
Image courtesy of campaign mastery.

Randomness: the quality or state of lacking a pattern or principle of organization; unpredictability.

The number one thing that people say when they see me, “I love your blog and how random it is.”

My blog is so random that most pieces write themselves, and I am even surprised as the story unfolds.

Before I started my blog back in 2021, I gave a lot of thought as to what kind of blog I wanted to have.

I knew I wanted to write about food and cooking, but I didn’t want to be “just” a food blog.

I wanted to write about my life and what I’m up to. I wanted to share my Julzie things with people.

I never imagined I would use my blog as a therapeutic and healing place to share the fucked up relationship I had with my mother.

Recently, my blog posts have focused on food, gardening, being a witch, my kids, and so forth.

When I finish writing a piece, I’m usually pleased with the direction the post went.

Then sometimes, I let a post simmer overnight and reread it in the morning. When this happens, I usually hit the delete button.

I don’t write for the sake of writing; I write about things that excite me or that inspire me to share something new or interesting.

I love sharing delicious recipes or photos of my garden. And the psychic shit…that comes out of thin air like magic.

I had no plans to write tonight, but after cleaning up after dinner, I got a grin on my face and knew I wanted to write about my complete randomness as a writer.

This meme is so me, one minute I’m cleaning then the next moment and I find something that makes me want to write about it.
For instance, finding a mask then writing about belly dancing in a haunted castle, which I haven’t wrote about yet.

Randomness suits me. I have so many random things going on in my life that it would be impossible for me to write about only one subject.

When people open their computers or phones and see that I wrote another piece they wonder what in the hell did she write about today?

Random things like my blog keep my life interesting and fun. Every day is different, and so are the many things I have my hands in.

Did I know where this post was going after I typed the title? Fuck no. I didn’t realize until tonight how random I really am.

Actually, come to think of it, I am unpredictable, just like the definition below the title photo. 😜
