57 candles…

Today, I got a doctor’s appointment and a chest X-ray for my birthday, just like I did on Valentine’s Day. It’s been a hell of a month for me. I am not getting better. 

It’s hard to believe it has been seven years since I turned 50, which felt like only a year ago. Leading up to my 50th, I was freaking out. The actual birthday was beautiful since I celebrated it with my biological mother in person.

It was only the second time that happened.; 50 years apart. It was a dream come true! Something I have wished for more than 40 years! It was the best birthday of my life.💕

Now, turning a year older isn’t a big deal. The years seem to go slower when you are young, but now they fly by. I saw a birthday quote today that went like this.

“For my birthday, I wish for another birthday. “

That indeed sums it all up. Every birthday is a blessing and not a bad thing. I am seeing what some of my singing idols, like Madonna, are doing to themselves with plastic surgery to look younger. This made me realize it’s better to grow old gracefully than fuck around with Mother Nature.

To update my health, I’ve been on bed rest except for making spätzle batter and working a little in the production kitchen before Marty kicks me out and tells me to rest. I come inside and sleep for 3-4 hours.

I am sleeping a lot since I am still exhausted, coughing, and have shortness of breath. I couldn’t overdo things even if I wanted to. I simply can’t—another week without belly dancing or seeing my friends.

Marty gave me a Go Pro for my birthday, and I haven’t had the energy to play with it or practice editing videos for my YouTube channel.

I got one of my favorites, Shrimp and Lobster Sauce which has no lobster in it. Go figure.

For my birthday dinner, we got Chinese takeout since we were already in Bennington for my X-ray. There is a place we trust to make our food gluten-free since Chinese food is usually not. When I was little, I always wanted Chinese food on my birthday, or Italian.

When I woke up this morning, I saw Noah wishing me and his girlfriend Aja Happy Birthday on Facebook. It was such a beautiful post from him. 🥰

Noah is always smiling ear to ear these days, which is wonderful! Aja is such an amazing, sweet, and genuine person who makes Noah happy. That is the greatest gift of all for me. Not only do Aja and I have the same birthday, but we are also very similar as well.💜

Sam made a surprise visit from Burlington this past weekend. It was great seeing him since it’s been a few weeks since he visited last.

He also picked up a shift at his old job since they were short-handed. He worked 6 pm-6 am, then drove home to Essex to sleep before his 12-hour shift at UVM.

Sam is cutting the potato slices a certain way so they get extra crispy when baked. I loved watching him and how he held the knife the correct way.
He made us Grilled Sirloin Tips with Crispy Potato Slices and Asparagus. It looks like a lot of meat, but the pieces were small compared to the potatoes and veg.

Sam cooked me a birthday dinner. He went to a local butcher shop and picked up the ingredients. I loved watching him cook! The meat was cooked perfectly, exactly how we like it, and was super delicious. It was full of love; you could taste it.

Our friend Martin invited us over last night for an early birthday dinner. I was so relieved I didn’t have to cook dinner for the two of us. We sat at his kitchen peninsula and watched him cook our dinner. We love watching him cook.

Martin made sautéed Spinach topped with Filet Mignon with a Mushroom & Fresh Green Peppercorn Sauce. It was delicious and decadent AF!

The food was beautiful as always. It was a short visit, we arrived at 6 pm and I was home before 8 pm. I appreciated his birthday meal so much like our friendship.

Poor Marty had to run off just as we finished eating, he went on a rescue squad call. It’s normal, it happens all the time. At least he was finished eating this time. When he got back they had another call. I was in bed way before he got home.

Marty bought me a tiny gluten-free birthday cake with a pink candle. When I was little, I always shouted, “I want a rose” when a birthday cake was being cut. The frosting on this cake was my favorite kind, gritty buttercream with lots of roses.

Happy Birthday to me! 🎂 🥳

Well, that’s a wrap and another year for me. Fingers crossed that we can figure out what’s happening when my primary care doctor sees the X-rays in the morning. I need to get better before I go stir-crazy, dammit!

5 Replies to “57 candles…

  1. Despite not being physically well, it looks like your birthday was wonderful. Surrounded by people who love you. Happy birthday 🎉

  2. Happy Birthday Best wishes for a speedier recovery than you’ve experienced so far.

  3. Happy Birthday Julz. Really hoping you’ll feel much better very soon.

  4. Happy Birthday Julz!! So sorry you’ve been so sick! Sending love and healing vibes your way!♥️

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