We’re back!

Photo credit Karena Webber

We’re back! Last night I made my first post on our dance organization, Bennington Beledi Tribal Bellydance or BBTB Facebook page. I haven’t posted anything on our page since the pandemic shut us down. Our dance classes will be open to the public after more than 16 months. Thank goodness!

My first Facebook post gave the new time, date, and location. The second one explained to potential new students about our classes:

Level 1 A & B classes begin immediately following Tribal Warm-up & Workout at 5:45 pm. Tribal Workout is 20 minutes of stretching, moving, and strength training. Perfect to get you ready for class! No experience necessary for our classes…it’s about learning to move your body, dancing, meeting new people & having fun! Our dance space is a judgment-free zone that supports and encourages each other. Plus…It’s the most fun you’ll have all week!

Our classes begin on Wednesday, July 14 at 5:45 pm, located on the second floor of the old mill building in the “Time for Yourself” personal training space. 160 Benmont Avenue in Bennington, VT.

My next post will remind people of the new classes, what to wear, and what to expect. We don’t expect anyone to show up to their first-class or classes in bellydance wear. We do recommend loose or easy to move in clothing. We do not require you to show your belly. We dance barefoot, but you can bring soft shoes that are easy to dance in.

Kathleen and I have been teaching our dance style, Classic American Tribal Style dance, for 17 years. Our new classes will divide the students into two groups, level 1a, and level 1b. We used to teach this way a few years ago, but after a teacher training, we lumped everyone together. Our core group of students who danced with us through the pandemic used videos, zoom, or in-person; they need to stay on track and not lose momentum.

During our Sahidi Sisters photo shoot last month. Photo credit Karena Webber

I love teaching the newbie level 1a students. I try to make my lessons fun, not intimating at all. I’ve learned how to break each dance move down, including grounding, where your weight is distributed, posture, arm placement, how to walk, turn, zill, and eventually spin.

As the students advance, we teach about musicality, dancing with your heart, not your head, becoming the vessel, tempo, and attitude. Plus many more things.

Our dance style is improv, so our students don’t have to remember or memorize any choreography. That’s the best part for Kathleen and me. Each time we dance to a song, it is different and organic. Each person takes a turn leading while everyone else is following. Our improv is so tight; people can’t believe it isn’t choreographed.

Students don’t need any dance experience, and everyone learns moves at their own pace. Advanced dancers always encourage newer students and try never to make them feel self-conscious while dancing.

As a teacher, I do it my way, of course. Lol. I talk the way I do, explain moves differently based on how a student learns, choose music to compliment certain dance moves. I encourage students during class, and when they leave, I want them to have had fun.

Our dance style takes years of practice to learn all the moves, but a lifetime turning those moves into something special. Gals that just want to move up and perform don’t get the improv part of our dance. When you are leading, you are taking care of your followers. You want to make everyone look beautiful. It’s not a one-woman show, which is why we typically don’t do solos. We do group improv…divas don’t like this and don’t last long.

Our dance is more than dance. It’s a sisterhood. It’s about dedication and trusting your dance sisters in class and on stage. We are there for each other through thick and through thin. I don’t know other hobbies or classes that are like this. It’s hard to explain, but it is extraordinary. From the moment you step into our dance space, you can feel how happy everyone is to be there and truly welcome new dancers.

I hope to get at least 3 new students for this 6-week session. When students are comfortable with level 1a classes and are ready, they move to level 1b. When they are ready they stay for our level 2, then eventually level 3 classes. I say when they are ready because we never push anyone to move up faster than they should.

At the end of the night, we’ve danced for 2 hours straight, and everyone leaves hot, sweaty, and exhausted…but a good exhausted. Having new students changes the energy and excitement levels of our classes. I can’t wait! Yip!

One Reply to “We’re back!”

  1. Julz, a wonderful description of what American Tribal Style, both Fat Chance & Global Caravan styles are all about. It is hard to explain them, you just have to try it!. I love watching you and your sisters dance..& joining in, the fun is contagious. Nothing like the high of being in the moment with your dance sisters!
    I will start teaching beginner classes (Global Caravan) style this fall in the Concord NH area, and am really looking forward to it. Yip,Yip!

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