Flying high part 2…

Please read or reread the link below as it sets up Flying high part 2.

The grueling hiring process of working for the company Air Methods didn’t take as long as any of us thought.

Sam was hired as a flight nurse with Lifenet NY with his home base in Fort Ticonderoga, NY.

His home base is 1 1/2 hours from his place in Essex, VT, and here. He will have a day in between his two 24-hour shifts a week, meaning he can go to either place.

Last week, he was flown to Denver to Air Method’s headquarters and trained at the academy. There was a lot to learn.

This past week, Sam was in Bozeman, Montana, like in the show Yellowstone, to attend an outdoor conference called Crash and Learn.

Ugh, I wish it had a different name, but I have learned it’s a crash course in learning from top-flight teams all around the country.

The conference takes place outdoors around a campfire so to speak. All the attendees camped in this beautiful setting.

Sam has kept me in the loop by sending me photos. Marty and I are very proud of how hard he worked, he worked his ass off and is one of the youngest flight nurses in the company.

I am still nervous about Sam’s new job, but we have learned that safety is the company’s number one priority. Safety comes first, period.

I’m looking forward to having him here every once in a while. Marty may see him often since his base is one of the helicopters in this area.

I give my worries away over to God every night about both of my boys so I know they are in good hands. 🙏🏼

3 Replies to “Flying high part 2…”

  1. What a fantastic job and accomplishment for Sam! We live close to a hospital and are directly in the flight path of the Dartmouth Hitchcock (DART) helicopter. I never fail to say a quick prayer for those brave individuals on board with their precious cargo. Go Sam!

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