New Year’s Eve…

Can you believe it? This year flew by in the blink of an eye! Yes, indeed this was another strange year for us all, but I have to say I am coming out of it very blessed.

Our wholesale business has flourished which we are beyond grateful. My blog is 11 months old, and I have written almost 300 blog posts. I’ve come a long way personally over the last year as well. I wrote about the ups and downs, having many more ups than downs which is very good.

My sons both advanced in their careers, Noah changed jobs for an exciting business opportunity, and Sam became an RN.

Marty and I finally went on a real vacation by ourselves, the first one in 26 years. This year has taught us to do the things we want to do and stop waiting. Waiting for what?

I am grateful for all of my family members, who I am getting to know better every day. I am fortunate that we found each other and have them in my life; we still have many years to make up for lost time. It’s exciting to watch my nieces and nephew grow up; I love being Aunt Julz!

Finally, this blog was the best thing I did all year. It helped me focus on my life’s journey and not only the destination. It made me think about the good things in my life and not concentrate on negative thoughts or things. It’s easy to get into one’s head, especially in these challenging times. It also made me look back on some wonderful childhood memories and try to let some of the awful ones fade away a little at a time.

Thanks, guys, for a great year; I truly appreciate all of your comments, support, and donations to keep my blog going.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year, a year of good health, and prosperity. Cheers to better days ahead and a fantastic year.

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