Easy breezy…

We were in production all week and out in the production kitchen early every day. Most nights, I didn’t get to sit down to relax until 8 or 9 pm. We even had our state health inspection on Tuesday and passed with flying colors.👍🏼

Last night we had our Friday night farmers market right here in our town of Arlington. It’s a great little market that runs between 4-7 pm. By the time we packed up from the market, unpacked, and repacked for our Saturday market in Troy, it was 9 pm when we ate our dinner. By the time I cleaned up the dishes, thank goodness my dishwasher is fixed; it was 9:40 pm. 

I started to panic and rushing around to get into bed by 10 pm since I had to get up around 4:20 am. Ugh, I hate getting up that early. Just thinking about how little sleep I will get makes me more anxious, and I can’t sleep. Most Saturdays, I’m going on only 3 hours of sleep. 

The great thing about summer is I put my hair up in a bun since we are sampling our spätzle again at the markets. I pick one of my colorful new sundresses and put on a little makeup. I love that I can wear lip gloss again since I’m not wearing a mask. Thank goodness for this easy-breezy living; summer living at its best even at 5 am.

I’ve recently reintroduced earrings into my life. I couldn’t be bothered when they got caught in the mask loops constantly. I forgot where I put a lot of them and keep finding new pairs almost every day. I forgot how much I like wearing earrings! 

I originally wrote a completely different blog post in the van this morning on our way to Troy. I reread what I wrote and thought, “Holy shit, my thoughts were all over the place.” I couldn’t tell where things ended, and other things started. 

I immediately remembered what my friend Jon Katz told me about writing…always think of the reader and ask myself why they should give a shit about what I am writing. I deleted the post from my notes on our way home. That’s what I get for trying to write at 5:30 am after a lousy night’s sleep. 

I did snap this photo at 5:30 am in my new colorful sundress and wearing lip gloss—my first lip gloss selfie in 16 months. I used to be the selfie queen, but I don’t take as many anymore. 

I hope you all have a nice Sunday tomorrow; I plan to relax, I mean really relax. I originally took a big rack of St. Louis ribs out of the freezer to barbeque. We haven’t tried smoking ribs low and slow yet; that may be more work than I want to do on my only day off. If I get a great night’s sleep, then that’s a whole different ballgame.