Goodbye my sweet boy…

Otto is so happy laying in the cool grass with his favorite ball. What a big smile he had.

Our sweet boy Otto passed away peacefully with us right there at the vet’s office today.

Three weeks he began losing weight and muscle. Everyday he got worse, very quickly.

Today, he didn’t want to eat and couldn’t walk. Last night was the first night he didn’t sleep with us, he didn’t even try to get up.

This morning, we knew it was time. He was 9 years old and we are all heartbroken. 💔

12 Replies to “Goodbye my sweet boy…”

  1. There aren’t enough words Julz to express the sadness we feel for you and your family. Holding you you my heart tonight. ❤️

  2. Oh my – Julz and Marty – I am soooo sooo sorry. Almost nothing hurts like losing a loved 4-legged family member. Run free boy.

    1. It’s so heartbreaking to lose our dear pets. He’s no longer suffering. I hope that brings you and your family a small amount of comfort as you grieve his loss.

  3. So very sorry, it’s one of the hardest things in this life, what a sweet, good boy.

  4. Such a beautiful picture for us all to remember him by. So so sorry for your loss of your dear family member.

  5. Oh how sad. Sweet Otto gave you so much joy, unconditional love and companionship. 💔 So sorry for your loss.

  6. I am just so sorry you had to say goodby to little Otto. Losing a pet is so hard. He may be gone, but you have so many happy memories with him.

  7. He told you it was time, and you listened. The greatest gift we can give our dogs is to always be there for them. You were, and bless you.

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