A three weeks ago, my magnificent hanging petunias took a beating during a thunderstorm. One faired ok; the other one was in sad shape.
I read to leave it be and continue to do what I’ve been doing. The article said it would take a couple of weeks, but it would come back. Yay! They were right!
The reiki master/shaman in me couldn’t help but do reiki on “Tuni” every time I watered her. I also whispered, “You can do this, kid.” When I applied reiki, I witnessed the leaves moving. I shit you not! For real!
As Tuni started getting stronger, her brother Pete looked a little thin. I laugh because I am referring to them like they are pets, but in a way, they are. I think Pete started getting jealous of all the attention I was paying to the other petunia. Just like Otto & Klaus!
Last night when I watered them, I gave him a pep talk too. As luck would have it, he looked more lively this morning. 🙂
A couple of weeks ago, at the start of the heatwave and intense sun, I noticed that the other variety of petunias I have in pots on the back deck all turned yellow. All their flowers dried up, and they, too, looked sad. I moved them to the front porch, which is East facing and only gets morning sun, unlike the back deck that gets full afternoon and early evening sun. I was bummed because not only were my hanging petunias in distress, but these were too. They, too, have bounced back nicely.
Our growing season is so short up here in VT that I cherish the short time I have watching my flowers and herbs grow. Yes, it’s no surprise that I thank them in the fall when they begin to die. I know all of this sounds crazy, but we all know by now that I may be or do nutty things. It’s just who I am…
Reiki is wonderful – I’ve been applying it generously for 20 plus years now. Plants and animals love it! Your flowers work great.