
Banana bread muffin. I want to frost them with chocolate frosting. Mmmm!

I wonder if everyone gets specific food cravings when they are sick. I do, and they are different with each sickness. 

When I had the flu a few years ago, I only wanted baked Brie cheese topped with strawberry preserves. I would spread it on toast or crackers. 

When I had covid last April, I wanted Hunts Snack-pack chocolate pudding. Badly!  When I finally got my pudding, Marty and I had covid simultaneously, the packaging is always a major disappointment. When I was a kid, it came in a tin can with a ring-pull top to open it. 

Anyone who was lucky enough to have one of these babies in their lunchbox ate it just like I did. 

You would carefully lift the ring-pull and pull slowly. If you went too quickly, the worse thing would happen, the ring pull broke off, and you couldn’t open your pudding! Yikes! This only happened once to me, and I was heartbroken. Lol.

Marty made me perfect grits.

Next, you would lick the sharp metal top to get every speck of pudding. Then you ate it. I ate my slow and savored it. I also loved when my mother would make boxed pudding for my dad and me and spoon them into little glass custard cups. Yum! I licked the saran wrap that covered it, of course. it wasn’t as fun as a sharp metal lid, but still good.

Plain and simple white rice.

This time while I have bronchitis, I want creamy, buttery, salty foods. I’ve had buttered rice, buttered potatoes, buttered grits, and today pasta carbonara. I’ve been craving sweet things too, but we don’t have anything in the house.

I’m Irish and love potatoes!

Marty just headed out to Bennington to pick up a prescription for a cough suppressant since nothing is working. Express care was a useless trip over the weekend. They told me I was Covid negative and had bronchitis. No shit Sherlock! 

Express Care prescribed me nose spray that did nothing except give me horrendous headaches and nothing for the cough. A hacking, painful cough that never goes away, making me have to sleep upright in a chair. 

Marty suggested we eat outside in the fresh air, which felt great after being cooped up inside for almost a week. I could barely keep my eyes open from the bright sunshine. This is sick me 100%, and I look like shit. 🤦🏻‍♀️

My primary doctor was not in today, but luckily another provider looked at my “chart” and gave me a cough suppressant! Hallelujah! 

Marty asked me earlier if there was anything I wanted when he went out. I sat down and made a list. Keep in mind, my list of items is nothing I would ever think of buying, let alone crave.

Ice Cream

Chocolate frosting in a can



I know that when Sam had covid last May, he only wanted brown sugar and maple oatmeal. Lol.

I sincerely hope this new prescription works because no matter what, I have to go back to work tomorrow. I haven’t worked since Thursday. 

I don’t have to worry about a coughing fit in the kitchen since I wear an industrial mask all the time to keep the fine flour particles out of my sinuses and lungs,

Yes, it’s a thing that happens to people who work with flour a lot. It took me a year to figure this out for myself. It’s called Bakers Lung. If you didn’t know, well, now you know.

That’s it for now; hopefully, in my next blog post, I’ll be on the other side of this bronchitis. Happy Valentines Day tomorrow! ❤️

*** What a guy; Marty is the best and got me everything on my list. He’s my Valentine every day!

2 Replies to “Cravings…

  1. Poor Julz. Having the bronchitis sucks. You and I are on the same page when feeling ill…carbs, butter, salt, creamy stuff. Yes, indeed. Have to confess, you’re not looking your usual stunning beautiful self in that photo. It’s been a long haul but you’ll be back to gorgeous soon. Would you like me to send some long distance healing Reiki your way? One must always ask first you know. Take care.

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