What can you expect from my blog?? Expect the unexpected for the most part. I’ve basically been blogging for the last 10 years using my Facebook page. I post food, food, food so you can expect food for sure! I post things about our Spatzle business and my husband Marty. Bellydance was a huge portion of my posts when we had lots of gigs and took many selfies in costumes. That certainly isn’t happening now. Plus there’s our home, my kitchen, our dogs and the list goes on and on.
First and foremost I want my blog to be honest. I want you all to see the authentic me. My triumphs and failures. My excitement and disappointment. How crazy I am when I am totally passionate about something. This isn’t a blog for me and my ego to show how wonderful or talented I am because sometimes I am not…ok, I’m not a lot a good portion of the time. BUT when I am you better hold on because I love to inspire people. Cheer them on, its the cheerleader in me from 3-12 grades in school. I love to teach people. Teaching people well that’s something I never saw coming!
I was asked to go to psychic reading with my friend Everley. I never had one before and it sounded like fun. I was a stay at home mom so this was something to get dressed up for!!! The psychic was a woman named Loretta and she told me during my reading that she saw me teaching. I told her I’ve been teaching bellydance for a long time. “That isn’t it” she said. On our way home I kept thinking who am I going to teach? She also told me she saw me writing, not a book but, that many people will read what I write. Interesting right? It wasn’t a CD either she said. LOL
I went back to work a couple years later and became the school lunch director of our school district here in Arlington, VT. Then they told me that my employees at the high school would be students!!!! This made me excited and nervous. Not only did I have to figure out how to do a job I never did before, but I had to instruct students???? BEST DECISION EVER! They learned from me and I learned more from them. So I was teaching and Loretta was right! Now I am writing a blog….is she right again? I guess we will find out together.