That time of year…

Step one will be getting organized. The other side of the office is even more of a wreck. Ugh!

This time of the year reminded when I was a student in school, a procrastinator. Except for cheerleading and socializing, I was voted the most talkative in my senior class; I hated school. I tolerated English, Home Economics, and American History, but the rest of it was torture.

I didn’t like writing papers, studying, doing homework, doing projects, and, most of all, test-taking. I was terrible and still am a horrible test taker. I waited until the last minute for everything, most mornings scribbling my homework out before school.

Yeah, I was terrible about it and maintained a C average. At every parent-teacher meeting, my teachers said I was too talkative. I was a real motor mouth, they said. If the shoe fits, wear it.

I am talking about procrastination because we received an email from our accountant yesterday asking us when we plan to start entering all of our information on QuickBooks for our 2021 taxes.

We always file an extension for submission by October 15; the accounting work on our part should have been done by now. Yikes!

We have all our accounts payable and receivable documentation, plus almost all the copies of everything we need; now, we have to enter it all. 

Marty and I both hate this part of the business with passion. Thank goodness we have such a great accountant that works hard for us and pushes us over the finish line. 

Once we get started, it all goes quickly; it’s the starting part we struggle with. Tomorrow we have to start with no excuses. Ugh!

This afternoon I’ll get out all the files and organize everything. Marty printed out the bank statements today but still has a few other things to print. Technically, we’ve started, right?

It feels like we run out of time to get everything done daily and weekly as it is, so this throws my head into a total tizzy, which is not a good thing. 

Speaking of not a good thing, I go back to the doctor on Friday afternoon to follow up on the new anxiety medication I started at the beginning of August. After a month, I can say it’s a no bueno for me. 

I have and still am experiencing at least four adverse side effects affecting my life more than the anxiety attacks; plus, I’ve still had at least five panic attacks in the last week. I didn’t have any in the first three weeks. Sigh.

My somewhat cheerful, go-get-’em attitude feels stalled and schlumpy today. I know as next week goes on, each day will get us closer to where we need to be with our taxes, taking some overwhelming pressure off of us little by little.

I hope I have some time to write and cook over the next week. Fingers crossed, the appointment with my doctor has some new game plan since this one failed. 

I’ll catch up with you guys whenever I can or if something noteworthy comes up. I’ll still be here, just crawling out from under a big pile of procrastination and paperwork. 


One Reply to “That time of year…”

  1. Yup…same here. Hated school but loved the socializing. Solid C average but finally an Algebra teacher took pity and made me her student aide. Free hall pass to wander wherever and also process and ‘mimeograph’ all those upcoming tests…which suddenly made me a math wizard. (Remember the smell of those test papers?) Sorry to know the new meds aren’t cutting it. Fingers crossed your Doctor will help you find the right one. Indeed, the final word re: taxes? UGH!

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