Soul retrievals…

I took this photo tonite from our deck. I didn’t use any filters; this is Mother Nature in all her glory.

This has been quite the psychic and healing week for me. Since I opened the veil to the other side and my third eye, I have been highly in tune with my gifts and abilities. 

Last week, I wrote that I performed only one soul retrieval on myself. I did another one this week. 

What is soul retrieval? I found this explanation on a website called Lulu Baba. You can click on this link to learn more in-depth information. 

A soul retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Soul loss can occur whenever we have trauma in our life. For example, we may experience soul loss if we are in an accident, undergo a serious operation, or if we suddenly lose a close friend or family member.

A soul retrieval is performed in order to seek out and recover broken fragments of your spirit that were severed by a trauma. 

Emotional experiences that exceed the limits of comprehension can cause part of your soul to break away from you. Soul retrieval is a way to recover these fragmented pieces. 

Soul retrieval is a spiritual journey that can take you anywhere from the astral planes of spiritual existence (places that stretch far beyond the cosmos), to beneath the strata of your inner soul, in order to recover the abandoned and forgotten pieces of who you are.

The soul retrieval I did this week went back a couple of lifetimes. The fact that Marty was there and watched me put it all together is reassuring I’m not out of my fucking mind. 

When I do a retrieval, I start a journey but immediately see a door. It is the actual door as I travel through time and space. When I walk through that door, I walk into the time period in which a trauma occurred, something so traumatic I lost a piece of my soul. 

The retrieval started with me seeing a huge archway door made of bricks with massive wood and black iron hardware. I pushed it open. I looked to my left and saw a long arched hallway, and I came out of the retrieval.

I got up the following day and found Marty sitting on the couch with the tv on. We took the day off to finish our taxes and work on other administrative work. 

I explained the journey to Marty, then the phone rang. He paused the tv, causing it to show Amazon slide-show photos as the screen saver. The pictures are either places around the world or nature. What popped up on the screen made me bug out.

He was on the phone with our accountant, so I had to calm myself as I stared at the photo on the big screen tv. The title of the image was Ruin Wheal Tin Mines.

Image from Cornish Bird Blog.

I went on my phone, and I found it right away. I was shocked because it was the ruin of the doorway I had seen the night before.

I searched a few more images and saw the hallway filled with daylight and not dark when I saw it. Holy shit!

Image from Cornish Bird Blog.

Next, I looked up where it was located, which was Cornish, England. Marty hung up with Deb, and I told and showed him what I saw. He had a look of disbelief on his face. We were both stunned.

I returned to the Wheal Tin Mines the next day while working. I do my best Shaman work while having a soft focus on something else.

After I entered the door, I turned and walked down the long brick hallway, which got darker. A man came up behind me, “It’s your first day, isn’t it now?” How did he know? I guess I looked like a young, frightened kid. 

The man went by the name of Clancy. He was older, then again, a 40-year-old miner was old since there were so many health hazards with the job.

Clancy showed me the ropes and told me the one thing I had to remember, “You cannot fall asleep, lad; you have to keep on your toes; here is trouble everywhere.” 

In the mining tunnels, men as young as 12 years old lost their lives from accidents, explosions, and cave-ins, while many others died young of miners’ lung. 

The work was back-breaking and exhausting. There was a long climb down a metal ladder to get to the mines, a climb that took twice as long to come back up. It was pitch black except for the light from candles, which produced smoke in the mines.

I researched that many miners, even today have problems sleeping because they are always in the dark, and their bodies can’t adjust. 

Many men went back to work even more exhausted since they were acute insomniacs. Then the day when that tragic trauma event occurred coming back in this lifetime, making me a lifelong insomniac. So weird.

I sensed something was wrong and ran down the tunnel and found Clancy and a couple of the older guys asleep. I screamed for them to wake up; something was wrong. 

They weren’t waking up; I heard a series of loud explosions. At that point, I knew my way around the tunnels; I ran for my life.

Everyone working in that section of the mine was killed. Body parts and clothing were pulled to the top, and the bodies were thrown into a big fire. The smell came back to me. I can’t explain how strange this is.

It was my fault they were dead. I should have tried harder to wake them. I shouldn’t have run; I should have gone down with the ship. I was devastated. It made me sick to think of my friend Clancy. 

I got enough information from the series of visits I made back to Cornish. I challenged the other side with a strong sign that what I saw was true. 

I questioned the other side why Clancy was Irish when they were in England. When did this happen? 

I pulled out my phone and first looked up the years the mines were in operation. It closed and opened many times, but I knew from “myself” it was around 1848, give or take a decade.

Mining in the area began in 1692, but the Wheal Tin Mine left today is from 1815 – 1914. Immigrants fled Ireland during and after the Potato Famine from 1845 to 1852. They were poor and looking for work. 

Here is where I got my strong sign confirming what I asked for; the name of the area where the Irish Immigrants arrived was Clare County. My birth name was Clare.

It can take 4-6 weeks for a lost piece of soul to fuse with the soul and more time for it to adjust to having that piece back. 

I’ve added doing insomnia reiki hand positions before bed and have a small plate of gemstones and crystals to help with sleep on my bedside table. 

I went back to Cornish, telling Robert (that’s me) it wasn’t his fault. He can’t blame himself; Clancy and his buddies didn’t know what hit them. 

Next, I saw him in a cardboard-type shack with a crude bed, a small table, a pee pot, a bowl, a spoon, and a tin cup. Everything was covered in soot. He was poorer than poor. I sat on the floor next to him and told him it was ok to go to sleep.

Now, I have to wait to see what happens. I may never be able to sleep, but exploring another one of my lives was amazing. 

The first soul retrieval I performed was from this lifetime. After thinking about it, I’ve decided there was too much hurt and pain during that time period to write about.

It didn’t seem like my life as Robert was real, but this was very real since it was about me. It took place while I was at Catholic Charities before I was adopted. I know my three spirit guides were with me for that month; therefore, I was never alone.

This is a few days after I was born. I never saw any photos before I was a month old. I cherish the photos my birth mother shared with me. I cried when I saw them and stared at them for days. I am so blessed I found her and she was open to me. Not everyone has a happy ending like me.

I love and respect my birth mother so much that I want to keep this private. She doesn’t need to think or have to relive that time in her life. Now, neither do I. 

I am beyond lucky and grateful I found her back in 2014. I have a close relationship with her, and I would never want to upset her with this. The important part of that soul retrieval is that it solved the attachment disorder I was being treated for.

When I saw my therapist after the soul retrieval, she was amazed at what I told her. After two more sessions, I didn’t need to see her anymore.

Next week, I will begin to write about the middle world. I did my biggest house clearing last week, helping 13 people to cross over, and I got rid of two negative energies. Not too shabby. Lol.

Have a great week, everyone!

One Reply to “Soul retrievals…”

  1. This is taking me time to integrate, have to go back and re-read and re-read, working on it.

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