I am getting better at living in the moment. This past year has changed me and the way I live…on the journey and not the destination.
Today I woke up, pulled up the dark out shade, and saw the sun shining. I asked Alexa what the temp was, and she replied, “64 degrees.” I ran down the stairs, downed my morning water, and put on a pot of coffee.
Within 10 minutes, we were sitting on our front porch having our coffee, the one day a week we can enjoy it and don’t have to gulp it down. I cherish my Sunday’s and when a little sunshine is in the cards, even better.
After an hour, the sun started slipping behind the clouds that were rolling in. We knew the rain would be coming in by noon. Marty quickly mowed the lawn while I made us breakfast. He had to get the mowing done since it’s forecasted to rain for the next three days again.
We have another hectic week coming up, lots of product to make, deliveries, yard work, more projects to get done in the house, and belly dance on Wednesday!

The journey I am on took us straight out to our front porch this morning. We got to enjoy hot coffee, the sunshine, birds singing, the beautiful flowering trees, and how green & full the grass is getting. These little things we took for granted and missed when we were always rushing to reach the next destination. Namaste.