Chia seed oatmeal with pears…

A bowl of yum that won’t leave you hungry an hour later.

I love hot cereal, but whenever I ate it, I was hungry like a grizzly bear an hour or two later.

So, I haven’t eaten it even on this chilly morning that have been in the 40s here in Vermont.

Then I learned about chia seeds. You know those seeds that sprout on some cheesy figurine head? 🎵Cha-cha-chia.

This morning while snuggling up in the loveseat with Nelly and my cup of tea, I looked up some recipes for chia oatmeal.

All I really needed was the ratio of oats to liquid and the amount of chia seeds to use. The rest was up to me to create.

Here’s how I made my breakfast. This recipe is for one serving so double or triple it if needed.

1/2 cup quick-cooking oats plus 1 cup of water or milk of your choice—I used whole milk—a pinch of kosher salt, a tsp of chia seeds, 1/4 tsp of pumpkin pie spice, or whatever you like.

Over medium heat, I brought this to a slow simmer and let it cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring often.

I added two chopped pears from our pear trees and a tbsp of maple syrup. I let it simmer for a few more minutes until the pears warmed. It was perfect and delicious.

There are endless possibilities when making this recipe, such as adding apples, raisins, shredded carrots, bananas, or any kind of fruit, nuts, or berries.

Taste the oatmeal before adding the sweetener of your choice. I was surprised how sweet it was even before I added the maple syrup, which gave it that delightful maple taste.

This is going to fit the bill for breakfast or a snack in the evening when the weather gets cold for good soon.

Clean eating just got a lot better for me, offering me a whole new category of food to explore.

I’m off to Norman’s Attic, a craft, tag, and garage sale event at hour town put on by St. James Church.

It’s in keeping with the tradition of Norman Rockwell holding a sale at his home before moving to Stockbridge, MA.

Afterwards, I have bellydance practice with my dance partner, Kathleen, and then a tea party lunch at her place to celebrate both our half birthdays.

What a fantastic day! The weather is simply gorgeous again.

Have a great weekend guys!

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