The 1st of September…

Ja! Wunderbar! Lederhosens and Dirndls.

Just as I turned the page on the calendar this morning, I took out my first flannel shirt to throw over my delivery t-shirt this afternoon. 

On Tuesday, I had to redo our chalkboard signs for the Troy Farmers Market because they had been rained on, and one had bird poop down the front. It was time to get rid of my “cool” summer kids and get ready for fall.

The four chalkboards took me about 3 hours to redo. It took so long because I am a perfectionist asshole and kept redoing things and had to correct the two words I always spell wrong; caramelized and parmesan. I never type them wrong, but I do when I print them on a sign. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Marty and Sam are always happy, almost giddy about pointing out my misspelled words. I tell them I hate them both, and they laugh. How can I do it every single time? Ugh! I know how to spell them!

I always save the best for last, the chalkboard with “artwork.” I love drawing, so working on the seasonal chalkboard is fun. I already know what my winter one will look like!

I drew the same kind of kids that I used on my summer design but dressed them in traditional German Oktoberfest clothing. I am pleased with how they came out. No, I love how they came out! God help the kid that tries to erase it or even touch it. Lol.

The chalkboards held up well all summer since I used chalkboard markers. They were tricky to figure out at first, but they were excellent once I used them. 

Is it Oktoberfest already? Believe me; I am married to a very punctual and stubborn German; that being said, leave it to the Germans to celebrate Oktoberfest in September and not October, as you would think.

I haven’t had much extra writing time this week since we foolishly took off Monday and then became inundated with orders. We are caught up for the most part but still have to make more for Saturday’s farmers market. 

Last night, instead of teaching dance classes, we had our belly dance annual dinner, which was held at Emily’s house. I was the queen of selfies and took photos everywhere but forgot to take one last night. I was exhausted and enjoyed relaxing while we chatted.

It’s nice to get together socially and enjoy some fantastic food. We make a potluck dinner; the food is always delicious because almost everyone in our group likes to cook or bake. Maria doesn’t like to cook but likes to cut things up, so she brings a beautiful, seasonal fruit salad. 

We never get to talk or socialize much during class since I am a drill sergeant and try to keep things moving along to get in the most technique drilling and dance time for everyone. 

After today’s production, we are on the road again doing our NY delivery runs to Saratoga and Albany. The carrot at the end of the stick today was getting some delicious empanadas I wrote about a few weeks ago for tomorrow night’s dinner. I told you, it’s always about food with me! 😂

It’s already 8 pm, and I just finished cleaning the dinner dishes. Even though I am super tired, it’s too early to go to bed because I would most likely lay awake for hours. After a ton of spätzle making and schlepping cases of spätzle into many store’s receiving areas, Marty and I are totally done; so done you could put a fork in us.

Good night guys. 🥱

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