We had a new customer at the feeder yesterday! I think after reading about red-bellied woodpeckers it could be a female but I’m still not sure.
All the other birds take turns waiting both patiently and a few impatiently at the feeder, except when the woodpecker was eating its breakfast.

Not one smaller bird was waiting in the wings, but when the woodpecker flew away it went back to business as usual at everyone’s favorite breakfast spot.
I can’t even tell you how much fun it is watching the birds and finding out more about them.

I’m not sure if it’s because I am older or are more content living a simpler life, finally being who I was meant to be, or that I appreciate all the small things in life and find beauty in nature.
It’s probably all of the above.

I laugh every time I see this meme on my newsfeed. Have a great weekend guys! 🍂
We have a bird feeder too, right outside our kitchen window. I love it. Perhaps we are at the right place in our respective lives to enjoy the simple things in life.
As I read this I’m sitting in my back yard by our bird feeder with my golden retriever Ms Grace. I’m mesmerized by the birds that visit, the bossy jays, the less bossy cardinals, and the precious wrens, that fly into the tree next to the feeder then return again and again after the big birds have had their fill of seeds. They are definitely teaching me patience and perseverance, something we all can embrace these days. It’s the simple things that bring such joy as I age. I know you have found that ground too, it’s so important. Slow down, listen and enjoy. What a glorious planet we live on. Thanks for your thought and blog, they are always fun and inspiring.