
I have written about my spiritual gifts as a healer and medium in the past. I am a reiki master, and I can clear and balance my own and other people’s auras and chakras.

I also use shamanism to travel through time and space to other realms with ease to receive messages from my spirit guides or to work with stuck ghosts or souls to cross over to the other side.

Recently, I’ve been able to go back to past lives and learn more about who I was, what I did for a living, and how I died.

I discovered a week ago that my name in another lifetime was Izarra which means star. I was a basket maker. I was stoned to death.

I was in a dream-like state for days, thinking about it. I felt all the feels from that lifetime. This is all new to me.

When I was little, like 4 or 5, I had vivid memories of that lifetime. This recent finding confirmed how I felt when I was little.

I am also an empath. I didn’t realize how much of an empath I am until recently.

After receiving a message that it was time to “step into my magic”, I opened the veil to the other side.

I can close or open the veil as needed which I’ve been able to do for years. I kept the veil closed when we started the business so I wouldn’t be distracted.

I close the veil whenever I am ill or not in a good mind space so I won’t be vulnerable.

Right now, during October, the veil between our world and the other side is thinner, especially from October 15 to November 10.

However, the veil is at its thinnest on Halloween, and the same thing occurs in May.

Back to being an empath, I’ve always been someone who strangers look at or come up to, either asking me questions, thinking I work where we are, or being told people’s life stories.

I have strangers tell me things such as the death of a loved one or other tragic things. One man told me I have a “useful” look to me.

With the veil open I am able to feel other people’s feelings. This can be a good thing or a curse sometimes.

I can tell when someone is lying or full of bullshit. I feel sick and dizzy when I am around negative energy whether it’s a person or in objects.

I cannot go into an antique shop for as long as I can remember. I can feel negative energy in people’s furniture and I am able to remove it easily if asked to.

I remove negative energy from anything we get that is used. That goes for clothing, jewelry and other things.

Yesterday, I visited Marty at the Troy Farmers Market. Fuck, there was a lot of energy there. Last night, I felt drained.

My ability made me feel if people were genuinely happy to see me after such a long time, if some people were phonies, or didn’t give two shits to see me.

You can’t bullshit an empath. Period. Empaths are usually authentic people and can’t stand being around dishonest, fake people.

Empaths are truth seekers, which makes sense. That’s why I wrote about the truth behind the glitz and glamour of Vegas three years ago.

This is why when I worked for companies I was very good at interviewing and hiring employees.

I guess I’ve been an empath my whole life, I just didn’t have a name for it.

Today is our day of rest. I need to recharge my batteries and hunker down. I am thrilled it’s a cold and rainy day.

It’s a hygge day—a cozy day to just “be.”

I’m braising a brisket for dinner with carrots and polenta. It smells amazing in here.

I have an essential oil autumn candle burning and the fireplace is on. Nelly keeps going from Marty to me for cuddles and snuggles.

It’s a perfect day. A day I needed after a day full of vibes. 😌

2 Replies to “Vibes…”

  1. Totally understand – I’m the same including the Reiki Master/Teacher. Being home with my animals and gardens is the best ever.Hope you had the best cleansing and recharge day.

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