
San Marzano tomatoes!

*** I wrote three blog posts this week, two in my head and one on my laptop. I decided not to publish any of them. They were troubling posts to write and even more so for you to read.

I went outside with Nelly, and we visited our little terrace garden this morning before it got too hot out. It always makes me smile, and so does she. Klaus was sunning himself on the warm driveway. They are seldom on this side of our yard this summer and I know Klaus misses it.

Nelly is almost full size.

Our veggie garden did surprisingly well, considering this is the soil’s first year and not to mention all the rain we’ve had in July. The wettest July to date, I believe.

The plants started slowly because we had cold nights in May and even the beginning of June—cold nights, not cool ones.

Our tomatoes are doing pretty well, although I admit with six plants, I expected more tomatoes. Of eight pepper plants, only two have pepper on them. We have zero eggplant which is very disappointing.

The herbs I’ve been using regularly for all kinds of dishes. I use basil and French tarragon the most. It’s hard to keep up with how much basil we have (not a bad problem to have, believe me.) Soon, I’ll have to freeze some to use in the winter for a taste of summer.

I am beginning to find recipes to use more of the growing herbs, such as lemon verbena and pineapple sage, both of which I’ve used in chicken dishes. We have spicy and regular oregano that I’ve been putting in my red sauces which add lots of flavor.

The rosemary plant that my friend Marcia gave me when she moved back to France last spring looks like an outdoor bush. Somehow, I kept it alive over the winter. It was dry looking, lost many needles in some areas, and scraggly if I am being honest.

Now, it’s so hearty and full. I love the intoxicating smell of rosemary when I brush my fingers along one of the branches. I use rosemary in a lot of my cooking. I hope it transitions well when I bring it back indoors.

Originally we put the garden in because I wanted to focus on things that bring me joy, and our little garden does exactly that. I like spending time in the garden alone and in the morning. We have two chairs on the terrace that I love to sit in.

Our little terrace garden is a peaceful place for me to enjoy. I feel the same zen effect as I do when I cook. When I go out to snip some herbs for dinner in the evenings, I usually have a glass of wine with me.

I had a delivery to make this morning and had errands to run in Bennington; I took Nelly with me. She hasn’t been shopping for a while and did great. She loves seeing people and riding in the cart.

If the weather cooperates, we hope to cook breakfast on our flattop grill tomorrow morning. Pancakes with strawberry whipped cream, hashbrowns, bacon, and eggs.

Sunday breakfast is a luxury we love since we only grab something quick before production during the week. Hopefully, we can eat outside on the deck; it always feels like we are eating out somewhere to me whenever the umbrella is up. Lol.

I am going to the movies tomorrow in the early afternoon with my friend David and possibly his husband, Arthur. I’m glad I am not going alone like I initially thought. I don’t go to the movies often, but now that I may have friends to go with me, I will. Marty is not a movie guy.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see the Barbie movie because I saw one of my friends didn’t care for it. Then I saw too many to count reviews from other friends that loved it.

My dance sister Bethany loved it; if she did, I will too. We always joked we shared a brain that’s how well we knew each other.

I am going to do everything in my power tomorrow to keep my mind busy and try not to think about my pulmonary appointment on Monday morning at Dartmouth. I am trying to stay positive and will hopefully hear the results I am praying for.

Grilled chicken topped with mozzarella and bruschetta made with tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic, fresh basil, and peaches, topped with grated parmesan cheese.

I’m looking forward to tonight’s light summer meal of grilled bruschetta chicken with our favorite watermelon and feta cheese salad. Light and refreshing after a hot day at the market for Marty.

This post sounds like more of a journal entry, but it’s all I have in me today. Thanks for sticking around. Enjoy your Sunday. Goodnight! 😴

2 Replies to “Garden…”

  1. Planted clumps of dill and they all completely disappeared! Only the dill missing. Will have tomatoes. Saw my first movie in years: Oppenheimer. Great meaning for me since I worked on Hiroshima commemorations for years. Nelly pic is precious. Praying for positive results for your medical appointment.

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