Why isn’t it a thing?

This is a post about coffee. Being Irish, it always takes a backstory or two before you get to the main point. That’s how this post starts. 

I haven’t checked in for a few days. I got really sick, so sick Marty took me to the ER in the middle of the night. I didn’t object, so that tells you something. 

Sam no longer works in the ER, but everyone knew I was Sam’s mom. At first glance and exam, the provider was sure it was only bronchitis. Marty and I knew it was more than that. 

It turns out the chest x-ray showed I had pneumonia. I got a breathing treatment and two antibiotics to start as soon as possible. 

Poor Marty was dicked around getting my two prescriptions, which was a total shit show in itself. The pharmacy finally figured out everything, and I started taking them when he returned. 

Within six hours, I was feeling better. The next day was nothing short of a miracle. We made product to fill orders which went smoothly. I got tired in the afternoon, so I napped and rested for the rest of the day. 

Ditto for today, same as the day before. I wasn’t nearly as tired and felt 90% better. Yay! 

When I was lying around feeling miserable and coughing my fucking head off for a week, I started thinking about dumb things. Things would probably become blog posts down the road. 

I haven’t had a cup of coffee for ten days. I’ve been guzzling down herbal tea and honey. In the last couple of days, I switched to caffeinated tea in the morning, but I still don’t feel like having coffee.

Ok, so here comes the story! Finally. ☘️🇮🇪

We’ve been in coffee pot hell for more than a year. We’ve had a Keurig maker for years but got tired of the cost and waste of the pods, plus the coffee wasn’t hot enough. 

We went back to a regular 8-cup maker. We wasted so much coffee! It made me mad. So we got a 4-cup maker. We loved it for a while, then I broke it, and it isn’t made anymore. Damn.

Next, we got a single-brew coffee maker. I can’t tell you how bad it sucked. Marty boxed it up and shipped it back to Amazon for a refund. 

Now what? I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning. Marty has one regular, then switches to decaf. I left it up to him to decide. 

He chose the pour-over-a-cup filter. We have an electric teapot that heats up in seconds. You slowly pour the hot water over the grounds in the filter, and drips into your cup. Brilliant!

The coffee is delicious and hot. Bravo! We finally found our perfect coffee solution, which is better than anything we’ve tried. 

Here is where the dumb thinking comes in. If the coffee filters and drips into the cup, why aren’t coffee bags like tea bags? When I thought of this, I couldn’t believe this wasn’t a thing. Is it?

I asked Marty, and he said that’s what instant coffee is. No, no, no I tell him. The coffee would brew in your cup like a tea bag.

Speaking of instant coffee, my Uncle Steve, Aunt Claire’s husband, drank thousands of cups of Taster’s Choice. He loved it.

When I was little, like 7 or 8, Uncle Steve used to tell everyone that I made the best cup of coffee. I spent a lot of time with them and made him at least 100 cups. I would smile from ear to ear when he told people about my coffee.

I remember I would put on the tea kettle. Stand on a chair and get out a coffee cup. I would open the instant coffee and smell it. I put what I thought was the exact amount of coffee on the teaspoon and put it into the cup. 

When the kettle went off, I carefully poured the hot water into the cup, leaving enough room for the milk. 

I knew exactly how much milk and sugar he liked. A foam formed on top of the coffee, which I would stir until it was gone, then add the milk and sugar.

Finally, I would take a sip to make sure it tasted right. I would always say, “Yup, that’s how he likes it.” He’s the only one I ever made coffee for. He would thank me and tell me I made the best coffee every time.

This is a sweet memory from my childhood. Aunt Claire told me I was going to put her out of business. I was very close to them; Aunt Claire was my mother’s sister and my Godmother. Gosh, I miss them terribly.

Back to coffee bags. Am I the only person who thinks this? Think how convenient this would be. You could take your favorite coffee and have it anytime you can get hot water. Why isn’t this a thing? So I did some research. 

It is a thing! Ha! I knew I wasn’t the first person to think of this. This woman apparently did:

How nice they give you a warning. 🤣

When I get up in the morning, the last thing I want to do is futz with coffee. I saw fillable tea bags for coffee. Noooo! I am not awake enough to curse that much when I make a mess in my kitchen. 

There are wide different varieties and price levels of coffee bags. Some are stupid money. You could go to a coffee shop, which would be cheaper, gas included.

I went on Amazon and picked a middle-of-the-road, medium-roast coffee from Ecuador. It’s reasonably priced and as easy as making a cup of tea. I read the reviews, so I ordered a box to try it. 

55 cents a cup. Not bad. Why isn’t the cent sign on keyboards anymore? WTF?

This would be perfect on the road or at the farmers market where we can have boiled water. I haven’t figured out the creamer on the road thing yet, but one step at a time. 

Marty will see that I ordered these coffee bags and have something to say. Like, that’s ridiculous; I make you good coffee already. He does, but this is to satisfy my curiosity. 

My package is scheduled for delivery on Sunday, so I’ll let you know the outcome. I still think it’s a brilliant concept. 

By the way, this is the dumbest thing I saw while researching. I’ll leave you with this. You’re welcome! 😝

6 Replies to “Why isn’t it a thing?

  1. They’re a thing! We order them by the case for the Lodge and stock the rooms with them (all rooms have microwaves, not coffee makers). Real coffee in what looks like tea bags. It’s also done this way in European countries. Enjoy!

  2. I remember buying little sachets of ground roast coffee similar to what you’ve described over 25 years ago. Put on the market by one of the big names. Folgers or perhaps it was Maxwell house. Clever concept and easy to use but honestly…they were not that great. Disappeared off the shelves after a while. Assuming they’ve much improved and hoping for a good report on your new purchase! Just like you and Marty we’ve got too much wasted coffee each morning.

  3. Curious about the taste. I do use those little packets for tea leaves.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  4. Of course – my hunting/camping husband found Folgers coffee bags and uses 2 in his travel cup. They’re ok in a pinch but I’m much pickier than he is! Please let us know how you continue to like the brand you ordered.

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