I jinxed myself for boasting about my monster petunias. The thunderstorm we had the other night left one of my petunias flattened in areas, and it looks droopy. She looks half her size. The other one came out of the storm unscathed.

I read up, and it’s recommended to leave the petunia be and trust it will come back. I tried fluffing her up, which is exactly what the articles said not to do. Crap!
The soil was very moist, but the leaves look like they need water. I sprayed the petunia with a fine mist this morning.

So now, besides verbally encouraging Petunia, watering her, and maybe doing a little reiki, I will let her be. Fingers crossed, she rebounds; silly as it sounds, if she doesn’t, I’ll be heartbroken. 💔
I noticed she looked a little
Less perky on my way by today.
I cheered her on!! Hopefully she perks back up.