Shut-up and dance…

Wednesday our dance troupe had our annual Holiday Hafla which is basically a party. 

In the past, we’ve had official performances with a potluck dinner and invited out of town dancers. This year, our Hafla was very casual without any planned performances. 

We had small eats such as cheeses, fruit, spiced nuts and a few bite size desserts. Everything was delicious and easy to eat by popping the snacks into your mouth without utensils. Thanks for thinking of me with the GF snacks guys!

I began the evening in a circle and led our gratitude moving meditation which we do before every class and performance. 

Each dancer took a turn leading with just a look from the person next to them . We didn’t plan it, that’s the beauty of improv, you never know what’s going to happen.

When the song was over I thanked the troupe for making me a better teacher and dancer and for coming in the first place. 

The core group of 8 dancers are all at different levels but somehow everyone knows how to take care of their fellow dance sister on the dance floor and off.

I told them dance literally saved my life 20 years ago. At that time I was in a deep, dark place and suicidal. The boys were very young, thank God Marty recognized the signs and got me into therapy.

After many months of therapy my therapist told me before he would end my sessions I needed to find something that I would enjoy doing, something I was passionate about, something just for me.

When he asked what my thoughts were I told him I grew up as a dancer and missed it. The next month I learned about belly dance classes in Bennington. 

I knew it was a sign since the classes were on Thursday nights at 5 pm the same time as my therapy sessions. I could trade one for the other since the time was already “my time.”

After that, I got my groove back. I felt like my old self again. I fell in love with everything about our dance from American Tribal Style Belly Dance. The rest is history.

I love the women I have danced with in the past and the ones I dance with now. We are all there for different reasons but the common denominator is we are taking time for ourselves. Dance is self care and works wonders. 

We had a lot of fun at the Hafla and said goodbye until the new year. We only have a one week hiatus this year, most years were are on break for two. I am glad it’s only one since dance days are still my favorite days of the week. 

Right now, we are on our way to the farmers market on Christmas Eve. At home I have my dinners for today and tomorrow prepped and set. I wrapped gifts at 3:30 am. 

I have a couple more things to pick up at the market today, for the record I have NEVER been a last minute shopper, but we’ve been so busy with the business I haven’t had time to do much of anything else. 

The few Christmas cards I send to my family members will have to be sent afterwards. A few years ago this would have been a tragedy, now, it’s life and I am grateful our business is busy and we count our blessings. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah  and good tidings to all. ♥️

Update: The two vendors I was planning on finishing my Christmas shopping with are absent! 😫 Shit, shit, shit I’ll never be a last minute shopper again! Ugh!

4 Replies to “Shut-up and dance…”

  1. Merry Christmas and don’t work about the last minutes not being there. Just have fun!

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