My blog posts are being written later and later every day, it seems. I love writing my blog pieces and make sure I sit down and write every day. It keeps me grounded, and I love sharing my life with you.
I noticed last Saturday morning, I woke up with energy, and it lasted all day. The same thing happened on Sunday and today too. I think it’s safe to say that the extreme fatigue and exhaustion that hit me like a ton of bricks after my second vaccine is gone after 2 1/2 weeks. It also took 2 1/2 weeks after the first shot for the horrible headaches to go away. The good news is…I’m back, dammit!
Today we were up and out in the production kitchen at the ass crack of dawn. We had to go to Saratoga, NY afterward to make a delivery and decided to do a little shopping while we were there.
Picking up 30 bags of brown mulch isn’t too exciting, but finding gluten-free chocolate and glazed donuts, chicken & veggie egg rolls, cheese ravioli, and fresh linguine was like hitting the jackpot!
I saw the donuts in the freezer case and jumped up and said, “ Oh yes!” Why the fuck is this a big deal? Because you can’t get gluten-free chocolate-covered donuts like these anywhere but Aldi. I love Aldi, but you have to understand that when they get something wonderful in, it may not be back for 6 months to a year. So you have to stock up.
Before I had to go gluten-free, I loved Entenmann’s chocolate-covered donuts; these gluten-free ones are pretty damn close! I only eat one donut at a time, spaced out, so they last. I got 4 boxes and 2 glazed for Marty. 😊 They haven’t been in stores for a year.
We never saw the egg rolls before, so I am excited to try them. I miss Chinese fried food terribly. I think every gluten-free person that I know does too. The cheese ravioli and fresh linguine are great in a pinch, especially when the spätzle makers have zero spätzle on hand for themselves and want a simple bowl of pasta.

We didn’t get home until after 5 pm, and I had to get cracking on dinner. Our oldest son Noah was coming for dinner. I had everything mise en placed for dinner, thank goodness. I made Kimchi Rice Balls with Korean beef and rice flake noodles with veggies. I’ve never made this meal for Noah before, but I thought he would like it.

Like it??? Well shit, we never saw him eat so much and with such gusto Marty said. I think he had thirds. I asked him if he wanted the leftovers for lunch and he quickly said to throw those rice balls things and sauce in there too. 🤣
Nothing makes me happier when people like my food, but when my sons love it I am over the moon.
After dinner, we joined a birthday zoom call for my nephew Julian who turned 9 today. It was adorable; everyone singing him happy birthday. Finally, I did the dishes and boom…it was 9:00 pm.
The days are long but having my energy back makes these long days manageable again. The only thing that has taken a back seat is finding the time to work out. I haven’t given up, as a matter of fact, Marty weight lifted with me twice last week. I can’t work out too late or I won’t sleep, so we need to squeeze in an hour whenever we can. Today was impossible.
I’m finishing up this blog piece with a glass of wine while both dogs are snoring away on the couch. Marty is in bed already. I love ending my day by having a little peace and quiet time alone. Goodnight guys…don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Thanks for another delightful post.
Enjoying your posts.