A grateful heart…

We saw a rainbow just as we left Arlington on Saturday, a good sign.

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve written a post but things have been busy moving Sam into his new place up in Essex, VT.

In addition to helping Sam, the business is crazy busy with holiday orders. Marty did the farmers market alone on Saturday and came up yesterday to help us finish with the move. He brought Klaus with him.

Sam and I worked non-stop for two days packing up his grandparent’s belongs which were either recycled in his decor, donated or had to be thrown out.

We grabbed bites to eat out and also did a lot of shopping to get the things he needed or wanted; like a system for a smart home.

I basically moved stuff out and he moved stuff in. At one point, I never thought I’d be done. When Marty arrived yesterday morning, team Irion kicked into overdrive. 

This was Klausie-boys first time going to anyone’s house and taking a long car trip. He stayed by Marty’s side the entire time, even on walks without his lease. 

Klaus had a hard time finding a place to sleep since this was his first real sleepover. He roamed the house going up and down the stairs until Marty slept on the couch with him. 

Slowly, one room at a time was completed and gave us a sense of accomplishment to keep going. 

While Marty and Sam worked on things I couldn’t help with, I pressed on and by 9 pm we were done! 

While we were up north, when I say restaurant and store orders flooded in, I mean by a tsunami. I am always happy we are continually getting orders but it makes going away super stressful. 

This morning, while I am writing, we are heading home. We have to go straight into production when we get back to start digging out of the mountain of spätzle orders.

Klaus is doing fabulous on the ride home, the instrumental Christmas music we are listening to is not only is beautiful, but has a calming effect on him. 

In other news, my older son, Noah spent the weekend in NYC with his girlfriend, Aja celebrating his 27th birthday. 

I saw a quick video clip of the view from their Times Square hotel room; holy shit what a view! It was spectacular!! 

In the car this morning, I saw photos that Aja posted. I started crying because they look so happy! 

My heart is overjoyed since I have never seen my son with such a happy and authentic smile before. It’s all I really want, for both of my sons; is to be truly happy. 

Marty and I are our kids biggest fans and love watching everything unfold right before our eyes. 

I am a weeping quietly on the ride home. Part of my tears are that Sam has a beautiful, clean and tidy place to start a new life and job position in. I am relieved it’s all done. 

Some tears are from Noah’s happiness with someone very special. I am so proud of him and how great he is at his career. 

A few sad tears are knowing that this is Sam’s new home and he won’t be around anymore. 

A few tears are from being overtired and overwhelmed with the business and the holidays literally around the corner. 

I love cooking around the holidays; cooking it’s my zen all year and cooking holiday meals is my favorite time of the year! Feeling rushed and short on time is taking the wind out of my sails.

Maybe a couple of tears are realizing we can take Klaus on road-trips making traveling a possibility for us; something that wasn’t an option before. Poor little Otto never would have been able to handle it. Gosh, I miss my sweet boy so much, today especially. 💔

All of those tears are bittersweet. Marty and I have had a great year and made a lot of new friends. We began to socialize again on a weekly basis. I love entertaining and can’t wait to have my new friends over after the holidays. 

We are moving forward and growing older together making a lot more great memories and having a millions more laughs.

Have a great week guys, I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can. I have to remember to take deep breaths and live in the moment. 

Oh, last thing, I plan to drink plenty of Poinsettia cocktails which is champagne or proscesso topped off with a splash of cranberry juice. Float a couple of real cranberries in for a festive look. 

***Update: It’s evening and we filled a shit ton of orders and brought them to our distributor. Tomorrow, we will work on our restaurant orders. 

Current situation, I’m baking a dessert for our “shut up and dance” holiday belly dance party tomorrow night. 

While editing this post I made myself a martini. I bought some bleu cheese stuffed olives at Trader Joe’s last night and they have been whispering, “make a martini” all day. ✔️

I still have a few gifts to wrap, cards to write and send out, plus a two hour playlist to make for the belly dance party, all are fun activities and the martini will bring out the crazy, happy Julz. 

Good night! 🌙 

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