Patience is a virtue

On my way to Bennington this morning for groceries & bellydance…

We all know that one shopper that we encounter at the grocery store. If You don’t know which one I’m talking about, unfortunately, you may be that one shopper.  I doubt it though. 

Since I’ve been home playing it safe with my autoimmune issues during this pandemic, I basically go out one day a week, and I look forward to it. My big excursion is belly dancing with Kathleen, then hitting the grocery store and maybe CVS.

Grocery shopping is serious business.  I either have a list that I am following strictly, or I am trying to plan the week’s lunch and dinner meals in my head with what I find.  Then along comes that one shopper.

I decided to go to the grocery store before belly dance, it could be snowing when I got out at noon. I absolutely hate driving in the snow. I had a very specific list to follow since I was just filling in the blanks for this week’s meals. I wanted to be in and out so I wasn’t running late to dance.  Luck as I would have it encountered not one of those shoppers, but two and a half. 

Patience is not one of my strong points. I know this. Everyone knows this. However, I am much more patient in my 50’s than I was in my 20’s or 30’s. 

The shopper that I am talking about isn’t the ones who walk into the store with their grocery carts and just stop. This annoys me, but I move past them quickly. 

It is not the ones that block up the aisles with their grocery carts parked next to each other to have a lengthy discussion. 

The one I am talking about is the one you can’t lose. No matter how hard you try to shake them, they are right there, up my ass or slowing me down. They are always dilly-dallying in front of the exact item I need on my list. I try skipping an aisle, and boom, there they are again! This goes on for the whole shopping trip. I honestly don’t know how they do it. 

How can one person be so damn annoying and have no clue that they are?

Today my second annoying person made the choice to not take a grocery cart.  She had a reusable bag with her and probably was only going to pick up a few things. Fair enough I do that often. 

What I don’t do is fill the sucker to the top.  The woman’s bag was so heavy she needed to put it down every 20 feet, in the middle of the aisle!  This made running away from the first person tricky since I had to bob and weave through the store around that damn heavy bag! 

Honestly, I was about to have a total meltdown at one point!  Don’t these people know there was a pandemic going on?  Shop quickly!  Get your shit and get out! 

Ok, so I pay for my stuff and take my groceries bagless thrown in my cart out to my vehicle. I find I don’t get frustrated bagging my groceries in my own bags, at my vehicle away from everyone.  This is true in any weather, long before the pandemic. 

Left field

Whenever I park anywhere, I park out in left field, away from everyone.  I hate driving in the first place, so juggling around looking for a parking place is the last thing I want to do.  The exercise is good for me too. 

I come out of the store and there is a car parked so close to my driver’s side door that I needed a fucking can opener to get in!  Why? I will tell you why.  These are the people who have the whole beach or movie theater and sit right in front of you, blocking your view.  You know what I am talking about.  Am I right or what?

Not the shopping experience I was hoping for.  As a matter of fact, I had a different blog post in my head before I left the house, but this one started writing itself before I even got to dance practice.