. I’m only a beginner, but this captures our three loves perfectly.

Drawing the bicycle built for three took me the longest. I’m not a left brain-thinker I am a right-brain thinker.

I love the arts, history, and literature. I suck at math and science. I can’t find my way out of a paper bag.

Since I learned on my online art class how to find perspective points and correct angles I was able to figure it out. Which was huge for me!

Drawing our pups was easier. Klaus was the alfa of the pack and the biggest, I knew he needed to be in the front seat of the bicycle.

Otto was harder for me to draw and while none of them are close to “perfect” I had a lot of trouble with his eyes and nose.

Otto was a beabull. He had the body of a bulldog with a beagle head plopped on top.

I have a good amount of practice drawing little Nelly. She needed to have a princess hat and be holding onto Otto for dear life

While Nelly never met Otto, I knew this was how it would have been.

Back in October, I found a print on Etsy that reminded me of Klaus and Nelly. It was all wrong but captured them in a special way.

When Christmas morning came I almost didn’t give the print to Marty since Klaus died only two weeks before.

This print didn’t feel right anymore since Klaus was with Otto now. We put it aside and never hung it up.

A week ago, I looked at the print again and decided I would draw all three of them on a bicycle.

I showed it to Marty and he loved it. I love it too! It feels right; it feels bittersweet.

I am finding my way as a beginner and have found my style so it speak.

I sign and date every piece I draw so I can go back and see how I improve over time.

Thank goodness we have Nelly to love and spoil because I miss the other two goofballs so much. ♥️

“It’s Spring!”

I just stumbled upon this Norman Rockwell painting called, “First signs of spring.” In the background I can hear Mother Nature calling back, “ You sister’s ass it’s spring.”

I stayed home from dance again tonight because of the rainy ice pouring down, high winds, and some snow thrown in for good measure.

I ended up getting 2 heat maps for my seeds to stay warm and a grow light. Both were pretty inexpensive being under $25.

Grow lights have come a long way. They now have led lighting, automatic timers and 3 different spectrum colors.

Since some of the seeds have sprouted and the rest need light to germinate, I took out my new grow light and am pretty impressed especially for one under 25 bucks.

I’m doing my best to plant flowers that I grew not transplanted. Right now, it’s a 50/50 crap shoot. In the meantime, I’ll have my fingers and toes crossed.

Fuzzy Bunny goes home…

I wrote about my oldest son, Noah, and his Fuzzy Bunny a few weeks ago when he asked if I still had him.

Fuzzy Bunny was Noah’s favorite stuffed animal from when he was a baby until he grew up. Fuzzy Bunny went everywhere with us. Did I still have him? Of course, I did.

He’s been sitting on a shelf ever since Noah moved out. Sometimes, when I passed him, I would get mushy and think he was like Buzz and Woody in Toy Story when Andy grew up.

When I gave him to Noah yesterday, on Easter Sunday, it made my heart melt; it was one of those things that made this mama’s heart so full and happy. 

Our Easter holiday turned out differently than I planned, but I can pivot on a dime at this point in my life. 

Marty helped our friends who own the Arlington Inn and our buddy Chef Martin with an Easter Brunch. The brunch was a wonderful feast of exquisite food on the buffet menu. 

The team outdid themselves and worked together like they have for decades, not just a few times over the last year. The best part is they have a blast doing it. I got some of the leftovers, so I was a happy girl.

Of course, this canceled my planned Easter dinner menu but turned it into a lovely brunch for Noah, Aja, and me. We had a wonderful time together, talking a lot and enjoying brunch ourselves.

I made a crumb-bun French toast casserole, a cold asparagus salad with a sweet lemon vinaigrette, shrimp cocktail, maple bacon, and Bloody Marys for Aja and me. I also made a pizza gaina, a tradition since childhood. 

It’s an Italian Easter pie from southern Italy dating back centuries. It was intended to be the ultimate reward for fasting during the Lenten season. It is filled with ricotta, mozzarella, and provolone cheese.

It’s also stuffed with Italian meats, such as capicola, salami, mortadella, and pepperoni, which I forgot about this time. 

It’s eaten cold or at room temperature and is a familiar, flavorful Easter food memory from my childhood. I love making it as much as I love eating it.

Growing up in an Italian neighborhood, everyone bought or made pizza gaina every Easter. After we moved to Iselin, NJ, my parents would order a portion of pizza gaina from a small Italian market called Mistretta’s. 

I would walk down two blocks to Oak Tree Road and pick ours up. I remember it was still warm and how wonderful it smelled. It tasted the same as the ones we had in Elizabeth.

It’s usually made by people on Good Friday, which is a real temptation when fasting and not eating meat in the Catholic religion on Fridays, especially the tragic Friday. I’m sure millions of rosaries have been said whenever people were making this staple dish.

Even though I don’t practice the Catholic religion anymore, I realized it’s my nostalgic Holy Week memories that make me want not to eat meat on Fridays, especially the big one.

I succeeded in not eating any of the fillings but completely forgot about it when I made scallops for dinner. 

I made pan-seared scallops topped with bacon and lemon. I tasted the scallops and pasta. It was so delicious; halfway through the meal, I said, “Oh shit! I forgot about the bacon.” Oh, well, I tried.

I immediately remembered my belief that man-made religious rules no longer mattered to me. It’s all bullshit. Telling my sins to another sinner was the first thing I questioned as I grew older. I could tell God my sins without some middleman involved.

For example, why can the Pope excuse or permit people from eating meat when St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday during Lent? Why?

Well, because he’s the Pope, that’s why. Hang on a second. Honestly, I am not being disrespectful in any way, and everyone has a right to their beliefs, but in all reality, who is he? He is a man not without sin like the rest of us.

Every human is a sinner. He is a regular man, not God or Christ himself, who can allow people to break a rule in Catholicism.

That said, I won’t go straight to hell for eating bacon or that hotdog, I was told as a kid. Furthermore, I don’t have to say 10 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers for “sinning.”

I am sure all the other religions people who eat meat on Fridays don’t burn in hell, especially if they don’t know about any such rule.

In Catholicism, rules were meant to make people choose what pleasures they would give up as a sacrifice to show God their love. Love. That’s what it’s all about. We are all one with God with or without confessions to a priest and punishments in the form of memorized prayers.

This Easter, I was able to let some good childhood memories flood back in. This was my first year without a heart full of pain, anger, sadness, disappointment, and being a victim of abuse for decades.

It felt so wonderful that I can’t even explain it to anyone. By finally forgiving my mother a few weeks ago has made my heart softer, if that makes sense.

It feels like a teeny tiny piece of enlightenment I experienced when I was 9 years old. Oddly enough, I was thinking about God’s love when it happened in school that day.

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of energy work on myself and working with the other side, helping many lost souls cross over and go home just like Fuzzy Bunny did. 

After Noah and Aja left, I sat down and drew Fuzzy Bunny; how I will remember him.

These last few weeks have been the calmest, safest, and most peaceful I have ever felt. Last week was truly a Holy Week for me and my close spiritual relationship with our creator.