
I made it once around the rink in excruciating pain. The bunions on both of my feet made my feet feel like Cinderella’s ugly step-sisters when they tried on the glass slipper.

I tried a different kind and went up a size. I loosened the skates up as much as I could and gave it another shot. I got eight steps onto the ice; the pain stopped me right in my tracks. Shit, I knew as much as I wanted to skate I wouldn’t be able to. I hate being a party pooper.

So here I sit watching Jen and the kids skate bummed with myself and my feet. Dammit!

2 Replies to “Benched…”

  1. Those are some very impressive looking bunions girl. Full snaps for giving it a go. X

  2. Oh honey, yourr poor feet… – I had my bunions removed when I was younger because of the pain and finding comfortable shoe. I give you a lot of credit for trying
    to skate but don’t be so hard on yourself.

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