Fun & games…

I just took the Christmas tree down now that my sister Jen and her kids got to see it yesterday. I usually take it down the day after Christmas but waited for them this year.

My sister is from northern NJ and got here in about three hours. She was smart and left early, missing all that dreaded NJ traffic.

After they arrived, we hung out for a bit then had a quick lunch. Then they left to head up to Manchester, where they are staying an Airbnb.

The kid’s favorite place in Vermont is the Northshire Bookstore since they both love to read. They were super excited when they opened their presents from us, gift cards to the bookstore.

They hit the bookstore before checking into their Airbnb, then settled in. I rested for a bit before they came back later for dinner. Yes, I have insomnia again; the Midnight Drops stopped working because my body got too used to them. I’ve tried some Melatonin which works but gives me bad dreams. I’ll probably be writing more about this in the future.

Jen and I love to cook together. We made chicken franchise with fettuccini alfredo, all of our favorites. It’s like we’ve been cooking together our whole lives; it feels longer than the 2 1/2 years that we have known each other. I hate using the words adopted and biological, but she is one of my biological sisters that found me through We became sisters the first time we met, and I feel so blessed to have her in my life.

After dinner, we played the card game Five Crowns. We started playing this game with our friend across the street, Martin. It’s a lot of fun and can be highly competitive. Jen and Marty compete so hard against each other it makes me laugh.

My brother Dan and I play games for fun; they play to win. Marty says, “Why wouldn’t you play to win? What’s the point.” Um, just because smarty pants! Five Crowns is a challenging game to describe, but it’s a blast to play once you figure it out.

Today I am going to meet them up in Manchester, and we are going ice skating. I used to love both roller and ice skating when I was younger. Hopefully, I won’t hurt myself and be so sore tomorrow I won’t be able to move. Lol. Marty isn’t coordinated and says one of us needs our legs so he won’t be skating with us. We are expecting a delivery from one of our supply company’s, and he needs to be home to accept the delivery. Work never really goes away during a holiday vacation week.

I just wanted to check in and say hello and let you know what I’ve been up to. My writing may be more sporadic than usual, but I plan on taking photos and writing every day, even if it’s a short post.

Have a great day, and keep your fingers crossed for me at the ice rink. ⛸

3 Replies to “Fun & games…”

  1. Ummm, do you have a recipe for that chicken franchise? I loved that as a kid in Massachusetts! Haven’t even thought about it in decades till I read your post.

  2. Ahhh…the dreaded insomnia. In desperation I started taking melatonin three weeks ago. And yes, the dreams can be interesting. No actual bad dreams so far but they are in weirdly splendid hollywood technicolor (think Wizard of Oz) However, I am so damned busy and engaged in all the dream strangeness I sometimes wake up rather stunned. As in: “WTF!!!”

    I too would love the recipe for chicken franchise.

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