A message from Wolf…

I am trying my hardest to give away all my worries to God or the universe if that’s what you believe in.

Giving my worries away frees my mind, and I can live in the moment and be a happier person.

Worrying gets in the way of the Buddhist’s way of thinking: to live in the moment. Easier said than done.

I know I can say, “I give all my worries away,” but listing them one by one helps me let each one go, like balloons.

One day, I reached enlightenment when I was nine years old. This was just before my world turned upside down when my mother turned on me.

I may have told this story before, but I’ll tell it again. I was sitting in religion class at my Catholic school. It was in the afternoon, and it was raining outside.

Our third-grade desks formed a letter U with Sister Cornelia’s desk in the opening of the U. I remember every detail down to who I was sitting next to.

Sister was droning on about something and loving God. I focused on the word love in my head. I had a gentle gaze.

That’s when I felt it. During that moment, I was all-knowing of everything, and I felt so much love. It was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever experienced.

People strive for enlightenment their whole lives. I was an innocent child without a worry in the world and came upon it without trying.

When I returned to reality, I had no idea how long that feeling of enlightenment lasted.

I never told a soul about my experience until exploring my spiritual gifts a few years ago.

So now about the wolf piece of this post, I don’t get to pick and choose when I can journey; most times, I can’t.

Whenever I do get to journey, it’s usually to the lower world, and there is always a power animal waiting for me to give me a message.

The message is always right. Different animals have different messages. My main lifetime power animal is still turtle.

On Tuesday afternoon, while meditating, I saw that familiar portal to the other worlds. Even in non-ordinary time, I get excited every time it happens.

It took me to a different place in the lower world, a place I had never been before, or so I thought.

A powerful force pulled me to a path heading into a dark and scary forest. Even in journeys, I was like, “Oh shit, shit, shit.” I knew what I was in for.

I walked further into the forest; it kept getting darker. I stopped suddenly because I felt something staring at me.

This is what Wolf looked like in the forest.

I was afraid to look to my left, but I did. I saw a pair of eyes squinting at me. I didn’t move until the animal began stalking me.

It was a wolf, and I started running as fast as possible. He was right on my heels until I came to a break in the forest.

I knew this place. The wolf walked ahead of me and sat down next to a rock. A rock I sat on in another life.

I like looked out at the large lake which was very peaceful, and I knew it was loaded with fish. I sat beside the wolf and asked, “So what’s up?”

His face was gentle now, but he said nothing except I am here as a message, and with that, I was back in ordinary time.

The funny thing about me having Wolf as my power animal is I’ve always resonated with wolves and the moon.

I’ve had a strong urge to howl at the moon for as long as I can remember. When I do howl at a full moon, I’m almost always alone but have howled with other crazy people.

I’ve told many people I feel like a werewolf during the full moon, getting so hyped up and not being able to sleep before and after the full moon.

I love to stare at the moon in all its phases, it’s so beautiful.

Back to my journey, I am always bewildered by a journey until I do some investigating. I looked up, having a wolf for a power animal.

I read through what it said quickly; then it came to wanting freedom. At first, I didn’t understand.

I read another site’s meaning of wolf energy, and that’s when I got the message that was right on the money.

I want freedom from worrying about money, finances, our business, my sons, my health, and Marty’s.

Will I ever reap any harvest in this lifetime or continue to work like a dog for the rest of my life?

I want freedom to take time for myself and time with Marty. Then I got back to thinking about the Buddhist monks reaching or trying to reach enlightenment.

Buddhist monks have very little to no worries. They have a free place to live and healthy food to eat. They don’t punch a clock but do chores around the monastery.

They aren’t judged or put down for their work. They don’t have anyone else to be responsible for.

They don’t have bills, a government, and a healthcare system.

They don’t live in fear of war or have inflation, which is a huge problem for so many people right now, us included.

They aren’t living in a shit show of a world like we are.

They have themselves, yet at nine, I achieved what they have dedicated their lives to.

My message from Wolf is a powerful one that made me stop and think. I’m still figuring out how to use his message daily.

If you haven’t read my blog posts about “my gifts” and are interested in what I am talking about, you can go to the search area and type in my gifts.

Thanks again for being on my journey with me. Happy Friday, guys.

One Reply to “A message from Wolf…”

  1. Loved this story Julz. Thank you for sharing. It’s given me a great deal to ponder and think about. And oh my gosh…it’s little late, but Happy Anniversary!

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