

From Popsugar: Valued at about $20 million today, the Irish Crown Jewels were stolen from Dublin Castle in 1907. It remains one of Ireland’s greatest mysteries.

I mentioned in my last post my friend Teagan calls me jewelry. After I wrote that post, I started thinking about why I chose the name Julz in the first place for myself. 

My birth name was Clare, and my adopted name was Kathleen. I never once felt like a Kathleen or Kathy. I had felt this way since I was young; it sometimes sounded odd.

Many people called me by my maiden name, which was Parks, not because I asked them to; they said it was just more fitting for me. I had to agree.

I went by and answered to Parks, Sparks, Spark-plug, Sparkler, and Sparky. When I met Marty, he called me Sweets or some other name, but rarely Kathy.

I changed my name to Julz for many reasons. I wrote about it when I first started my blog in a post called I am Julz. 

I wanted a name that meant something to me. It needed to be something that represented me and my personality. I decided on Julz but almost went with Jade.

A jewel or a gemstone is precious with many different shapes and cuts. Some gemstones are opaque, and others are brilliant in color. Some gems like diamonds have many cuts which are glittery and sparkling.

A piece of jewelry can be made up of different types of gemstones. The jewels in that piece of jewelry represent me.

I have as many sides to me as cuts in a diamond. I am funny, sometimes a tough guy, or a softee that gets mushy and emotional. 

I am a hard worker and a daydreamer. I curse like a sailor but have a deep spiritual connection with God. I am a leader and a teacher but want to be taken care of when needed.

I am strong, a perfectionist, and highly driven, but I have allowed myself to be vulnerable, hurt, and heartbroken by a few people who were supposed to love me. 

I try to be generous and kind but do the people I love wrong or me, and I will be in your face so fast it will make your head spin. I like peaceful moments and know when to keep quiet, but I love being loud, dancing and laughing. 

Yes, I have many sides, represented as the cuts in the jewels that make up me; I am a precious piece of jewelry. My name is Julz; this is me!

*** The photo of the Crown Jewels of Ireland popped out when I looked at images for inspiration. I read the Popsugar article and decided I wanted to use it. Ironically, through, I found out I am more than 70% Irish, something no one ever guessed, not even me.