Work hard, play hard…

Nelly’s favorite baby.

Nelly has brought us all so much joy. Even with the shitty ass septic debacle, she has made us smile and laugh continuously.

For the record, the septic system was completed yesterday afternoon. They are putting up a new retaining wall today, then the rest is beautification. I’m excited about that part and can envision what it will look like.

After seeing my friend Kat at bellydance last night, she asked how Nelly was since I haven’t posted anything new about her.

I plan to post about her “growing up” weekly. A weekly dose of cuteness. Everyone can use a smile after all.

Nelly has mastered the sit command and we are working on the down command this week. I’ve been training Klaus along with Nelly.

I never taught him to shake before, which he learned after just one time. Yes, you can teach old dogs new tricks!

Production will be shut down until at least Monday, I’ll be using that time to train the pups and try out a couple of new springtime vegetarian dishes.

As always, I’ll let you know how the dishes come out and share the recipes with you if they are good. It feels so good being back in my kitchen again!

At dance last night, I was able to dance slow and fast, and teaching was so much fun for me. After taking a two-month medical break, I am reenergized, making my classes new and fresh. Yip!

Have a great day, guys. We have a beautiful day today after two cold, rainy, raw, nasty ass days of weather. Enjoy! ☀️

*** I am getting better at writing blog posts from my phone, allowing me to blog anywhere.

One Reply to “Work hard, play hard…”

  1. Hang in there. ….. Nothin’ But Blue Skies Coming Your Way. 💙 Everyday a little bit better.

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